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Madisyn Ries 8A

Did you know that Rhinoceros are the most endangered animals? Only three rhinos have ever been raised in captivity. This happens to be the five different kinds, Black, White, Sumatran, Javan, and Indian. I am here to explain all about them, and tell you what its like being one. Lets try to keep Rhinoceros here and help out. First of all, a group of rhinos are called a chrash. They dont usually travel by them selves because of safety reasons. Rhinos watch out for each other. There only predator is the human because they have a horn in the front of their heads that can get up to 3ft. long. Some people think that the horn can be used for medicine on people, since its made out of kertin like our hair or fingernails. That happens to not be true. It is very illegal to take one because in the end it will probably end up killing or seriously injuring one of the Rhinos. Rhinos have 3 toes on each foot and weigh from four thousand to five thousa000927nd pounds. The smallest rhino is the Sumatran. It weighs one 1750 pounds. They have really bad eye sight but there hearing is great. They are known for rolling in mud so they dont get sunburnt and being vegetarians. Rhinos live in a savanna or

grassland environment. Some people were asking if they hibernated. The answer to that is that they dont. They are wide awake all year long. Rhinoceros usually live 40 to 45 years. Females are full grown at 5 to 7 years old and males are usually full grown at 7 to 10 years. Rhinos can run up to 30 miles per hour and turn on a dime. That happens to be why most animals cant hurt them. Now that you know more about Rhinos maybe you can do something to help because they have decreased 90 percent since 1970.

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