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Child: Ibrahim Date: April 2013 Written By: Teacher Natasha (Head Teacher)

Welcome to An-Nur Ibrahim! Your teachers and I are so pleased with the way you have settled quickly in to the centre environment. You have returned to Christchurch with your family and are lucky enough to have your mother as a teacher in your classroom! Since leaving Christchurch after the Earthquakes you have been enjoying at home education with your mother and two other children. You now have 29 other classmates and three teachers in your room: Natasha, Nur and Bushra. You really enjoy drawing, and can spend significant amount of time completing your masterpieces to perfection. You have already begun forming friendships through mutual interests in Spiderman,

Review of learning Ibrahim settling quickly in to this new and very different environment demonstrates the positive learning dispositions of courage, curiosity, trust and playfulness. These are evident when he takes an interest demonstrating a strong sense of mana whenua within the centre, and chooses to be involved in the programme demonstrating he knows his mana atua will be meet and cared for at school. Ibrahim also demonstrates a lot of confidence with his mother being in the classroom with him, he feely expresses how he feel, and his point of view with all teachers. By observing you engaged in your favorite activity of drawing, I can see you are developing the ability to persist, manage impulsivity, and striving for accuracy. You are also starting to make connections between home and school as you adjust to being involved in a new physical environment of school, this experience will be, and already has strengthened your ability to applying past knowledge to new situations.

What next? I have really enjoyed watching you settle quickly in to our classroom. Your teachers will continue to provide you with a familiar and predictable daily routine while you continue to build confidence, especially when Mum takes her lunch breaks. We will provide you plenty of opportunities to explore your interests further, thus allowing you to further build on the dispositions already mentioned, while establishing and building friendships.

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