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PTIs Rural Governance Vision Empowering the Community

Pakistans Rural Power Structure

Administrative structure created by the British for the British continues
Rural elite created and supported for control of the common man and the resources he produces Centralized control, top-down approach

The rural elite continues its role

Politics in rural areas revolves around symbols of state power Police, Revenue, Irrigation, etc. The common villager remains a pawn in the game of power politics

Pakistans Rural Power Structure

All legislation on Local Governance in Pakistan has been under military rules. (1959, 1979, 2001) In 1959, the military government introduced the Union Council as the basic building block of local government
It shifted power and functions away from the organically developed Village ignoring traditions dating back centuries

All subsequent local government models compounded the error by thoughtlessly assuming Union Councils synonymous with the village community

PTIs Rural Governance Vision

PTI aims give back the Power where it belongs - The Community

Focus on the Community as the first building block

A bottoms up approach to replace the top-down system

Local Governance systems should be based on natural and traditional structures that have evolved over centuries
It is only these time-tested structures which the Community identifies with and owns

It is time that we commence rural governance from where evolution has placed it The Village PTIs Local Governance model will necessarily be Provincial and shall reflect special features of a Province

Local Government
Zila Government

TM Admin
Union Council

Pakistan Statistics* Districts

Tehsils Union Councils Mauzas Settlements

388 6028 52376 170246


Source: Mauza Census 2008 ACO


Tehsil * GB & AJK not included.


What is a Village/Mauza
A territorial unit with a separate name

Has definite boundaries, precisely measured area, divided into plots / khasras with Survey numbers
A Village/Mauza is a revenue estate, having a separate Record of Rights Other names used for it are: Deh, Killi, Chak, Goth, Dhok, Abadi A Mauza ordinarily has one or more settlements

Village/Mauza Disaggregated Data

Urban Mauzas Urban/Rural mix Mauzas Rural Mauzas Forest Mauzas Unpopulated Mauzas Total Mauzas Provinces Punjab Sindh KPK Balochistan PAKISTAN* Urban 658 170 144 127 1099 U/R Mix 990 290 206 90 1576 1099 1576 45906 439 3356 52376 Rural 22951 5283 11334 6338 45906 Forest 288 96 25 30 439 Un-pop 2172 144 145 895 3356 TOTAL 27059 5983 11854 7480 52376 2% 3% 88% 0.8% 6.4%

* GB and AJK not included

Source: Mauza Survey 2008. ACO

Average Mauzas
Mauzas in a District Punjab average Sindh average KPK average Balochistan average Pakistan Average Average Mauzas in a Thana Average Mauzas in a UC Average Mauzas in a Patwar Circle Average Population of a Mauza 620 400 280 300 400 31 8 4-5 2400 Punjab 2800 Sindh 3700 KPK 1700 B/tan 1100

Punjab 42

Sindh 14

KPK 39

B/tan 25

Source: Population Survey 1998 (adjusted), Mauza Survey 2008

Infrastructure in Mauzas
Facility Electrified Health RHC/BHU Dispensary Education Primary School Middle School High School 73% 27% 13% 86% 30% 16% 92% 32% 19% 78% 35% 17% 61% 16% 9% 10.5% 9% 12% 10% 12% 14% 8% 7% 12% 6% Pakistan 73% Punjab 84% Sindh 50% KPK 70% Balochistan 36%

Metalled Road Public Transport Veterinary Cover

54% 61%

80% 70%

70% 71%

38% 67%

20% 52%

Public facility
Private facility
Source: Mauza Survey 2008






Mauza Fragmentation
1 Settlement 2-3 Settlements 4-5 Settlements 6-9 Settlements >10 Settlements

51% 20%
13 %
12% 23%
7 % 7 %

51% 3%

24% 11%

5% 24%

7% 37%

Punjab Sindh







Source: Mauza Census 2008 ACO

Village Governance PTIs Model

Each Village / Mauza to be governed by an empowered Village Council Comprising an average of seven or more Councilors elected for four years Seats to be reserved for women The national average population in a Mauza is 2400.
Punjab 2800 Sindh 3700 KPK 1700 B/tan 1100

One elected member for a Population ranging between 150 and 400 depending on the Province

Village Governance PTIs Model

Elections to VC on Open Free List System A Village need not be divided in electoral Blocks Candidates do not need to contest against each other The contestant obtaining the highest votes to be the Chairman One half Councilors who obtained the minimum votes to retire after two years and replaced by freshly elected Making the Village Council self renewing


Strengths of a Village
A village directly generates the following financial resources:
Land Revenue, Abiana, Agri Income Tax, Registration & Mutation Fees The Commodity Producing Sector contributes 46.7% to Pakistans GDP. This is all from rural areas.

Our systems, however give no right to the rural areas to receive a fair share of what they generate or produce
Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2010-11 13

PTIs Vision of Rural Empowerment

A Village must have sufficient money as a right to maintain services and perform functions
For employing essential village staff and maintaining services

A Village must also have access to Development Funds as a matter of right

Decades of neglect of Villages needs to be corrected

For the first time in Pakistans history, Public Funds shall be placed with the People
In the hands of the People, to be spent by the People As per their self determined priorities Without red tape

Public Funds belong to the People and they can be trusted with them 14

Village Funds for Empowerment

Recurring Fund
Rs. 500,000 per average village (per annum) to finance core functions for communal living Chowkidar, Village accountant, sanitation, emergency maintenance of public services etc. Numberdari grant of land to be given to the Village Council

Development Fund
Rs. 20 lacs per average village (per annum) for investment in infrastructure as per their self determined priorities This would mean a direct investment of Rs. 1 crore per average village over a 5 year period

Every year Rs. 125 billion will go directly to all the Villages of Pakistan
Rs. 625 billion in a 5 year PTI tenure

Village Funds for Empowerment

Self Generated Fund
Village to be a body corporate which can enter into a contract for provision of services Establishment of cattle/vegetable/grain markets to end the current exploitative Government/Arthti controlled market regime Integrating Overseas Pakistanis with the development of villages of their origin or choice

Additional Financing window at District level

For Village sewerage and water supply
New schemes and rehabilitation of dysfunctional ones

On cost sharing basis Maintenance to be VC function


PTIs village self governance proposal is a paradigm shift which will be facilitated for it to quickly strike roots
To protect VCs from the machination / manipulations of the vested interests that shall lose power under the new system:
User friendly SOPs for functioning of VCs and use of Public funds All VCs to go through a process of familiarization with these SOPs A modern IT based system for Performance and Financial Audits shall be installed for transparency and efficiency Third Party Audit of all Village funds

State Support the New Village Structure

Legal Empowerment Of Village

VC to maintain village solidarity and unity through Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods
Negotiation, Mediation and Reconciliation backed by Law The objective is to resolve as many disputes as possible within the village to reduce the burden of dispute resolution up the chain

Village Council Chairman to be Justice of Peace under Section 22A of the Criminal Procedure Code
Able to summon police for assistance To be consulted for facts during investigation of an alleged crime To be consulted to help eliminate false cases

Community Oversight of Public Services

A Village Council must be enabled to judge the performance of government functionaries who so deeply impact village lives Thana Oversight Committee
One nominated Councilor of each VC to be a member Meet at least once a month and review performance of Police

Different Committees from relevant VCs to oversee the performance of:

Revenue Officials Agriculture & Livestock Departments Primary Healthcare Elementary Education Irrigation Department


Responsibilities of the New Village

The Village Council will ensure the following services: Village Record Maintenance
Births, Deaths, Marriages

Establishing & Maintaining common village services Preventive Healthcare Sewerage Solid waste management Water Supply Watch & Ward Preventing / Removing Encroachments which are a public nuisance

Future of the New Village

Bringing Economic Opportunities to the Village
The Village Bank
Banking sector and Pakistans economy must benefit from bringing the village communities into the official economy The Village Council to act as an intermediary in bringing formal Banking services to the Village
Thereby ensuring a breakthrough in provision of Agricultural Credit to small farmers

Agro technology Communal Dairy farming services Aggregating small farmer demand for inputs Etc. etc. etc.


Taking PTIs Community Empowerment Model to an Urban Setting


Pakistans Urban Governance Structure

Cities potential usurped by Provincial Govts.
Cities generate Taxes on Properties, Water Rate etc
However, these are fixed and recovered by Provincial Government agencies

City functions stand usurped as well

Development Authorities established (KDA, CDA, LDA, MDA, FDA) Water and Sanitation Agencies Parks & Horticulture Authorities Environmental Protection Authorities Traffic Engineering Authorities

Prime Ministers and Chief Ministers behaving like Mayors

Multan, Larkana, Lahore

PTIs Urban Governance Vision

All Urban Governance functions to go back to the Municipality

City Government to be the sole custodian of Urban governance

City Government to raise independent revenue for city development
Fund investment in instruments Municipal Bonds etc. Urban infrastructure by innovative

Provincial Government role

Policy formulation Standard setting

PTIs Urban Governance Vision

Self governance fund on Village Model for Nano Urban communities Mainstreaming overgrown villages that are now small rural towns


Nano Urban Communities

Category 1 Railway Line Kutchy Abadi 2 1 New Cavalry Grounds RA Bazar 4 1.5 Cavalry Grounds Walton Colony 2 2 CG Extension 3 Super Town 4 Old Super Town Nishat 5 Colony s 3 4 5 Type Very Good Good Un-Satisfactory Bad Very Bad

Madina Colony 5


The Forgotten Rural Town

All over rural Pakistan, hundreds of Villages have turned into Towns
The Government mostly ignores this reality The 2001 Local Government Ordinance also ignored their existence

These overgrown Villages have lost their rural character

Advantages of being a Village lost Advantages of being a City nowhere in sight They are not getting the infrastructure that is synonymous with urban areas

These over-grown villages must also be given specialized treatment which helps them transform smoothly into a City



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