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Fuehrer Adolf Hitler

Interior Frick

OKW Keitel

Economics Schacht

Four-Year Plan Goring

Party Chancellery Bohrmann

Deputy Fuehrer Hess

Justice Gurtner

SS Himmler

Wehrmacht Jodl

Navy Raeder Donitz

Luftwaffe Goring

Youth Schirach

Labor Ley

RSHA Heydrich, Kaltenbrunner

Women Scholtz-Klink Jewish Affairs Eichmann Law Frank

Gestapo Muller

Police Daluege

Berlin Goebles

Economics Pohl A: Stahlecker Waffen-SS Wolff Concentration Camps Eicke, Gluecks Auschwitz Hoss B: Nebe Operation Reinhard Globocnik

Vienna Schirach

Franconia Striecher

Thuringia Sauckel Sobibor Stangl Treblinka Stangl C: Rasche Gauleiters SA Rohm, Lutze D: Ohlendorf

Belzec Wirth Reich Commissioner of Netherlands Seyss-Inquart Generalgovernment Frank

SK4a: Blobel Einsatzgruppen

State Chancellery Lammers

Finance Funk

Foreign Office Neurath,Ribbentrop

Armaments Todt, Speer

Eastern Occupied Territories Rosenberg

Propaganda and Public Enlightenment Goebbles

Medicine Brandt

Slave labor Sauckel

Radio Fritsche

T4 Bouhler

Autobahn Todt

Publishing Amann

Chelmno Lange

Press Deitrich

Education Rust

Program/Position Name

Members of the Nazi Party who held No State Positions, only Appointed Party Positions

Program/Position Name

Non-Nazi Party Members who occupied only State Positions

Program /Position Name

Nazi Party Members who held both Party Positions and State Positions



Direct Chain of Command



Subverted Chain of Command

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