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Listen and choose one correct answer for each question. 1. Test- takers hear: A : Good morning, John.

B : Good morning, Miss Winfrey. A : You're early for school today. It's only 6.30 B : Well, my mom has a new job, so we have to get up at 5.15 now and leave home at 6.15.

Test-takers read: What time did John leave home? a. At 5.15. b. At 6.15. c. At 6.30. 2. Test-takers hear: A: Would you like to help me? B: Yes please. A: Can you put some bottles of glue on all the desks, and some scissors, too, please. B: Ok. And papers? A: No, not now.

Test-takers read: What should A put on the desks? a. Some bottles of glue and some scissors.

b. Some bottles of glue. c. Some bottles of glue, some scissors, and some pieces of papers.

3. Test-takers hear: A: What lessons have we got this morning? B: Umm . . . music and science. A: Great! And geography? B: No, that's tomorrow morning.

Test-takers read: What subjects did A study this morning?

a. Music and science. b. Music and geography. c. Music geography and science.

4. Test-takers hear: A: Oh, here's something else for you to do. B: Yes? A: Can you get the tape recorder out of the cupboard please? B: Where shall I put it . . . on the table? A: No, on the shelf please.

Test-takers read:

Where should B put the tape recorder? a. In the cupboard. b. On the table. c. In the shelf.

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