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Question Bank

IV B-Tech (Mech) Unit 5: 1. Discuss the concepts and principles involved in converting bio-mass for producing energy. What is the potential of bio-mass energy in India? 2. What is photo-synthesis? What is pyrolysis? What are the chemical and bio chemical processes involved in bio-mass conversion? 3. What are the materials used for bio-gas generation? Explain the construction of different types of biogas plants with neat sketches. 4. Explain the design considerations of a bio-gas digester. Discuss the relative merits of continuous and batch-type bio-gas plants. Unit-6: 1. Explain the sources of geothermal energy with sketches. What is the potential of geo-thermal energy in India? 2. What are the types of hydro-geothermal fields that can be exploited for producing energy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy over other forms of non-conventional energy? 3. What is the role of flash steam generation in geothermal energy plants? Draw the T-S diagram for a liquid dominated system for tapping geothermal energy. 4. List out different applications in which geothermal energy can be used. Explain with neat sketches the construction of a typical geothermal plant. Unit-7: 1. Explain the various ways in which we can tap energy from oceans. Compare the potential, advantages and limitations of ocean based energy with those from other sources. 2. Explain different OTEC cycles with suitable flow diagrams and T-S diagrams. Discuss the relative merits of open and closed cycle systems of OTEC. 3. Explain the principle of tidal energy conversion with sketches. What are the advantages and limitations of tidal power generation? 4. How can the energy of ocean waves be exploited? What are the prospects of OTEC, tidal and ocean wave energy in India? Unit-8: 1. What is meant by direct energy conversion? What are its advantages and limitations? 2. Explain the principle and operation of MHD generator with a neat flow diagram. What are the different materials used in MHD power generation? 3. What are fuel cells? Explain the principles of operation of fuel cells and their applications. 4. Write short notes on: a) Seebeck effect b) Peltier effect c) Joule-Thomsons effect d) Hall effect Energy Systems Units: 5 to 8

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