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Red Bull // Logo Animation Energy Drink

09.16.12 // Jun Lee

Breakdown: Concept Keywords

Energy Extreme Mono Tone Vector Competition Powerful Static Structure Puzzle

A list of Ideas, tone, motifs, techniques, moods, imagery etc.


Static-ey Bull runs and expodes into the Red Bull logo.


Red Bull // Logo Animation // Concept

Treatment: Form + Content


What does it look like?

Style, Palette, Imagery, Analogy

Sell us your idea, top to bottom. Think it through.

Big idea, Tone, Form + Content, Emotion, Action, Story, Impression

The Red Bull logo bull will be vectorized with polygons and colored with the Red Bull iconic colors. The bull will be running with extreme power to emphasize the enery boost of the Red Bull.

Overall look will look like a scrambled puzzle piece but organized to see the structure of the bull.

What does it move like?

Animation, Camera, Edit, Analogy

There will be limited color (the colors will be from the Red Bull logo) and vector shapes. A bull will be running with force and speed until it explodes into smithereens, then the remainings from the bull will form the Red Bull logo.

What does it sound like?

Music, Sound Design, Mood, Tone

Fast beat sound to support the Power of the bull. There will be heavy sounds of the hooves stomping.

Red Bull // Logo Animation // Form + Content

Reference: Style

Red Bull // Logo Animation // Style

Style Frames

Color Pallet

Zooms into the remaining Red Bull can and the logo appears.

Red Bull // Logo Animation // Style Frames+coloe pallet

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