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Western Mindanao State University Integrated Laboratory School Elementary Department Lesson Plan in English Grade V Prepared by:

Randy T. Pameron PEC-IB


Objectives At the end of the 80 minutes discussion, the Grade V students are expected to do

the following with at least 75% of the level proficiency; a. give possible cause and effect to the given situation. b. classify the cause and effect from a given story. c. value earth and save it from destruction.


Subject Matter a. Topic : Give possible cause and effect to the given situation, perceiving relationship and write cause and effect as one sentence. b. Reference : BEC 2002 handbook for English VI, Integrated with Science and Health. c. Materials : fork, egg, cartolina, marker, brown envelop, chart, picture



A. Preparation Good morning class! (Good morning teacher). We are your teacher for today I am Randy T. Pameron but you can call me teacher Ranz, And I am Marycris A. Biral but you can call me teacher Cris.

1. Recall Class! What do you observe in our climate nowadays? (Hot) Why? (Because of the climate change due to global warming.) Ok very good!

2. Motivation Class! I have here a real egg (boiled egg) and a fork. If Im going to strike the egg with the fork, what do you think will happen to the egg? (It will cause the crashes of the egg.) Ok good! Who have another answer? (It might break the outer part of the egg.) Ok very good!

(Now, the cause of striking by using the fork; brings the effect of crashing and breaking of the egg.)

B. Presentation

Now we have some pictures on the board. Class, who can tell me what are the things that you can see in the pictures? (Theres a flood) ok! Who else can give another ideas (the earth is burning) ok! Very good. What else? (Factories spews poisonous gases) very good. Who else can give another idea? (Garbage are not properly dispose). Who can tell me what are the reason behind the flooding, earth burning, factories spewed poisonous gases, and garbage are not properly disposed. (Global warming) what else? (Activities from the industrial sectors.) Ok good, any idea please? (Burning of forest) ok very good. Is there another additional idea? (Irresponsible people who littering everywhere.) Precisely. What is the implication of all this things? (These might cause destruction of the ozone layer.)

I have here five brown envelop each envelop consist of a story sheet and an answer sheet. I am going to group you into five groups. And I want you to choose a group leader. The group leader will come in front to get your respective envelop.

1. Story (Given a story) ok class! You read the first sheet which is the first part of the story and get the number 1 answer sheet then answer the question. Save the Earth Many of us wondering what is meant by saving our planet, the earth. Actually our earth is in danger. Many ordinary things that we do contribute to the endangering of our planet. Do you know that the cars, jeeps, buses and other vehicles we ride in going to schools or other places eject poisonous gases? Carbon monoxide, lead, carbon dioxide and other pollutants fill the air. Burning fuels like coal, oil and natural gas by industries and factories, spews a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In many parts of the world there is large-scale fires release great volumes of carbon dioxide into the air. Another source of air pollutants is through rice farming and livestock production. The use of chemical fertilizers is part of scientific farming. Livestock production is a major worldwide industry. Those two industries emit methane and nitrous oxide into the air. Many times, the air we breathe is toxic. Scientific studies show that carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, methane and other air pollutants from a thick blanket on the atmosphere. This thick blanket allows sunlight to pass through but prevent heat from escaping from the atmosphere of the earth below. What is the effect of this greater heating of the earth? Too much heat melts the ice caps and glaciers in the poles. These come down as floods which great destruction. Another danger is sudden change in weather. This is harmful to plants and men. But the greatest danger to earth is destruction of the ozone layer.

Let us proceed, read the second sheet which is the second part of the story and get the number 2 answer sheet then answer the question. What can we do to save the earth? It is the only planet we have. We must save our world for better life and for the future. One way of saving our earth is by conserving our natural water supply. Clean water is earths most precious resource. Let us now not throw garbage and toxic materials into our rivers, streams and other bodies of water. Planting tree and plants is another way of saving our earth. Trees and plants absorb the carbon dioxide in the air while they give of oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. Their roots hold the water in the ground and prevent flooding. Deforestation is one big enemy of mankind. We should participate in the reforestation of our mountains. We should help promoting use of clean sources of power or energy, like solar energy, hydropower, wind energy, waves from oceans and other new ideas for energy sources.


Activity Question and Answer for the activity: After five minutes post your output on the board. Now, let us checked if your answers to the question number 1 are correct. Please get the number 1 answer sheet to determine if your answers are correct. Answer sheet number 1 Question: What are the things that contributed to endanger of our planet earth? 1. Heat melts the ice caps and glaciers in the poles. These come down as floods and which great destruction. 2. Sudden change in weather.

3. Destruction of the ozone layer. After five minutes post your output on the board. Now, let us checked again if your answers to the question number 2 are correct. Again please get the number 2 answer sheet to determine if your answers the question correctly.

Answer sheet number 2 Question: What can we do to save the earth? 1. One way of saving our earth is by conserving our natural water supply. 2. Hot throwing garbage and toxic materials into our river or other bodies of water and 3. By planting tree and plants.

(Which group who got the highest score will receive a prize.)

C. Discussion Discuss the different cause and effects that contributes to endanger our planet earth. (Call on pupils to answer the motive questions from the story given.) 1. What endanger our planet earth, where do these pollutants come from? 2. What are the sources of air pollutants, what happen when there are too much of these pollutants? 3. Where do you think these air pollutants go, what happens to the pollutants in the atmosphere? 4. What is the effect of this greater heating of the earth, and why? 5. How can we save our planet, what else can we do to save it?

(CAUSES) A - poisonous gases releases from - cars, jeeps, buses and other vehicles.

(EFFECTS) B - fills the air with pollutants.

- burning fuels from the industrial sectors and factories and the use of chemical fertilizers.

- spews a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

- these air pollutants go to the thick blanket of the atmosphere.

- this thick blanket allows sunlight to pass through but prevent heat from escaping from the atmosphere of the earth below.

- greater heating of the earth.

- heat melts the ice caps and glaciers in the poles, sudden change in weather and destruction of ozone layer.

- conserving our natural water supply, not throw garbage and toxic materials into our rivers, streams and other bodies of water and planting trees.

- saving the planet earth and preventing it to fall into destruction.


Generalization a. Cause is what makes an action or event happen.

b. Effect is the action or event that results from something. c. Cause and effect is a relationship between actions or events, such that one or more are the result of the other or others.


Application Let us read the situation, boys are assign to read the first part of situation. While the girls will read the second part of situation.

Kevin smelled smoke in the air. He looked down the street and saw a fire blazing in the old garage. I have to do something fast, he said to himself.

Kevin knew that he could not fight the fire himself, so he ran to the nearest phone. He reported the fire. Soon a fire truck was on the way to the garage. By nine-thirty, fighters from station five had put out the fire. fire

After reading the situation taken from the story, classify in the chart all the causes and the effects from the sentences in the situation. Now, class is theres anyone who wants to try to answer please come in front.

Possible answer: CAUSE 1. Kevin smelled smoke in the air 1. EFFECT he checked and saw the fire blazing in the old garage 2. Kevin knew that he could not fight the 2. so he ran to the nearest phone he reported fire himself 3. garage A truck was on the way to the 3. the fire the fire was out at nine-thirty



I have here test questions which will be distributed to you. I want you to answer by classifying from the statement below.

Cutting of forest trees, especially in watersheds, decreases our water supply. Without trees the soil cannot hold water. When it rains, water will wash away topsoil.

When the level of ground water becomes too low, the nutrients in soil will be lost and plants will not grow well. When trees are cut down, forests animals loss their homes and their sources of food.

Direction: Read the situation taken from the story; classify in the chart all the causes and the effects from the sentences in the situation.

Possible answer: CAUSE 1. cutting of forest trees 2. 3. Without trees When it rains 1. EFFECT decreases our water supply

2. soil cannot hold water 3. water will wash away topsoil

4. when the level of ground water becomes 4. the nutrients in soil will be lost and too low 5. When trees are cut down, plants will not grow well 5. forests animals loss their homes and their sources of food

(First ten individuals to submit well get a prize from us!)

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