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Timeline: The students will be able to identify the three time periods that dinosaurs lived in (Triassic, Jurassic,

and Cretaceous). Fossils: The students will sequence the steps of fossilization.

1 Student refused to participate.

Criteria 2 3 Student Student participated volunteered a only when few times called on and during class did not and contribute to sometimes creating the participated timeline. in creating the timeline.

Points 4 Student volunteered several times during class and actively participated in creating the timeline.


Student turned in the Fossilization worksheet with several (5) errors.

Stations: The students will identify the job of a paleontologist, recognize physical characteristics dinosaurs used to defend themselves and describe a dinosaurs appearance using imagery. Types of Eaters: The students will be able to categorize dinosaurs based on the types of foods they ate and how their teeth were shaped. Creative Writing: The students will compose a piece of writing based on the

Student needed several reminders to get back on task while working in each station and was removed from using materials.

Student turned in and completed some of the Fossilization worksheet with many (34) errors. Student needed a few reminders to get back on task while working in each station and used some materials appropriately.

Student turned in and completed the Fossilization worksheet with few (12) errors. Student was somewhat focused in each station and used most materials appropriately.

Student turned in and completed the Fossilization worksheet with complete accuracy. Student was very focused in each station and used all materials appropriately.



Student turned in the Types of Eaters worksheet with several (5-6) errors.

Student turned in and completed the Types of Eaters worksheet with many (34) errors

Student turned in and completed the Types of Eaters worksheet with few (12) errors.

Student turned in and completed the Types of Eaters worksheet with complete accuracy.


Student does not answer any guiding questions and shows no evidence of understanding

Student answers one guiding question and shows little evidence of understanding

Student answers two guiding questions and shows some evidence of understanding

Student answers all three guiding questions and shows evidence of understanding


following prompt: What if there was a dinosaur in your backyard? What would the dinosaur look like? What would you say to it and what would you do with it? Extinction: The students will recall two theories about how dinosaurs may have become extinct.

creative writing.

creative writing.

creative writing.

creative writing.

Student turned in the Extinction worksheet and answers some parts of one question with accuracy.

Student turned in the Extinction worksheet and answers some parts of two questions with accuracy.

Student turned in the Extinction worksheet and answers each part of two questions with complete accuracy.

Student turned in the Extinction worksheet and answers each part of three questions with complete accuracy.


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