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The Jesuit Society

The Jesuit Society or the Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534, to defend against Protestant heresy, and has been a military enforcement arm for Catholic church since then. The Jesuits did three major activities, they founded schools throughout Europe, sent out missionaries to try to convert non-Christians to the Catholic religion, and they also tried to stop the spread of Protestantism. A decision by the Papacy was connected to the Church's reaction to the loss of a number of local German states to Lutheranism. The Council was seeking to resolve internal corruption and abuses uncovered during the theological resistance provided by the Protestant Reformation. Also the Council of Trent wanted to re-affirm the proper teachings of the original Catholic Church, and the reshape and removal of offices, policies, and powers that were corrupt and were indeed diminishing the Church's goals to preserve the universal church.

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