Worked Example: of Example Concept Design Rev

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Worked example
Sheet 4 of 4 Rev

Example Concept Design

c,(z) =.?.08
qp(z) = c d z ) qb q p ( z )= 3.08 x 0.24 = 0.74kN/mZ Taking the quadrant from 21O"to 300"as a second example v~,,~ = 2.7.3 m / s maximum cd,,from within the quadrant 210"to 300" = 1.0 (at 240")

Interpolated f r o m Figure N A . 7 Na.2.17

= 1.0

= c,,,,,,,,



Table NA.1 Table NA.2 4. I 4.10 and NA.2.18 NA.2.11 Annex A S


=1.0 x1.0 x23.3 =23.3m/s

qb =O.6I.7vk,' qb =0.613 x2.7.3' xIO:' =0.33kN/mZ Terrain: Town h,,,, = 3.6m Closest distance ,from the sea within the sector 210" to 300" = 66km (at 3000) c,(z) =2.91 (at z - h,,,, =23.4m)
cc,T = 0.88 (at z
- h,,,, = 23.4m)

qp(z) = c e ( z ) cc,l q h qp(z) = 2.91 x 0.88 x 0.33 = 0.85 k N / m z

Interpolated from Figure NA. 7 Interpolated from Figure NA.8 NA.2.17

The summary results are shown below:

Sector peak velocity pressure (kN/m') 0.57 0.88 0.85 0.86

30 to 120 inclusive 120" to 210" inclusive 210" to 300" inclusive 300" to 30" inclusive

When the quadrants are chosen as above, the maximum peak velocity pressure o,f I.OOkN/m' may be used to determine forces on the structure in each orthogonal direction. Sector peak velocity pressure ( k N / m 2 ) 0.63 1.00

0" to 90" inclusive 90" to 180" inclusive 180" to 270" inclusive 270 to 0 inclusive

When the quadrants are chosen as above, the maximum peak velocity pressure of 0.88kN/m2 may be used to determine forces on the structure in each orthogonal direction. In both these examples of the application of Approach 3, the resulting maximum peak velocity pressure is less than that from Approach 1, but more than that from Approach 2. The example demonstrates the beneficial effects of judicious choice of quadrants.

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