Narrative Text

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Narrative Text

100 years ago, in the sea there was a fights between Sura the shark with the Crocodile. They fight only because of fighting over prey. Both are equally strong, equally agile, equally smart, equally ferocious, and are equally greedy. Already many times they fight and nobody ever wins or loses. Finally they had a deal. The deal is with the division of territory, it is no longer a fight between Sura and the Crocodile. Both have agreed to respect each other's territory. But one day, Sura shark find prey in the river. This is done surreptitiously so that crocodiles do not know. At first it memarig not get caught. But one day, Crocodile Shark caught the act of this Sura. Of course very angry to see Crocodile Shark Sura broke his promise. The fight between Sura and Crocodile Shark. The fight this time more exciting and awesome. Jump and pounce on each other, biting and hitting each other. In an instant, the surrounding water became red with blood coming out from the wounds of the two animals. They continued to fight desperately with no breaks at all. In this fierce battle, Crocodile Shark bites get Sura at the base of the tail to the right. Furthermore, its tail was always forced to turn to the left. While Sura fish tail tergigiut also almost gave up last Sura fish back into the ocean. Crocodiles have been satisfied to maintain the area. The fight between Sura named Shark with Crocodile is very memorable in the hearts of the people of Surabaya. Hence, the name of Surabaya has always been linked with these events. Of events is then made the symbol of Surabaya Municipality is drawing sura fish and crocodiles.

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