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Reality Just Isnt Good Enough Reality: It is asserted by some historians that the ancestors of the Mexica (or

Aztecs) migrated to central Mexico from an area that is near the current US - Mexican border. When they arrived at Lake Texcoco in the Central Mexican Valley, they found the area densely populated. The inhabitants, more numerous and powerful than the new arrivals, forced these peoples to live on a swampy, unpleasant island in the middle of the lake. Not having a choice, they did. The peoples around the lake did not like the new arrivals because of their rituals and appearance. Some accounts explain that these Mexica ancestors smelled horribly and had a preoccupation with blood-use in their rituals. Historians have used archaeological evidence as well as literary evidence produced by the Mexica (pictographic documents) and the Spanish Conquistadors to arrive at this understanding of Mexica origins. Task: The accounts above must be changed to paint a divine, glorious, and honorable start to the Mexica people and their culture. In essence, you must create a myth worthy of the Mexica Empire.

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