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Early teenage relationships boost self-esteem. (explanatory details & anecdote) 1. Adolescence time of uncertainty and the persons confidence tends to be low. 2. Need for a shot in the arm that a relationship gives. 3. John was such a teenager lacking confidence 4. Elisabeth fell in love with him

5. Just the fact that such a girl would find him attractive became such a boost to his ego; 6. His grades went up and his performance in basketball improved 7. His confidence soared again. 8. The positive changes seen in John have also been experienced by many teenagers after getting into a relationship.

Early teenage relationships boost self-esteem. At a time when the adolescent is still unsure of himself, it gives that shot in the arm that is really needed to make him feel significant and desirable. John, was a teenager who entered adolescence with all the insecurities typical of this stage of development: he felt he was not tall enough; his shoulders were not broad enough; he did not play basketball well enough, just to name a few. But when Elisabeth, the most popular girl in Form 4 started glancing in his direction,

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