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Nuclear RAT 2.1.0 by caesar2k ==================================== Files that should be inside the zip: - changelog.txt - Readme.txt - change.php - logger.

php - client.exe - client.dklang ===================================== Download from the author website: The precedence of this program can only be assured if you got it from ===================================== Disclaimer: This program is made for legit use. Nuclear RAT is provided as-is without any express or implied warranty in no event will the author be held liable or responsible for any illegal action[s] or damage[s] arising from the use of it. Use Nuclear RAT at your own risk. If you do anything illegal with this program you are the only one responsible for it. ===================================== Plugins, tutorial or language files: Check the website for either language files, plugins, or a tutorial for Nuclear RAT. You may translate Nuclear RAT using the DKLang Translator Software, loading the "client.dklang" file. If you want me to put any plugins, tutorials or language files on the NWC website, use the contact page on the site to email me. ===================================== Important notes about client functionality: To get a quick help about some function, click the "?" sign next to it to show the help. The best fonts for the client are Tahoma and Arial Unicode MS (the later have support for ALL languages) All windows in the client have two hotkeys, ESC and F1. When you press F1, the current focused client window (let's say, File Manager) will become hidden, that can be shown again clicking in the "Opened windows" part. When you press ESC, the current focused window will be closed (and any information that was previously displayed is lost) ===================================== Bug reporting, suggestion, critics: Visit the forums or email me (information on the website) ===================================== Thanks to the people that made it possible: Aphex, stm, drocon, akcom, s13az3, Andr, Princeali, sphinx, Positron,

Team Nexgen, satan_addicted, LOM, Heike, x140d4n, Lucifer0000, i2av, Crazy Boris, X_DEVIOUZ_DISEEZ_X, Eagle and the people that helped the testing! Also thanks to all the translators for the hard work with the translation of this program! ===================================== Nuclear Winter Crew 2007 []

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