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Source A From a modern history textbook, published 2010

Source B A cartoon about the National Insurance Act, Daily Mirror, 23 Nov 1911

Source C From a report in the Daily Telegraph of a speech made by Lloyd George, 2 February 1912

Workers objected to money being taken directly out of their wages and the government used the slogan ninepence for fourpence to try to convince them that they were contributing to a worthwhile scheme. [...] The servants themselves were unhappy at being forced to pay contributions out of their very low wages. Employers were also outraged and some were arrested for refusing to pay.
Source F From a speech by PM Asquith, 1909

I felt that it was worth incurring all the trouble and all the labour, worth facing all the misrepresentations and all the malignant abuse, for the purpose of putting it through, and when, at the end of a few years, you and I will realise the amount of distress that we have saved we shall be able, at any rate, to share in the satisfaction which will be deep and permanent in your lives and in mine.

Description An answer that supports or disagrees with the hypothesis. 7-8 marks if there are comments on the reliability. The answer may be unbalanced. Details from the sources will be used. 11-12 marks if there are comments on the reliability. The answer will be balanced. Specific details will be used to focus on NI. Usefulness should be commented on.

Sickness, invalidity, unemployment these are the spectres which are always hovering on the horizon of possibility, I may also say of certainty, to the industrious workman. We believe here also the time has come for the State to lend a helping hand.
Source D A postcard printed in 1911 to mark the introduction of National Insurance


The British public were deeply opposed to the National Insurance Act of 1911
Source E From a speech by Winston Churchill, 1911 National Insurance is the most decisive step yet taken upon the path of social organisation. The cruel waste of disease and unemployment, breaking down men and women, breaking up homes and families, will for the first time be countered by the whole strength of the nation.



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