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Small Group Article Discussion

---------- Fuchs & Fuchs ---------Heidi - Deqa - Tanya - Nicholas - Yaqin 1. What does RTI stand for? Response to Intervention 2. Why is IQ not a good measure of intelligence? What do YOU think is a more reliable determining factor of whether or not a student will be successful in school? They used IQ score minus standard achievement score, but (1) it tended to overlook students who needed special help in lieu of low achieving students. Also, (2) some said that qualification was arbitrary because the standard differed by state. In addition, (3) you had to fail to start getting help - retroactive instead of proactive. DETERMINING FACTOR: parent involvement, IQ, where they are raised 3. What type of disability do most LD kids have? A reading disability 4. How are at risk students identified? Standardized tests They have lower performance than other students in class. They are not reading at grade level.

5. Describe the academic interventions mentioned in the article. Standard Treatment Protocol Tier I: smaller homogenous group meeting student needs, more instruction and guidance time, receive extra scaffold from teachers Tier II: Daily research-backed one-on-one instruction Tier III: referred to be tested for learning disability, student evaluated, parent conference held, school psychologist, social worker, teacher and special ed teacher meet with child parents. Problem-Solving 1) Teacher confers with parents to try to solve problems and work out plan of action 2) Teacher meets with Building Assistance Team to analyze and make a plan of action 3) Education specialist intervention

6. How is special education eligibility determined with RTI? Students remain unresponsive in Tiers 1, 2, 3, then they are given Special Ed eligibility. 7. How can you set up your classrooms in such a way that would help all students be successful? differentiation; small group work; co-teaching; organization; reflective teaching Grouping, assess students according to their level, 8. What can you do to try to determine whether or not a student has learned helplessness or a true disability? Not systematic with learned helplessness. Also, learned helplessness may be class or subjectspecific. If learners dont respond to intervention, does it really matter if it is a true disability vs. learned helplessness? Gearing your instruction to their interest and get them engaged, if they are engaged and tried but failed, then . Communicate with other teachers of the student.

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