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Case Study Amy Turner

Tutorial Student Profile Amy Turner Reading 322

Identification Tutee: Dylan Developmental Level Age: 11 years old Grade: 5th grade Observations from initial contact and Interest Inventory: My initial thought when I first met Dylan was that he seemed to be very shy, nervous, and nice. During the interest inventory, I didnt have any trouble with getting him to answer any of my questions. He listened carefully to each question and always gave me a response. Through observation, I learned that Dylan has one younger brother that is six years old and an older sister who is sixteen years old. The first thing Dylan told me was that he loved playing soccer with his younger brother. His favorite reading book is Wolves of the Beyond and his favorite types of stories to read are mysteries. I also learned that Dylans favorite subject is Math and his least favorite subject is spelling. I noticed Dylan was struggling when I gave him the spelling inventory, therefore, I can see why he doesnt like the subject. Dylan missed 15 words on the spelling inventory assignment, which means he only got 10 correct. Some other observations I came across while meeting with Dylan was that he has an interest for hunting. He told me that he wishes he had a hunting dog. Dylan said he loved playing outside and in particular enjoys playing tag, but also likes to go to church

and relax on the weekends. Also, I gathered information on places he has been and he has had a lot of experience traveling. For example, he has been to an amusement park, concert, beach, zoo, ball game, circus, and farm. Dylan has also traveled by train, bus, and boat. He seemed to have a good family background and many resources at home.

Diagnostic Information Biographical: I learned that Dylan has had a lot of experience traveling to several places. His family speaks the English language and he seems to be a family oriented person, as he enjoys playing with his younger brother. Dylan has been to the following places including an airport, circus, library, museum, farm, zoo, ball game, picnic, concert, amusement park, swimming pool, beach, dairy, and firehouse; which suggests that his family is active and busy. This tells me that his family has a decent socioeconomic status. Dylan told me that he has to mow the grass at home and he is always active, which suggests that his parents make him do chores. Dylan also shared that he likes going to church on the weekends, which suggests that his family is religious. Environmental: Dylan and I didnt really discuss many of his surroundings, however, he did tell me his family structure and what pets he has. I learned that he has a pet hermit crab and a chiwawa dog. He seemed to have many resources at home. Dylan said he has a lot of books at home that he reads for fun, along with a computer to search facebook and goggle. His favorite television shows are cartoons and watching big foot videos. He also enjoys listening to country music. Dylan said he likes to use the computer a lot to search the internet, which might be a distraction for his studies. Physical Information: Dylan shared that he likes to be independent and relax by himself. He didnt seem to be very social and outgoing, but he was comfortable talking to

me. Through observation, I could infer that his family holds strong values for Education. I asked him what he usually does after school and he said homework, which implies that his parents make him do it right away before he can play outside in the evenings. Also, he seems like a busy child and that could affect his concentration. Dylan told me that he likes to be alone while shopping and he would rather spend his relaxation time alone, which suggests that he likes his alone time and doesnt like to be bothered. I asked him if he likes to be read to aloud and he said sometimes, which implies that he likes to be in control and this might affect his reading skills.

Collaboration Assessment data/observations from initial contact meeting with teachers: Mrs. Belan and I met briefly on Tuesday and she told me that Dylan was very poor in Spelling, Reading Fluency, decoding words, and Comprehension. After conduction of the spelling inventory, I could see his weakness in spelling. He got most of the words wrong and only a few correct. Mrs. Belan also told me that he struggles in other subjects as well and she has to re-teach Dylan everything. DORF intensive 66 WPM 90.4% accuracy, DAZE strategic DCD 254 (Intensive), and Spelling Inventory 10 out of 25 correct.

Tutorial Log #1
Date: ___10/16/12_______________ Time: _____2:25-3:25_____________
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? The first day I spent time with Dylan working with the Interest Inventory and Spelling Inventory to get to know him. I learned that Dylan has a hard time with Spelling. He answered 15 spelling words incorrectly and 10 correctly. Mrs. Belan told me that Dylan gets easily distracted and he had difficulties in most subjects. She said he is the type of student that needs individualized attention and extra help. I learned that Dylan has trouble with reading fluency, comprehension, decoding words, and spelling.

Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) I used the Interest Inventory in our class book Striking a Balance: A Comprehensive Approach to early literacy to gather information about Dylan and his background. 2) Then, I had Dylan complete the spelling inventory to see how strong he was listening to spelling words in a sentence and then being able to spell the word correctly. 3) I read the words and sentences twice and we went through the words two times so he could hear them twice and make corrections if needed. 4) We were using guided practice during the spelling inventory.

Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? Dylan was able to complete the interest inventory and spelling inventory with enough time, however, he got distracted at times and I had to repeat my questions or spelling words to him twice. I gave him specific instructions on what to do and he listened well. I didnt have any trouble completing these two assignments with him.

Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty

following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan had to use the bathroom during the interest inventory and he took a long time getting back which was the first distraction and then after that he easily got distracted by the others talking in the room and I had to repeat myself several times. Dylan seemed to be tired, but not dirty. Dylan did a good job following the directions when given. Dylan and I made progress on both activities and I got to talk to Mrs. Belan about the spelling inventory. She told me not to focus on spelling as much and focus more on reading fluency and comprehension strategies.

Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned a lot about my tutee and his background. I also learned what his strengths and weaknesses were. Dylan struggled with the spelling inventory, which will affect my teaching, as I will need to focus more on decoding words and working with phonemes of words. I will read the Rattle Snakes story they are reading in class out loud to Dylan and have him come up with vocabulary words that he thinks are important in the story and also have him tell me some main ideas that he learned from the story.

Tutorial Log #2
Date: ___10/18/12_______________ Time: ___11-12_______________
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? I learned that Dylan has a hard time with spelling, decoding words, reading fluency, and comprehension. Mrs. Belan wanted me to work with Dylan on reading the Rattle Snakes story out loud and then discussing what the story was about afterwards. I will also ask Dylan to tell me what the main idea of the story was and pick out some key vocabulary words that he thinks are important. Dylan gets easily distracted so I am going to focus on having him stay actively engaged while reading the story a few times to practice his fluency and always getting him to respond after reading. Transitioning will be the key to success for any activity. Dylan did a very nice job today. He read the story about Rattle Snakes and also read a story about Super Snakes. After he read each section, I made him tell me what he remembered and what that section was about. He was able to tell me a lot of main ideas from each section. While reading, Dylan was skipping some words and had trouble with small words such as a, of, the, and, to, but was good at reading bigger words. He likes to change and alter some words as well.

Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Read the Rattle Snakes story with Dylan a few times 2) Have Dylan practice reading it to me to work on his fluency skills. 3) Go over vocabulary words highlighted in the story 4) Practice discussing main ideas of the story and answer chapter questions. 5) I will be using direct instruction and guided practice in this lesson. Dylan will also be practicing modeling, as he reads the story. 6) Dylan also created a webbing map brainstorming main ideas and thoughts about rattle snakes.

Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? I gave clear instructions on what I expected Dylan to do and the lesson went pretty well. Dylan and I will still continue to work on his fluency, but he did a decent job on being able to remember what he read and sharing a few comments with me. I didnt have to change anything because he worked hard and did what I asked. The lesson flowed smoothly and I

noticed improvement after we practiced several times.

Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan didnt have any trouble today. He was very attentive and followed directions nicely. He remembered everything I said and we made progress. Dylan and I targeted reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. I didnt have an opportunity to consult with the teacher because she still had students in her class. My next steps of focus will be on more comprehension strategies and I plan to work more on fluency drills.

Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned to be patient during this lesson. I wanted Dylan to take his time and put a lot of thought into his responses. Dylan gave me a good idea of what to work on for comprehension and fluency. I am going to use some of the fluency drills in the packet and work in his Rattle Snakes story. I thought he did a nice job remembering what he read and was able to tell me some main ideas about the story.

Tutorial Log # 3
Date: __10/23/12________________ Time: ____11-12______________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Dylan often struggles with reading comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary, therefore, I planned several activities that would help him. He had a hard time reading some words and phrases in the story Rattle Snakes; therefore I put those words and phrases in 6 different fluency charts so he could practice. Today, I had Dylan create a brainstorming map for his Rattle Snakes story to work on responding to literature and then we would discuss what main ideas he remembered and talk more about the story to practice reading comprehension skills. I had him begin reading a story called Maya Lin Architect of Memory because Mrs. Belan wanted him to get a head start on it. He read each section and then I made him tell me what each section was about. As he was reading, I stopped him when he came across a vocabulary term and we discussed what the term meant and how it was used in that particular sentence. Some of the vocabulary terms were dedicated, equality, artifacts, exhibits, and site. Dylan and I also discussed the main ideas from the story and I read the story to him as well. Mrs. Belan wanted me to read Maya Lin Architect of Memory with Dylan to get a head start before they read it as a class. She said Dylan often struggles with vocabulary terms on his test, therefore, I had him explain how each term was used in the sentence and discuss the meaning of the term as well.

Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Dylan and I worked from his reading book today. We finished the Rattle Snakes story 2) Dylan and I started a new story called Maya Lin Architect of Memory. Dylan did a good job reading and I could see improvement. 3) We went over the vocabulary terms and I made sure he was familiar with their meaning and how to use them in sentences. 4) After we read the story, Dylan and I discussed the main ideas and began answering some chapter questions about the story.

Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions?

The lesson went very well today. I thought Dylan was very focused and we got a lot accomplished. Today, I focused on making sure that Dylan wasnt skipping over any words and made sure he didnt add any words. I stopped him every time he messed up and we had to sound out some bigger words together. Overall, Dylan and I didnt have to make too many changes to our plan because it flowed smoothly. While Dylan was reading, I made sure we stopped when his vocabulary terms were used in the story and we discussed them. I felt like he understood how they were used and he was able to tell me what each term meant. Dylan likes to give me examples to help him explain what an idea means. He does a good job comparing his experiences to main ideas he reads in his stories. Dylan understood all of my instructions and it was a successful lesson.

Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan was very engaged in the lesson today. He was ready to work and did everything I asked him to do. He didnt get distracted at all. He stayed on task at all times and followed directions. Dylan made progress today as he got a head start on reading the new story Maya Lin Architect of Memory. He was able to tell me what each section was about and he didnt make too many errors while reading. Dylan did a nice job explain the vocabulary terms to me as well. I had the chance to talk to Mrs. Belan after the lesson and she told me Dylan did better that he usually does on his Rattle Snakes quiz. Dylan was excited to tell me his score. He told Mrs. Belan that I really make him think about what he reads and that I have been helping him a lot. Also, she said that he looks forwards to me coming and always asks when Ill be there. Dylan told me thank you for helping him today and I thought that was very kind of him. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that repetition is the key to success. Dylan and I took our time and looked back through each section and made sure that he understood what the section was about before we moved on to the next one. I also made sure that he focused on his vocabulary terms while reading the story. If he switched a word around or added a word, I made sure that he went back and re-read it to me. Overall, Dylan has been doing a very good job and he is making progress with reading comprehension and fluency.

Tutorial Log # 4
Date: ___10/25/12_______________ Time: _______11-12___________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Today, Dylan and I finished reading the Maya Lin Architect of Memory story to make sure he was ready for his quiz. Then, we went back over each section and discussed main ideas and key vocabulary terms to review for his upcoming quiz on the story and vocabulary terms. There was a substitute there today, so I wasnt able to read the extra story that Mrs. Belan wanted me to. Therefore, we had to focus on answering questions about the story and trying to work on fluency to practice comprehension skills. I had to adapt my plan because the substitute didnt know where anything was and we only had access to the original story.

Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Dylan and I re-read the Maya Lin Architect of Memory story 2) We worked on fluency, reading comprehension, and vocabulary 3) I had Dylan answer some questions that followed the story and then we discussed them 4) I also had Dylan give me examples of how the vocabulary terms could be used in a sentence.

Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? Dylan and I were unable to do part of the lesson because Mrs. Belan didnt leave us the story that she wanted us to read separate from the original story in their textbook and the substitute didnt know where anything was. I had to adapt my lesson and focus more on getting Dylan to comprehend the vocabulary and the main ideas of the story. I thought Dylan answered the questions well and started to get a good understanding of the story.

Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next

steps? Dylan did a good job today, however, at times got easily distracted because the other students were being very loud for the substitute. He wanted to go to the library, but Mrs. Belan wasnt there so I didnt know if we were allowed to leave the room. I thought he seemed a little tired today, but he still did everything I asked. We went through everything, but it was at a slower pace than usual. I also wanted to talk to Mrs. Belan about new times to come tutor Dylan, but didnt get the chance to because she was absent. Dylan had more practice with the Maya Lin story and he understood the story by the end of our lesson. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that lessons dont always go as planned and you always should have a back up plan. Today, the substitute was very nice and tried to help us find the story Mrs. Belan wanted me to work on with Dylan, but we couldnt find it so we lost time to review and do activities. The class was being very loud and Dylan got easily distracted so I felt we didnt get as much as I wanted accomplished today, however, I knew he was very comfortable with the story. Overall, it wasnt a bad lesson because Dylan and I got to practice more with the Maya Lin story, which he had a quiz on later in the day.

Tutorial Log # 5
Date: ___11/8/12_______________ Time: _______11-12___________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Today, Mrs. Belan wanted me to begin the new story The Night at San Juan to work more with Dylan on comprehension. Therefore, we read the story and discussed main ideas of the story. Also, Mrs. Belan wanted me to help Dylan on a Scholastic Book about the election because he only answered 4 out of the 10 questions correctly. We began reading the passage and started discussing questions and answers.

Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Dylan and I read The Night at San Juan 2) We stopped after each paragraph to go over the main ideas 3) I had Dylan answer some questions that followed each page; problem, solution based 4) Dylan and I worked with the Scholastic book about the election I used guided instruction and engaged reading.

Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? Dylan and I had time to read The Night at San Juan and discussed what happened in the story after reading each paragraph. We also got to being working with the Scholastic booklet on the election that Mrs. Belan wanted us to go over together. The lesson went well and as planned. Dylan and I got a lot accomplished and he was able to follow directions today. However, he did get easily distracted today as Mrs. Belans students were loud during math instruction and students were walking in and out of the classroom. Dylan also seemed tired today and not as interested in doing his work, but I made him focus and stay on task.

Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next

steps? Dylan did a good job today, but he seemed to get distracted by all of the noise during math instruction. He handled it pretty well, but sometimes I found him not paying close attention to my instructions and I had to repeat myself. He also seemed tired and kept yawning. Dylan made progress today as he got a head start reading The Night at San Juan and did an excellent job explaining what he read by providing examples of his experiences and what happened in the story. He used the vocabulary terms and provided examples to explain the terms as well. Dylan didnt understand the Scholastic book very well and had a harm time with the questions. I had the chance to talk to Mrs. Belan after and she wanted me to continue working with the story. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned how to keep Dylan on task and help him tune out the noise in the background by keeping him engaged in reading and always asking him questions about the story. His distractions didnt affect my teaching today because he got all of the work I had planned done. However, the next time we meet Mrs. Belan told me we could sit outside the classroom so Dylan can concentrate more.

Tutorial Log # 6
Date: ___11/9/12_______________ Time: _______2:15-3:00___________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Today, Dylan and I attempted to make a graphic organizer for the story The Night of San Juan to help him focus on the characters, setting, events, and solution in the story. I wanted to see if Dylan benefited from the graphic organizer activity and see how much he could fill out. We also answered the reflection questions throughout the story and at the end so I could evaluate his understanding of the text.

Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Dylan and I Completed the Graphic Organizer and then went over it 2) We went over his vocabulary terms more and I had him use them in a sentence. He had to write down his work on a sheet of paper. 3) I had Dylan answer some reflection questions that followed the story and then we discussed them

Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? The lesson went very well today. Dylan and I didnt have to make any changes and he followed my instructions. He did a very nice job with the graphic organizer and was able to use the vocabulary terms in The Night at San Juan in a sentence. He also knew the answers to all of the questions that I asked.

Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan did a good job today and didnt get distracted today. He wasnt tired and stayed on task for the 45 minutes that I was there. We got a lot accomplished and I could tell that he was very comfortable with the material after he created his graphic organizer and answered

the questions. Dylan does a nice job providing examples if he doesnt know how to explain something to me. He often relates it to something he has experienced before. Dylan made progress and next time we will continue to work with The Night at San Juan and do more activities that involve comprehension and focus on his vocabulary terms. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that Dylan is starting to comprehend the stories we read and I also learned that he benefited from completing the graphic organizer and answering critical thinking questions that followed the story. It affected my teaching, as I will now do more graphic organizers when we read more stories and also try to build more activities to help expand his knowledge for the vocabulary terms he is tested on. Overall, I thought the lesson went really well and I am glad Dylan was able to discuss the story and was confident with his answers.

Tutorial Log # 7
Date: __11/13/12________________ Time: ____1:40-2:40______________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Dylan was absent today, therefore, Mrs. Belan gave me another student named Joey to work with. Today, she wanted me to focus on a story called Where we Belong. Joey read the story to me and after each page I had him summarize the main ideas and tell me what he just read. During the story, there were vocab terms that Mrs. Belan wanted me to go over with him, so we stopped and discussed each vocab term that was highlighted in the story. After we finished reading the story, Joey answered the chart and we went over the character, setting, problem, events, and solution. Mrs. Belan wanted me to focus on problem/solution and compare/contrast with Joey.

Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Joey and I read Where we Belong together 2) Joey and I discussed the vocabulary terms in Where we Belong 3) Joey and I went over the character, setting, problem, events, and solution of Where we Belong

Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? The lesson went very well today. I thought Joey was very focused and we got a lot accomplished. I had things planned for Dylan today, but he wasnt present so I had to make a change to my lesson and work with another student named Joey. Mrs. Belan told me what she wanted me to do today and I gave clear instructions to Joey. Joey was a sweet boy and he listened very well. I didnt have any trouble working with him and we got everything Mrs. Belan wanted us to done. Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Joey was very engaged in the lesson today. He was ready to work and did everything I asked

him to do. He didnt get distracted at all. He stayed on task at all times and followed directions. Joey made progress today as we completed the story Where we Belong and were able to discuss the main events together. The main focus was comprehension. He was a very smart young boy and was able to answer all of my questions. Joey didnt question anything I did and he was very respectful. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that its always important to be prepared no matter what curve balls are thrown at you as a pre-service teacher. For example, today Dylan wasnt at school so I had to hold my lesson until the next day and had to be able to tutor a different student in the class named Joey. It didnt bother me, but I felt like I lost a day working with Dylan. It didnt affect my teaching as much as I thought it would. I felt comfortable working with Joey as well. He was an excellent tutee.

Tutorial Log # 8
Date: _11/14/12________________ Time: ____2:15-2:45______________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Today, Dylan and I focused on activities based on the story The Night of San Juan. I planned this lesson for Dylan because I wanted him to work on the vocabulary in the story and also be able to discuss the characters and main events in the story. Dylan often struggles with the vocabulary in the story, so I thought it would help to plan a few activities for him. Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) I gave Dylan fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary term in the sentences that I created for him. I gave him a word bank to look at. 2) I had Dylan draw a line and match the correct vocabulary term to the correct definition. 3) Dylan and I worked on comparing characters in the story by completing a Venn Diagram. Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? Today, I thought the lesson went very well. I didnt have to make any changes to my lesson and Dylan told me he enjoyed the activities because it helped him feel comfortable with the vocabulary terms. He did a nice job with my activities and he understood all of my directions when given. Dylan was able to compare/contrast the characters in the story The Night of San Juan and he shared some creative thoughts. . Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan stayed on task today and didnt get distracted. We worked on all of the activities during reading time so it was very quiet in the classroom. Dylan and I took the opportunity to work on the vocabulary terms and discuss the characters in the story The Night of San Juan. He was able to complete all of my activities that I planned and seemed to feel confident with the vocabulary. Mrs. Belan and I talked about Dylans progress and she felt like he was showing tremendous improvement on his work. Dylan and I are going to continue to keep working on activities next time so he can prepare for his quiz on the story The Night of San Juan.

Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that Dylan learns best when given several different types of activities. He responded very well to the Venn Diagram and my fill in the blank sentences with his vocabulary terms. He was also able to match the correct vocabulary term and definition with minimum assistance. If Dylan doesnt know how to explain something he always gives me an example of something he can relate or compare it to. I think Dylan is beginning to understand the content of his stories more and is putting a lot of effort into his work.

Tutorial Log # 9
Date: _11/15/12________________ Time: ____11-12______________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Today, Dylan and I continued to focus on the story The Night of San Juan. I had him complete some activities that would make him think about the story and challenge him to work with his vocabulary terms. Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Dylan had to use some of his vocabulary terms and write a summary of the story The Night of San Juan 2) Dylan had to do a vocabulary matching worksheet 3) Dylan had to identify a few character traits for each of the main characters in The Night of San Juan 4) Dylan and I completed a KWL chart on The Night of San Juan 5) Dylan and I discussed cause and effect situations that occurred in The Night of San Juan Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? The lesson went well today. Dylan was able to follow my directions and did a nice job completing all of my activities that I had planned. He had to look back in the story to help him with some of the activities, but he was able to summarize the story and hit main ideas. Dylan was able to discuss the similarities and differences between the characters in The Night of San Juan. Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan seemed tired today, but I made sure he stayed on task and got all of his work done. He was getting distracted because the class was being loud during math time and he wasnt as focused as he usually is. Dylan had trouble remembering some details of the story, but when I discussed them he seemed to recollect his memory. Mrs. Belan and I didnt get the chance to talk with one another after todays lesson. She was busy teaching Math and I didnt want to interrupt her lesson. Dylan needed more assistance from me today, but he still showed improvement. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that its always important to have patience as a teacher. Dylan was getting easily distracted today and kept yawning during each activity. I had to make sure I transitioned

quickly from one activity to the next and also kept asking him questions to keep him engaged in the lesson. Overall, I thought Dylan seemed to get a good grasp of the story The Night of San Juan after completing all of the activities that I had planned for him.

Tutorial Log # 10
Date: _11/26/12________________ Time: ____1:50-2:40______________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Dylan and I read chapter 1 in the story Nat Love: A man of the old and new west because Mrs. Belan was already working with him in reading groups. She wanted me to continue working with him on that particular story. After we finished reading chapter one, I had Dylan read the next story in their book called Black Cowboy Wild Horses so he could get a head start on the story. We also discussed the vocabulary terms in the story. Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Read Chapter 1: Nat Love: A man of the old and new west 2) Go over vocabulary terms: vastness, horizon, swerved, flickered, suspended, enthusiasm, ravine, and presence 3) Began to read Black Cowboy Wild Horses Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? The lesson didnt seem to go very well today. Dylan had a hard time focusing and he seemed to not want to read. We didnt get too far into the story Black Cowboy Wild Horses. Dylan didnt seem interested in his work today. I struggled to get his attention and he was easily distracted. I had to make one adaption and that was to get him a bookmark so he could follow along in the story better. . Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan was very tired today and didnt feel like reading. I had a hard time getting him to respond to the questions I asked and he didnt remember some of the things he read. He followed directions, but wasnt very responsive today. Dylan had a hard time remembering the details in the story. He also seemed to struggle with the vocabulary terms in the story. I had to explain the terms a few times to him. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that its always important to transition quickly from one activity to the next or else your students will get bored and easily distracted. Dylan was tired today and I tried my best to keep him active. I learned that its important to keep Dylan busy and always ask him questions to keep him on task.

Tutorial Log # 11
Date: _11/27/12________________ Time: ____11-11:40______________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Today, Dylan and I finished reading Black Cowboy Wild Horses and went over the vocabulary terms in the story. I planned this lesson because Mrs. Belan wanted me to finish the story with Dylan and get a head start on the activities. We practiced comprehension and vocabulary. Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Finished reading Black Cowboy Wild Horses and discussed each page to practice comprehension 2) Went over the vocabulary terms in the story Black Cowboy Wild Horses Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? The lesson went pretty well today, however, Dylan and I didnt have too much time to work through the story. Dylan was more alert today and we accomplished finishing the story Black Cowboy Wild Horses. I also thought he remembered what he read and was able to tell me about each page. Dylan continued to struggle with the vocabulary terms, so I had to go over them in detail a few times. . Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan was more attentive today and he followed my directions well. He remembered the details in the story; after reading each page we went over the material. I didnt have the opportunity to talk with Mrs. Belan after my lesson, but knew I wanted to continue to work with Dylan on the story. The next steps are to plan several activities to help Dylan feel comfortable with the content of the story and the vocabulary terms. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that it helps Dylan when we summarize each page after he gets done reading it. He told Mrs. Belan that I really make him think about what he just read. I have made him tell me what he has read since day one and I feel like that is why he has made a lot of progress on his quizzes. Dylan and I go over each story in depth and I make sure he knows the material before the day of his quiz.

Tutorial Log # 12
Date: _11/28/12________________ Time: ____2:2:30______________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Today, Mrs. Belan wanted Dylan and I to read chapter 3 and 4 of the story Nat Love: A man of the old and new west. After we finished reading the story I went over the vocabulary terms with Dylan. Then, Dylan and I started working on Black Cowboy Wild Horses questions. Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Dylan read chapter 3 and 4 of the story Nat Love: A man of the old and new west 2) Dylan and I discussed the vocabulary terms in the story Nat Love: A man of the old and new west 3) Dylan and I worked on the story Black Cowboy Wild Horses chapter quetions Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? I thought the lesson went well today for the amount of time I was there. Mrs. Belan wants me to focus on each of the stories and make sure Dylan comprehends the material or content of the story. She also wants me to plan a few activities for him so he can practice the vocabulary terms. I didnt have too much time with Dylan today so we just had to discuss as much as we could and I prepared him for the next day. I always tell Dylan what we will be working on the next day. He was able to discuss what he read in both of the stories. . Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan was asking me a lot of questions today and he seemed like he was interested in the story Nat Love: a man of the old and new west. He finished reading the story and we began to answer the questions at the end of Black Cowboy: Wild Horses. Dylan did a nice job responding to the questions and was able to discuss key events that occurred in the story as well. I thought Dylan comprehended each story and knew what was expected when given directions. Dylan always follows directions and listens well. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that its important to discuss big vocabulary terms that are used in the fifth graders stories because sometimes they dont understand what they mean. Dylan often sounded confused when he read some of the more difficult vocabulary terms and I made sure I asked him if he knew what it meant. Dylan learns best if you can relate the material to something of his interest. For example, Dylan likes hunting so I try to relate some vocabulary terms to hunting.

Tutorial Log # 13
Date: _11/29/12________________ Time: ____11-11:30______________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Today, Mrs. Belan wanted me to focus on the vocabulary terms in Black Cowboy: Wild Horses, so I created a vocabulary match worksheet for Dylan. Dylan had to match the correct vocabulary term to the correct definition. I also made Dylan use each vocabulary term in a sentence. We also finished going over the chapter questions in Black Cowboy: Wild Horses. Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Vocabulary match worksheet 2) Completed chapter questions in Black Cowboy: Wild Horses 3) Dylan wrote each vocabulary term in a sentence and then we discussed it Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? Dylan and I only worked together for 30 minutes and I thought we accomplished a lot. Dylan and I went over the vocabulary terms in Black Cowboy: Wild Horses a lot and I made sure he felt comfortable with the terms. I didnt have to make any changes to my lesson today and it went as planned. Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan was very alert today and he did a nice job on the vocabulary activities. He was able to correct himself when he made a mistake and also knew each of the terms pretty well. I had to help him come up with some sentences, but he understood the general idea of each term. I thought he made a lot of progress on the vocabulary terms and he was able to give me examples for each. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that you can get a lot of activities done in a short period of time if you transition quickly and keep your tutee on task. Dylan was very active and he paid attention the whole time during my lesson. He made todays lesson easy to teach.

Tutorial Log # 14
Date: _11/30/12________________ Time: ____2-3______________ Amy Turner
Assessment/Observation Data: What information do you have about the students targeted needs? Included information from teachers, assessments, and your observations. Basically, why did you plan this lesson? Today, Dylan and I reviewed the vocabulary terms navigation, instruct, swagger, patriots, tyrant, governor, and spunk in the new story Sleds on Boston Common: A Story from the American Revolution. Mrs. Belan wanted Dylan and I to get a head start on the new story since it was my last day tutoring him. Therefore, we went over the vocabulary terms and then began reading the story. Instructional Activities: Outline the detail of the lesson you have planned step-by-step. What is the source of the lesson? (Book, website, etc.) Include best practices such as modeling, manipulatives, variety, and quick-pacing. 1) Went over the vocabulary terms in the story Sleds on Boston Common: A Story from the American Revolution 2) Dylan and I began to read the story Sleds on Boston Common: A Story from the American Revolution and went over each page together Adaptations: Did the lesson go as planned? What on-the-spot changes did you have to make to the lesson? What were these decisions based on? Are you giving clear, simple instructions? I thought the lesson went very well today. Dylan was sad that it was my last day tutoring him, but he was happy we began the new story and was glad that I discussed the vocabulary terms with him. We went over the definitions and then I made him use each term in a sentence. I didnt have to make any changes today. Anecdotal Notes: Write down everything that you observe, complete, etc. Were there distractions? Was the student dirty, inattentive, and sleepy? Did the student have difficulty following directions? Remembering details? What progress did the student make with the targeted skill? Did you have an opportunity to consult with a teacher? What are your next steps? Dylan was very excited when he saw me today. He followed directions and stayed on task for the whole entire hour I was there. He made progress on the new vocabulary terms and also got a head start on the new story Sleds on Boston Common: A story from the American Revolution. I thought he did an excellent job remembering the details in the story and was able to comprehend the material. I thought the last lesson went smoothly and Dylan was a good tutee. Reflection: What have you learned from this tutorial session? How will it affect your teaching? I learned that its always important to be a good role model to younger children. They always are looking up to you. At the end of my last tutoring session, Dylan asked me for my autograph. He told me that I may go pro one day and he wanted my autograph. He also told me that he saw my picture in the paper and showed his mother and Mrs. Belan. This taught me that you can make a difference in any childs life. I thought he was a very nice young boy. I feel like I inspired him to try out for the basketball team at school and he was interested in

my schedule and told me good luck at my games. He was very sweet and told me thanks after each lesson. I enjoyed working with Dylan. He was a good tutee.


Tutorial Evaluation Amy Turner

Dylan has shown tremendous progress throughout my tutoring hours. In the beginning Mrs. Belan and I discussed the main areas she wanted me to focus on with Dylan. She told me she wanted me to focus on comprehension and vocabulary. The very first thing I noticed about Dylans reading skills was that he liked to skip over small words such as of, to, a, and the. I realized that the rapid recognition charts would help him with his fluency skills; therefore, I created six different charts for him to practice with. He showed improvement the next time he read and didnt seem to skip as many words as before. The progress results demonstrate that Dylan improved his DORF reading score increasing words he was able to read per minute. He started out reading only 66 words per minute and then increased to 100 words per minute during his progress monitoring testing. He also minimized his errors for each testing category. During each session, Dylan and I focused on the story the class was reading for the week. Mrs. Belan wanted me to have Dylan read the story and have him retell me what he just read to work on his comprehension skills. I also focused on his vocabulary words for each story because Mrs. Belan suggested that we practice them, as he often struggles with vocabulary on the quizzes. I planned several activities for each story and made sure Dylan felt comfortable with the material and content before we moved on to the next story. Dylan proved that he understood the material, as he could answer all of my questions and seemed to respond well to all of the chapter questions at the end of the story. He also did an excellent job on all of the activities that I planned. I could tell he was listening to my instruction and enjoyed the extra help I provided him with. He was

very appreciative for every lesson and thanked me every time I came. Dylan was able to ask me questions and explain the material in the stories by relating the information to his experiences. Dylan was actively engaged during each discussion and I felt like we went over each story in depth to make him feel confident for the quizzes. As a tutor, I wanted to focus on Dylans strengths and weaknesses. Every time he read I made sure he didnt skip over any words and if he had trouble pronouncing words I made him sound them out with me. Also, Dylan and I discussed the vocabulary terms every time they were used in the story. Dylan often had trouble with spelling out words during the activities, therefore, I had him try to correct his mistakes and see what he did wrong. He realized most of his mistakes and was able to correct his work with minimal errors. We didnt have a lesson that didnt go well, but there were some days where he was tired and got distracted by the class during math time. Overall, Dylan was a great tutee, as he always listened to me and followed my directions.

Tutor Performance

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