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A 0|S1|XC1|V| S1\|| . C0H A 0|S1|XC1|V| S1\|| .

Tim Harris
||ST/'|/|T C\|||. |'CC||. |/|C||. ||||||.
Who s your hero?
My brother 'ohn ls my hero. Ee ls u llre fghter ln
Albuquerque und hus heled me ull ulong. My
What are the challenges you jace workng at the
vhen there ure u lot of eole ln the restuurunt, lt ls
hurd to kee lt ull together! ve get reully busy. 8ut the
chullenge of belng busy ls u good roblem to huve.
\ou do a dance bejore gong nto the restaurant
everyday. What exctes you on a daly bass?
8elng wlth ull of my customers. Seelng them wulk
through thut front door ls the MCS1 excltlng. Lon't
forget ubout the hugs though!
ls there somethng you can share wth us about
yourselj that no one else knows?
lt wus very hurd to get to where l um. 1here wus u lot
to overcome.
Do you stll compete n the Specal Olympcs. What s
your javorte part oj competng?
Lolng my best. l ulso love the teum work. My teum ls
reully uwesome.
ls there a specal someone n your lje? Would you lke
to get marred and have chldren one day?
My Clrlfrlend vhltney. She ls u very seclul erson to
me. ve huve been dutlng for u yeur now but huve
been frlends slnce Llementury school. l vlLL murry
her someduy!
Do you have a best jrend?
Ashten ls my 8est frlend ln the whole world. She wus
my lnslrutlon und suort through hlgh school und
hus been my best frlend slnce.
What do you lke to do when you're not workng?
Lxerclse! l workout everyduy. l ulso love sendlng tlme
wlth my glrlfrlend.
What advce would you gve to chldren wth Down
Syndrome about reachng ther goals and dreams?
Stuy ln school. lt ls very lmortunt. Also never ever
glve u. 1ry 1ry 1ry. lf you cun dreum lt, You cun do lt!
Where can our readers connect wth you onlne?
My fucebook uge ls www.fucebook.comjtlm.monkey.
You cun ulso Reuch me on my webslte ut Send me u vlsh!!
Ihe FireF|y Ly GecSpcce i: cn c|| wecIher, :e|f-i||umincIec, humcn
pcwerec vehic|e. Ihe FireF|y :he|| ccnnecI: Ic Ihe frcnI Lccm cf c
recumLenI Irike Ic crecIe c cyc|ing experience IhcI prcvice: c high
|eve| cf vi:iLi|iIy cnc prcIecIicn fcr cny kinc cf wecIher, e:pecic||y
ccrk, cc|c, cr weI envircnmenI:.

|o|n |'| con |on :,nc|ome, T|m
|a|||: on: '|e o||c: ||enc||e:'
|e:'ao|an' anc |ve: oo' |o: o
||ncne:: on a ca||, |a:|:!
T|m |a|||: 'a||: a|oo' ||e, ma|||ae
anc anc o'o|e c|eam:.

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