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Brandon Gentile and Sam Ramagano

Forms continuous belt across northern North America, Europe, and Asia Covers 1/5 of earths service
Another region called the alpine tundra found on top of cold mountains

Coldest of all biomes The average winter temperature is 30F (34C) Average summer temperature is 37-54F (312C)
Enables the biome to sustain life

During the winter, sometimes only a few hours or less of sunlight occur.
In the summer, the sun is almost up 24 hours a day.

Permafrost frozen soil found under the surface of the Tundra

found in places where the average annual temperature is below about 23F (- 5 C) covers 75% of the Tundra

The arctic tundra is stark and treeless Roots cant penetrate the frozen soil
only moss, lichen, and low shrubs can grow

In the summer, the topmost layer of the permafrost melts

this leaves behind soggy ground, marshes, bogs, and lakes

Must make special adaptations to the extreme weather conditions

Some animals hibernate during the winter months
Some grow thick fur, others dig for cover

Most common animals include the polar bear, grizzly bear, snow owl, deer and caribou.

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