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Appointment Letter Date :

To, Mr.X along with Address Dear Mr. X, We are pleased to offer you employment in the Management Cadre in our organization on the following terms & conditions: 1. 2. 3. Date of Joining Designation Monthly Remuneration

Salary Break up is as follows. Part I Basic Pay : HRA : Conveyance Allw. : Part II Companys Contribution Provident Fund : ESIC : Gratuity : Bonus : . Total Monthly Cost to Company Rs.--- /-p.m. (addition of part I and II) Total Annual Cost to Company Rs.--- /-p.a. (above amt * 12) a. Bonus will be paid yearly. b. Gratuity You will be entitled to Gratuity as per the provisions of the payment of Gratuity Act.





Privilege or Earned Leave : Casual Leave : Special Leave : Paid Holidays : Systems and procedures are to be followed as per leave rules framed by the company. You will be on probation for a period of six months from the date of joining duties. The company shall be entitled to extend the period of your probation from time to time and if your services are not found satisfactory the company shall have a right to terminate your services without assigning any reason thereof. During the period of your probation you will not be entitled to any other benefits, which may be available to the permanent employees of the company.



The Company may utilize your services in any section, department, office or establishment and/or related companies forming a part of our organization, in any part of India and also to any concern



which the Company may possess or acquire in future. In such an event you will be required to shift to the new location without any additional remuneration or compensation. On transfer to the new location, you will be bound by the working rules, regulations, timings, leave entitlements, weekly off days, paid holidays etc applicable at that location for the employee of that cadre. a. If for any reason you wish to resign from the Companys services, you may do so by giving 1 (One) months notice in writing or pay the Company 1 (One) month salary in lieu thereof. Similarly, the Company can at its discretion terminate your services by giving 1 months notice in writing or 1 months salary in lieu thereof. b. This contract of employment may be terminated without notice or any compensation in lieu thereof, if any act of yours is detrimental to the interest of the Company after due process of law. c. If any time you are found guilty of dishonesty, disobedience, disorderly behavior, negligence, indiscipline, absence form duty without permission and/or any other conduct which is considered by the Company detrimental to the interest of the Company or violation of one or more terms of this letter, your services can be terminated without notice. d. Moreover, if and when the Management feel suspicious about your integrity or loose confidence in you, your services are liable to be terminated after due process of law. e. You are also aware that you are involved in production processes/in work which is of highly confidential nature as such. If it is found during the course of your employment with us that you are involved in taking bribe/commission to favor any individual/party/employee, the management shall have right to terminate your services with immediate effect and your dues shall be forfeited. You will not, without obtaining prior written permission from the Company carry on any business or enter into any contract or be employed by any other firm Company or person during the tenure of this contract with our organization. You will devote your entire attention to your duties to promote the interest of the Company. a. You will be just and faithful employee of the Company in all matters and shall not at any time except under the legal process divulge to any person and shall use your best endeavor to prevent the publication or disclosure of any trade secret or manufacturing process or any other information concerning or in respect of the items as manufactured or marketed by the Company or dealing transactions or affairs which may come to


Outside Employment





your knowledge during the pendency of your employment and even thereafter for five years. You will be responsible for the safe keeping and will return in good condition and order all the properties of the Company such as tools, equipment, calculators, books etc. in your custody. The Company reserves the right to deduct the money value of such things from your dues and take such other action as deemed proper in the event of your failure to account for such property to its satisfaction You shall inform the Company immediately about any new or novel process, techniques or design you may come across discover or invent. All such discoveries or inventions will be the property of the Company. The Company may at its discretion take out patents in your name for such discoveries or inventions and the Company will retain the rights to such patents as the sole beneficiary.


Validity of information

This appointment is offered to you based on the information provided by you in writing and during the course of subsequent correspondence and meetings. In the event of any of the information being proved to be incorrect, the Company will view it seriously and take appropriate action.
Every Personnel in this Organisation is liable to be Security Checked, Irrespective of his Status and Designation.( Unless otherwise Specified by the Directors through a written circular)

11. 12.

Security Check Policies, facilities and Amenities

13. 14. 15.

Change of Address Date of Birth Retirement Training




The facilities and amenities granted by the Company in excess of the statutory requirements do not form a part of the conditions of service and are subject to change at the discretion of the Company. Any change in the rules, regulations, policies and orders announced by the Company from time to time and applicable to you will form a part of this contract of employment. You will keep the Company informed of any change in your residential address. We have recorded you date of birth as DOB_based on data submitted by you. You will retire on reaching an age of 60 (Sixty) years and this contract will automatically lapse. At that time your dues will be settled along with all retirement benefits available to you. During your service with the Company if you agree to be sent abroad for training at Companys expense you will be required to sign an agreement with the Company to serve for 3 (Three) years from the date you return to India. The contract has a penalty clause in case you decide to leave the Company before completion the period of time specified. E-mail facility provided by the Company is to be used exclusively for Companys official business. The Company will have the right to check the e-mail sent and received. Sending of any

information related the Companys commercial / financial / technical data to unauthorized persons will be treated as a breach of trust and a serious offense. You will be responsible for the misuse of e-mail and all its consequences including litigation arising therefore. We welcome you as a member of our organization. We hope that our association will be a mutually happy and rewarding one. Please sign and return the duplicate copy of this letter in token of your acceptance of the above terms and conditions, at the earliest. Yours faithfully, Company Name Authorized Signatory I confirm that all the information given by me is true and my appointment in your Organization is subject to the validity of this information. I also hereby confirm having read and having understood, agreed to abide by the above terms and conditions. I have joined duty on __________________

Date :


Offer Letter


Offer Letter

Dear X, We refer to the discussions held with you earlier and take pleasure in offering you the position of Designation in the organization. Your job specifications will be provided to you separately. We shall be offering you salary as discussed mutually at the time of interview you had with us. All other benefits will be as per the existing policy of company for which you will be entitled upon your joining the organisation. The terms and conditions of your appointment will be spelt out in detail in the appointment letter to be given to you on joining the orgnisation. This appointment is offered to you based on the information provided by you in writing and during the course of subsequent correspondence and meetings. In the event of any of the information being proved to be incorrect, the Company will view it seriously and take appropriate action. This offer is open for your acceptance on or before_______,2006. We look forward to a very rewarding mutual relationship to the benefit of yourself and the company. . Yours faithfully, HR Department

EXIT INTERVIEW Name of Employee: Department : Designation: 1) Reason for leaving Company? 2) Things you like in ? 3) Things you dislike in ? 4) If you will get a chance to work in again, can you work? 5) Did you receive enough Training while working? 6) Did your Boss recognize your Contribution? 7) Did your Superior listen to your problems and helped you? 8) Any suggestions for Improvements? 9) During your service period, were you happy about your pay? 10) Which is the thing, if we would have done then you would have stayed? 11) What do you mean by Job Satisfaction? 12) What are the good things about your Boss? 13) What is your opinion about Performance review? 14) What are the weaknesses of (put ur organization name) ? 15) What are the strengths of (put your organization name)? 16) What is your experience about recognition program? 17) What is a Motivator for you? 18)Do you think whatever exposure you have got is good for your future? 19)Which of your skills that you have not use in this company? 20) Did this company help you to fulfill your career goals? \ 21) Do you have any tips to help us find your replacement? 22)Based on your experience with us, what do you think it takes to succeed at this company? 23) Any other comments?

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