Qa Survey

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EDUCATION AND RECREATION I would rather be where than school: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) barracking for the Swans barracking for the

local rugby league team watching the World Game getting out of it trail bike riding raising hell re-conditioning me engine watching porn with me mates having a rock fight playing soggy sao goin sloppy seconds

Please explain what a lovo is: Anyone who plays AFL IS: a) a lovo b) a wanker c) a cat d) a poofter cunt e) a fag f) a role model Who would be THE ULTIMATE rugby league team? a) the Lethbridge Park Ravens b) the Tregear Foxes c) the Blackett Bears Which themed park: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Wonderland Waterworks ABBA world Eastern Creek Raceway Prospect Reservoir Warragamba Dam Panthers

HEALTH AND NUTRITION When was the last time you ate some fruit? How many maccas should there be block?

What is a healthy amount of Maccas? How often do you eat Maccas? How many drinks before ya plastered? Draw ya favourite drink. What is your favourite drink? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Bacardi and coke Bundy and coke Bourbon and coke Beam and coke Rum and coke Goon juice New Belfast bomb Cow sucking cowboy Slippery nipple

METEROLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY What is the Mance and where might the Mance be? Do you consider your neighbours: a) b) c) d) e) friends enemies wogs a problem THE PROBLEM

Is Emerton really a village? Who REALLY has THE BEST takeaway hamburgers? a) Tregear b) Lethbridge Park c) Whalan CURRENT AFFAIRS, HISTORY AND THE FUTURE Major Druitt was: a) aboriginal b) a politician

c) a fucking rich cunt-loaded bastard d) a pioneer e) founder of a hell-hole Do you have any hope and ambition? If you could do or be anything in the world what would it be? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) AFL player Rugby league player Soccer player Politician Copper Racing car driver Artist

Are you: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) part of the problem part of the solution a wog born to rock and roll born to run breaking the law a hell raiser fighting for your right to party romantic artisticall creative a petrol head

FASHION AND CULTURE Draw one of your tattoos. Holden or Ford? Do you think AFL should fuck the back off to where it came from? What does AC/DC mean to you? If you could have a lifetime supply of something what would it be? a) soft drink b) booze c) fast food

d) condoms e) sex f) texting mobile telephone credit

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