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ASP.NET is more than the next version of Active Server Pages (ASP).

It provides a unified Web development model that includes the services
necessary for developers to build enterprise-class Web applications.

ASP.NET provides you with various types of controls such as Data

Validation controls, Login controls, Web Parts controls Each type of
control has a specific purpose.
Data Control

Grid View :
Data Grid required a page developer to write custom code to handle
simple operations such as paging, sorting, editing or deleting data.

Data Lis t:
The Data List control displays data items in a repeating list, and
optionally supports selecting and editing the items.

Form V iew :
Form View is a data-bound user interface control that renders a
single record at a time from its associated data source.

SqlDataSo ur ce:
The SqlDataSource control is a data source control that represents
a connection to an ADO.NET SQL database provider.
Logi n Contr ol

The Login Control:

The Login control displays a user interface for user authentication.

The LoginView Control:

The LoginView control allows you to display different information to
anonymous and logged-in users.

The LoginStatus Control:

The LoginStatus control displays a login link for users who are not
authenticated and a logout link for users who are authenticated.

The LoginName Control:

The Lo ginN ame  control displays a user's login name.

Vali dati on Control

Required Field V ali dato r:

Required field validate control is used on controls where user must
enter some data.

Compa re V alidator Control:

Compare validators are used when you need to compare two fields.

Range V ali dato r Control:

Range validator control is used when you need to check for a certain

Regular E xpress ion Validator C ont rol:

Regular Expression Validator is the coolest of all validators controls. It
is used to validate complex expressions.
Web Parts Control

ASP.NET Web Parts is an integrated set of controls for creating

Web sites that enable end users to modify the content,
appearance, and behavior of Web pages directly from a browser.

These Web Parts capabilities mean that developers can

empower end users to personalize a Web application dynamically,
without developer or administrator intervention.

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