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EDN 332 - Cloudy Landscape by Randy Mitty Plan Framework Grade Level and Subject Area 3rd grade

Date your are scheduled to teach the lesson 04/16/12 Time frame of lesson 15-20 minutes Purpose of Lesson The purpose of this lesson is for students to begin a landscape drawing containing horizon line, foreground and background imagery. Learning Objective(s) 1. Identify where the horizon line is in a landscape 2. Identify where a foreground and background is located in a landscape 3. Create a themed landscape drawing Connection to Illinois State Standards IL.25.A.1d > Visual Arts: Identify the elements of line, shape, space, color and texture; the principles of repetition and pattern; and the expressive qualities of mood, emotion and pictorial representation. IL.26.B.1d > Visual Arts: Demonstrate knowledge and skills to create visual works of art using manipulation, eye-hand coordination, building and imagination. IL.27.A.2a > Identify and describe the relationship between the arts and various environments (e.g., home, school, workplace, theatre, gallery).

Materials Required Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barret, PowerPoint, rulers, Youtube video clip of Grover surfing Near/Far Instructional Sequence Introduction: Gather class to read Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barret Detailed Instructional Procedures: Lecture: Show PowerPoints to students: First slide will be Haystacks by Claude Monet. Tell students that this is a landscape painting. Question: What makes a painting/drawing a landscape? (It is a representation of the outside world) Explain to students that there are 3 major elements that must be in landscape paintings/drawings Foreground: Objects in the front of the image Background: Objects in the back of the image Horizon Line: Where the sky meets the ground

Ask student volunteers to come up to painting and show class where each element is located within the painting. They should trace or point out the areas with their finger. Direct Instruction: Question: What is the main difference between objects in the Foreground compared to the Background? (Objects in the Fore ground are larger than objects in the background because they are closer) Question: Does this mean that if the objects in the Foreground and Background were next to each other there would still be a size difference? (Depends on the objects compared) Return to PowerPoint and show students different popular landscapes Hollywood sign, Chicago Skyline, Mountains, Eifel Tower, Pyramids, Ocean/Beach

For the first 3 landscapes show where the Horizon line, Foreground, and Background are located. For the final 3 landscapes have students raise their hand to identify where each element is Explain to students that in every image shown there is always a Horizon line

Demonstration: On the white board demonstrate how to begin a landscape drawing and explain to students the theme of their landscape - Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. How to draw a Horizon Line Pick a landscape - pyramids for example Pyramids are in the background People in the foreground

Tell students that they need to incorporate the story of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs into their landscape. Question: What type of food images can we add into our landscapes? (Any type of food) Demonstrate how to draw different food Items for students and show PowerPoint slide with food images for students to use as references. Individual Activity: Have students begin drawing their landscapes: Closure: Show Grover video for near vs. far. Ask students If they know what the area is called where the ocean meets the sky, if they know where Grover is when he is far, and when he is near if this was a picture Assessment Tools or Strategies Objective #1 is assessed when students identify on the presented landscapes where and what a Horizon Line is. I will know that the students can identify a Horizon Line when they successfully draw a Horizon line in their own landscape drawings Objective #2 is assessed when students view the Grover Near/Far video clip. I will know that the students understand the difference between Foreground and Background when they identify when Grover is in the Foreground and Background successfully. Objective #3 is assessed when students begin drawing their landscapes. I will know that the students understand how to create a themed landscape drawing when they incorporate elements from the book Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs into their landscapes. Draw Horizon line first Select a landscape Draw landscape before drawing food

Adaptations/Accommodations I will leave images of landscapes and food up for students to reference when they begin drawing their themed landscapes Sources Cited Attachments APA_Citations.pdf Resources Six Common Mistakes in Writing Lesson Plans (and what to do about them) While this site does not follow the NCC lesson plan format, it contains useful information to help you improve in your abilities to plan lessons. Help with Lesson Planning Resource that will help with thinking about the plan as a whole and with writing effective objectives. Lesson Plan Writing Guide Page that will help you think through writing a lesson plan. Writing Lesson Plan Guide Overview of essential elements to consider.

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