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Submit these Lesson Plans

Name: David Fitch


Carry them out Week -

Week of

Day to be implemented during week:

Lesson Plan for Group Time Planning

The following format is to be used in planning for group time. Turn one copy into your mentoring teacher and one copy to me-
one week ahead of time.

1) Transition to Group Area (rug area):

Pre-story or attention getting activity-Choose one and describe

Finger play With Props

Flannel board finger play (not a story)


Finger play

Focus of Group Time-Book or Flannel board Story (choose one or the other, Do not use book to present flannel board story)

Name of book or flannel board story:

(Visit the library to choose an age appropriate book. You can place other books in library for children to use during free or self-selection choice
time. Do not use book from your classroom.

Discussion-2 or 3 questions about book: (choose from attached list)


Transition out of Activity

Language and Literacy In Early Care and Education

ECE 103
Lesson plan Assignment
Name: David Fitch

Name of book:


Age group you would recommend for this book:

1. PRE-STORY ACTIVITY –“ATTENTION GETTING” ACTIVITY: Choose one from the following list: Finger Play, or Finger
Play with Props, or Flannel Board Finger Play:

2. INTRODUCTORY COMMENT: (A comment is recommended. If you ask a question, you have to be prepared responses.)
For this lesson plan, use an introductory comment:


(FOUR QUESTIONS-You generally would ask only one or two, but complete the following four for this assignment.)

1. A question that requires remembering “Recognition and Recall”

2. A question that requires reasoning-“Comprehension and Analysis”


3. A question that requires a “Demonstration of Skills”


4. A question that requires judgment, imagination, or solution to problems-“Synthesis”


5. What is your favorite part? (Children answer this!)

6, TRANSITION ACTIVITY (to next activity): Use your finger play with props to dismiss a few children at a time. Describe how
you will do this. Make it short and fun!

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