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Carlos Pino Lesson 1 Assignment Solo Analize This is the harmonic structure of the Cole Porter's tune What

is This Thing Called Love? distributed in the form AABA 1.- The first eight bars of the A section are divided in two phrases of four bars each, both are based in chromatic ideas that has the chord tones as target at its endings. Its resolution over a minor, first, and a major chord later, appears very defined in both cases. Eights notes are the most used with some triplets, and the last bar of this section is blank, this suggests a separation to the next section. 2.- The second A section. Again two phrases appears clearly separated by a rest at the twelfth bar. There is a repetition of a motif based on tripets and cromatics in the first part (four bars) and a repetition of a motif based on chord tones with chroatic aproaches of the C triad. 3.- Bridge or B section. Rhythmically different to the previous sections, it makes the difference by playing a repetition of a syncopated riff with larger intervals than the previous section, first descending and later ascending over the chord tones. The last bar (20) of this section has rest that separates the bridge to the last A part. 4.- Last A section. Back to the chromatics ideas targeting the chord tones. Eight notes phrases appears mixed with a repetition of an eight and four notes that changes the rhythmn of the phrase. The end of the solo define clearly the C major chord resolution by playing the C major scale and ending on the major third (E). In general, this solo shows some of the basic resources used in bebop.

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