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In this section we are interested in the strategy / organizational goals of your organization 1. Below several competitive means are presented. Please indicate per mean to what extent your organization has received attention in the last three years. With product we mean a product as well as a service. Please choose from: 1 = none 2 = little 3 = not little/ not much 4 = much 5 = very much 1 2 3 4 Attentive control of product quality Reducing of total costs Reducing costs of company process Selling high priced products Improving service to the client Improving the performance of the sales men Improving existing company processes Product improvements to meet better the expectations of the client Building brand and- company name Introducing new products to the market Developing new company processes. Immediately solving problems at the client Benchmarking own company processes against the best company processes within the branch. Developing new products New service to the client Innovative marketing techniques Securing reliable distribution channels Offering wide arsenal of products Better after sales to the clients Benchmarking own company processes against the best company processes anywhere. Placing ads and other advertising activities Improving existing products

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