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Guidelines for Submission of Independent Study - III Assignments

Students must adhere to the following assignment submission guidelines. I. Independent Study Answers 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) All parts of the questions should be answered. If any question is partly answered, such answers will not be accepted. Students must ensure that the answers strictly pertain to the questions asked. A clear understanding of facts must be presented with justification/analysis. Facts/data from the HBR article can be used as relevant inputs for supporting answers wherever pertinent. The answers should not be verbatim reproduction of textual matter from the HBR article. Such answers will not be accepted. Candidates must attempt to answer all questions in their own words. 6) 7) 8) 9) Examples can be cited wherever pertinent. Students must limit themselves to answering the questions asked and the HBR article summary or introduction need not be presented. The assignment can end with a conclusion summing up each answer. Answers must be well structured making use of appropriate headings/side-headings, coherent and free of grammatical and typographical errors. 10) Candidates must ensure that all answers for assignment are submitted. Any anomaly in submission will be treated as incomplete submission. 11) Candidates must clearly indicate the HBR issues for the five questions they choose. 12) After receiving feedback for assignments, in case any answers have to be rewritten and resubmitted, please mention Independent study assignment resubmission clearly in the email. 13) Candidates are forbidden from resorting to any kind of copying of assignments from other students. This will be construed as a malpractice. II. Independent Study Assignment Formatting 1) The independent study assignment should be typed in MS-Word, in Times New Roman 12 point font, single-spaced line, justify style. Left, right, top and bottom margins should be 1 inch. 2) 3) 4) The header should include assignment title, student name and enrollment number. The independent study title should be in capitals and centered. The content of each answer should range from 500 to 1000 words.

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