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Constructing with friends

Child: Adham Date: March 2013 Written by: Teacher Natasha (Head Teacher) Kia ora/As-salamu alaykum Adham and whnau, This afternoon during free choice, Adham you decided to play alongside and with Akmad, Steven, Nazwal, Uzma and Fawwaz with the cars. You started to use the jigsaw shaped wooden blocks, connecting them in a long curved line - you were constructing a road for everyones cars. Once completed you confidently initiated dialogue for your shared imaginative play by explaining: Purple car go fast then stop! and clapping your hands together! Uzma and Adham extended on your idea, taking the hand clap as an illustration of the car going so fast it was forced to stop by a collision or crash! While your friends Fawwaz, Steven and Nazwal repeated and used the phrases you had initiated. This play continued for over 30minutes, until your friends parents started arriving. As they left you waved while calling out BYE! or SEE YOU LATER! Review of learning Wow you were very busy engaged in imaginative collaborative play with the cars this afternoon! You showed me your English vocabulary is extending, and with this your confidence to express yourself with peers of all ages. You initiated the conversations or dialogue for play with your friends, and were able to maintain the conversation learning from and teaching peers language within a community of learners environment.

What next? Adham I really enjoyed hearing you use your English vocabulary so confidently during play! You will continue to be provided opportunities to play alongside and with peers of different levels of English language ability. Your interest in cars and construction will continue to guide our planning and setup of indoor and outdoor environments. Parents Voice

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