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Subnet Chart - Last Octet

Prefix Length Power of 2 Bit Value Subnet Mask # of subnets # of hosts/subnet /25 7 128 128 2 126 /26 6 64 192 4 62 /27 5 32 224 8 30 /28 4 16 240 16 14 /29 3 8 248 32 6 /30 2 4 252 64 2 /31(1) 1 2 254 128 2 /32 0 1 255 256 1

This chart is only for /25 and larger prefix lengths or a Class C address space with default network mask of For any other size prefix lengths use the Full 32-bit Table found in the file Subnet Chart Full Table.

Notes: (1) The /31 prefix length is used exclusively on Point-to-Point links and is covered in RFC 3021. It was first introduced in Cisco IOS 12.2(2)T and fully integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB. Links:

(C) BTS Communications, LLC

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