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Diploma in Information Technology

DIT IT202 C Programming [Recording information]

Name: Wu Student ID: 150100000698 Class: IT202-C Programming Country: Brunei Darussalam Lecturer Name: Mr.
Wu IT202

Page 1



1. Proposal


1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................3 1.2 current system................................................................................................................4 1.3 Proposed new system....................................................................................................5 2. Program Specification 2.1 Screen Design .............................................................................................................6 2.2 Input Specification ......................................................................................................15 2.3 File Specification.........................................................................................................16 2.4 CRT Forms...................................................................................................................17 2.5 Processing & Validation..............................................................................................26 2.6 Program DesignFlowchart.......................................................................................28 3. Development (Program Listing).................................................................................33 4. Testing 4.1 Test Plan.......................................................................................................................54 4.2 Test Cases....................................................................................................................58 4.3 Test Log.......................................................................................................................96 5. Implementation 5.1 Hardware and software configuration..........................................................................98 5.2 User Manual.................................................................................................................99
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Page 2



5.3 Conclusion.................................................................................................................108 6. Reference....................................................................................................................114 7. Appendix.....................................................................................................................115

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Page 3



1. Proposal 1.1INTRODUCTION
Oxford Business Language School is found in 1990 by Mr. Bu in Bandar Seri Begawan. The language school offers all kinds of language courses, such as English, French, Malay and Germany, Japanese, Chinese and so on. The courses are offer to every person who age above 10 years old. At presents, there are 2000 people in Oxford Business Language School. 1500 students are in English course, 500 students are in French course and 500 students are in Malay course. The school has totally hired 100 lecturers and staffs. Lecturers communicate with students through different languages. They always study and talk about learning skills to their students. The school also opens various activities for practicing different languages once a month. Those courses aim at promoting skills of speaking and listening. The school brings up students who will play important role in society. Mr. Bu hopes those students in learning language can speak frequently in society. Especially in the recent year, many tourists visit Brunei. Those tourists mostly come from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Europe, Australia and America. With the help of the Oxford Business Language School, many local people, who have finished their courses in the School, have gain the benefit to find many jobs in tourism industry.

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Page 4



Currently, there are many students study in Oxford Business Language School. The school has kept the information of every student in an old fashion paper system. One of the difficulties is to locate a record of a student. The current manual system has many disadvantages on below: 1. It takes time to find a record of a student, since the record is stored in a large filing cabinet. If the record has been misplaced, it will be hard to find. 2. It is lack of security of classified record. Such as, any person can view and edit all the confidential information of the students without permission. 3. Some words on the paper may be vague if those papers have been kept for a long time. 4. If someone changed his or her own information, such as hand phone number, etc, the staff of the school needs to give his or her paper to rewrite again for updating. 5. It spends a lot of money to buy papers and file folders. 6. It has to take a huge space for filing cabinet.

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Page 5




In order to solve the problems of the manual system, Mr. Bu is starting to look for a new system. The new system will be faster and trouble free for staff easily to add, edit or change any record of a student. Using C programming software to store information as proposed new system, it is user friendly and simple to use. Mr. Bu can save many budgets from buying papers and file folder. Besides, all the information and the data can be stored in a computer or any portable device. Users can back up all information and the data easily. Therefore, they dont need to worry about losing any information. The new proposed system of the program will be follow: Users have to use password to enter or update the database. The system is easily upgradable. The size of the software is small and it is easy to install.

There are some advantages of proposed new system: To find, edit and delete information easily To update new information without difficulty To improve security

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2. Program Specification
2.1 Screen Design Login.
|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| *| |*| WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL|*| |~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| *| ----------------------------------------------

Main Menu.
|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| |-|-| Oxford Business Language School |-|-| Main Menu ----------------------------1. Add student 2. Edit student 3. Search student 4. Delete student 5. Exit System ----------------------------Please enter your choice [1-5]:

Wu IT202

Add student.
Page 7



|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| *| |*| WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL|*| |~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| *| --------------------------------------Profile: Student ID: Enter Full Name: Confirm Name: Enter Gender [F/M]: |~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| Enter Country: |*|Oxford Business Language School |*| Enter your Birthday: Enter Student Full Name to Edit: Enter HandPhone: - - - - - - Enter - - - - -Address: ---------------------------Student Profile: Course Name: Student ID: Join date: A. Full Name: Enter Guardian/Parents Name: B. Gender [F/M]: Confirm Name: C. Birthday: Enter Guardian/Parents Phone No: D. Address: Payments: E. Country: Do you want to save this record [Y/N]? F. HP No:

Edit student

G. Join date: H. Course: I. Payments:

Wu IT202

J. Guardian/Parents Name: K. Guardian/Parents Phone No: Choose letter which field you want to edit [AK]:

Page 8



|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*| ~| |*|Oxford Business Language School|*| |~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| *|

Search student.

SEARCH MENU -----------------------1. Search by Student Name 2. Search by Student ID 3. View All Records 4. Back to Main Menu Page 9

Wu IT202



|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| |*|Oxford Business Language School |*| Enter Student Full Name to search: --------------------------------------Student Profile: Student ID: A. Full Name: B. Gender [F/M]: C. Birthday: D. Address:

Search by name.

E. Country: F. HP No: G. Join date: H. Course: I. Payments:

Wu IT202

J. Guardian/Parents Name: K. Guardian/Parents Phone No: Do you want to view another record [Y/N]?

Page 10



|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| |*|Oxford Business Language School |*| Enter Student ID to search: --------------------------------------Student Profile: Student ID: A. Full Name: B. Gender [F/M]: C. Birthday:

Search by student ID

D. Address: E. Country: F. HP No: G. Join date: H. Course: I. Payments:

Wu IT202

J. Guardian/Parents Name: K. Guardian/Parents Phone No: Do you want to view another record [Y/N]?

Page 11



|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*| |*|Oxford Business Language School |*| |*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*| -------------------------------------Student ID: Full Name: Country: Birthday: Handphone No: Address: Course Name: Join Date: Guardian/Parents Name: Guardian/Parents Phone No: Payments: Gender:

View all records

-------------------------------------Student ID: Full Name: Country: Birthday: Handphone No: Gender:

Wu IT202

Address: Course Name: Join Date: Guardian/Parents Name: Guardian/Parents Phone No:

Page 12



|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| |*|Oxford Business Language School |*| Enter Name to delete: --------------------------------------Student Profile: Student ID: A. Full Name:

Delete student

B. Gender [F/M]: C. Birthday: D. Address: E. Country: F. HP No: G. Join date: H. Course: I. Payments:

Wu IT202

J. Guardian/Parents Name: K. Guardian/Parents Phone No: Are you sure you want to delete it [Y/N]?

Page 13



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Page 14



Exit system
|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*| |*|Oxford Business Language School |*| |^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^| |-|Thank you for using this program! |-| Done by: Wu Jian Min Student ID: 150100000698

Wu IT202

Page 15



2.2 Input Specification No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Name Password Choice ID Name Gender Country HP No Address Birth date Join date Course Payments Answer Answer Choice Name ID Name Name Description Password for login Main Menu Choice Student ID Full Name for student/Guardian/parents Student Gender Students country The HP No of Student/Guardian/Parents Student who lives address Students birth date Student who join the school Which course student choose Payments for course Save record or not Deleting record or not Search menu choice Name for editing ID for searching Name for searching Name for deleting Type int int int char char char int char char char char float char char int char int char char Size 3 20 1 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 1 1 1 20 3 20 20 Range 888 1-5 888 A-Z F/M A-Z 888 A-Z A-Z or 0-9 A-Z or 0-9 A-Z 888 Y/N Y/N 1-4 A-Z 888 A-Z A-Z

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2.3 File Specification No. 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name Student ID Full Name Gender Country Birthday HandPhone Address Course Name Join Date Description ID for student Type int Size 3 20 1 20 20 7 20 20 20 20 7 Range 888 A-Z M/F A-Z A-Z and 0-9 888 A-Z A-Z A-Z or 0-9 A-Z 888

A Full Name char for student A student Gender Student country Student birth date Student contact No Student live place Taking subject name Join school date char char char int char char char char int

Guardian/Parents Guardian or Name parents name Guardian/Parents Guardian or HandPhone parents contact No Payments


Payments for float subject



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2.4 CRT Forms Login.

|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| *| |*| WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL|*| |~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| *| ---------------------------------------------Oxford Business Language School -------------------------------------|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~| Student Profile: |-|-| Oxford Business Language School Student ID: 999 |-|-| Enter Full Name: xxxxxxxxx Main Menu Confirm --- - - - - -Name: - - - - - xxxxxxxxx --------------Enter Gender [F/M]: x 1. Add student Enter Country: xxxxx 2. Edit student Enter your3. Birthday: 99-99-9999 Search student Enter HandPhone: 9999999 4. Delete student Enter Address: xxxxxx 5. Exit System Course - - - Name: - - - - - -xxxxxxx -------------------JoinPlease date: 99 xxxxxxxx 9999[1-5]: 9 enter your choice

Main Menu

Wu IT202

Add student

Payments: $999.99 Enter Guardian/Parents Name: xxxxxxxxx Confirm Name: xxxxxxxxx Enter Guardian/Parents Phone No: 9999999

Page 18



Oxford Business Language School -------------------------------------Enter Name to Edit: xxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------- - - - - - Student Profile: Student ID: 999999999999 A. Full Name: xxxxxxxxx B. Gender [F/M]: x C. Birthday: 99-99-9999 D. Address: xx99xxxxxx E. Country: xxxxx F. HP No: 9999999

Edit student

G. Join date: 99-99-9999 H. Course: xxxxxxx

Wu IT202

I. Payments: $999.99 J. Guardian/Parents Name: xxxxxxxxx K. Guardian/Parents Phone No: 9999999 Page 19



Oxford Business Language School SEARCH MENU

Search student

-----------------------1. Search by Name 2. Search by Student ID

Wu IT202

3. View All Records 4. Back to Main Menu ------------------------

Page 20



Oxford Business Language School -------------------------------------Enter Name to search: xxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------- - - - - - Student Profile: Student ID: 999999999999 Full Name: xxxxxxxxx Gender [F/M]: x Birthday: 99-99-9999 Address: xx99xxxxxx

Search by name

Country: xxxxx HP No: 9999999 Join date: 99-99-9999 Course: xxxxxxxx

Wu IT202

Payments: $999.99 Guardian/Parents Name: xxxxxxxxx Guardian/Parents Phone No: 9999999 Do you want to view another record? [Y/N] x Page 21



Oxford Business Language School -------------------------------------Enter student ID to search: 999999999999 ---------------------------------- - - - - - Student Profile: Student ID: 999999999999 Full Name: xxxxxxxxx Gender [F/M]: x Birthday: 99-99-9999

Search by student ID

Address: xx99xxxxxx Country: xxxxx HP No: 9999999 Join date: 99-99-9999 Course: xxxxxxxx

Wu IT202

Payments: $999.99 Guardian/Parents Name: xxxxxxxxx Guardian/Parents Phone No: 9999999 Do you want to view another record? [Y/N] x Page 22



Oxford Business Language School --------------------------------------Student Profile: Student ID: 999999999999 Full Name: xxxxxxxxx Address: xx99xxxxxx HP No: Course: $999.99 9999999 xxxxxxx Gender [F/M]: x

Birthday: 99-99-9999 Country: xxxxx Join date: 99-99-9999 Payments:

Guardian/Parents Name: xxxxxxxx Guardian/Parents Phone No: 9999999

- - - -all - -records --------------------------------view Student Profile: Student ID: 999999999999 Full Name: xxxxxxxxx Address: xx99xxxxxx HP No: 9999999 xxxxxxx Gender [F/M]: x

Birthday: 99-99-9999 Country: xxxxx Join date: 99-99-9999 Payments: Page 23

Wu IT202

Course: $999.99

Guardian/Parents Name: xxxxxxxx Guardian/Parents Phone No: 9999999



Oxford Business Language School -------------------------------------Enter Name to delete: xxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------- - - - - - Student Profile: Student ID: 999999999999 Full Name: xxxxxxxxx

Delete student

Gender [F/M]: x Birthday: 99-99-9999 Address: xx99xxxxxx Country: xxxxx HP No: 9999999 Join date: 99-99-9999 Course: xxxxxxxx

Wu IT202

Payments: $999.99 Guardian/Parents Name: xxxxxxxxx Guardian/Parents Phone No: 9999999 Do you want to delete this record? [Y/N] x Page 24



Exit system

|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*| |*|Oxford Business Language School |*| |^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^| |-|Thank you for using this program! |-| Done by: Wu Jian Min Wu IT202 Student ID: 150100000698 Page 25



2.5 Processing & Validation Login Password has to be entered in the login screen menu. A message prompts Access approved if user types correct password. Otherwise, an Invalid Password message will be appeared. The valid password is 12345 without double quotation. Main menu There are 5 options to choose from the main menu. Those options are Add student, Edit student, Search student, Delete student, and Exit System. The acceptable entry will be from 1-5. A message will prompt Invalid! Enter only from 1-5 if the entry is out of the range. Add student
Wu IT202 Page 26



In the Add student display screen: 1. Only characters can be entered when typing a name. 2. Enter F or M only when enter a gender. 3. Do you want to save this record[Y/N]? will be pop-up when saving a record. Entering Y for yes and message Record has been saved. Entering N for no and go back to Main Menu. Edit student In the Edit student display screen: 1. User must type letters between A to L. If user enters invalid entry, a message Invalid Entry and choose data within A-L will come out, that is, user has entered a not stated letter. 2. Once a data complete to modify, user will be asked to modify the record or not. Answer Y, a message Record has been modified! will be prompted. Search student There are 4 options in this screen. Only 1 to 4 numbers are accepted to enter. So if user enters invalid choice number, a message Invalid and Enter only from 1 to 4! will be prompted. And if user types invalid information in the Search by ID or Name, a message Record Not Found! will be come out. Delete student A user will be asked whether the user really wants to delete this record or not in this screen. Answer Y, Record has been deleted! this message will be come out. Answer N that means cancel, either wise they will be asked to press any key to continue.

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2.6 Program DesignFlowchart 1. Login menu

Display Welcome Screen

Enter password

Display Invalid password message

Is passw ord correct ? Yes Display Main Menu Screen


Mai n Men u


2. Add student menu

Wu IT202 Page 28



Add student

Input Data Information

Sav Start e?


Edit o student Mai Menu

n Men u

Display Record has been saved message

Enter Name to edit

Conti nue add? N o Mai n Men u


Want to edit?


Mai n Men u

3. Edit student menu

Wu IT202

Display Record has been modified! message Page 29 Mai n Men



Display Nothing change the record! message

4. Search student menu

Start Search student Menu

Enter number within 1-4 for Page 30

Wu IT202




1 .Search by ID Enter ID

2. Search by Name Enter name Start

3. View all record

4. Back to Main Menu

All Data display

Data display

Mai n Men u

Data display

Yes View other record? No Mai n Men u


Mai n Men u

Want to 5. Delete student menu delet e?


Mai n Men u


Wu IT202

Delete student Menu

Mai n Men

Page 31



Enter Name to delete

Display Record has been deleted! message

3. Development (Program Listing)

#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #define code "7890"
Wu IT202 Page 32



void addstudent(void);

//Add new student function

void editstudent(void); //Edit student function void displayall(void); //Display student menu

void displayname(void); //Display student by searching name function void displayID(void); void viewall(void); void Delete(void); void Quit(void); //Display student by searching from course //Display student to view all function //Delete student function //Quit system function

void mainmenu(void); //Main Menu function void main (void) { int password, valid, try=1; printf("\n\n\n\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t|*|WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL |*|\n\n"); printf("\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); do{ printf("\n\t\t----------------------------\n\n"); printf("\t\tPlease Enter Password: "); scanf("%i", &password); if(password!=7890) { printf("\n\n\t\t\tInvalid password!\n"); valid=0; try+=1;
Wu IT202 Page 33



} else valid=1; }while(!valid&&try<=3); //end of do_while if (try>3) printf("\n\n\n\t\tMaximun 3 try only! Closing system soon!\n"); else printf("\n\n\t\tAccess Approved!\n"); printf("\n\t\t------------------------------\n\n"); printf("\n\n\t\tPlease press any key to continue...\n"); getch(); if (password==7890) mainmenu(); } //Main Menu void mainmenu(void) { int Choice; system("cls"); //this for clear screen //main menu function

printf("\n\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\t|-|-| Oxford Business Language School |-|-|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t\t Main Menu \n\n"); printf("\n\t\t---------------------------------\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t\t1. Add student\n\n");
Wu IT202 Page 34



printf("\n\t\t\t2. Edit student\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t\t3. Search student\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t\t4. Delete student\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t\t5. Exit system\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t---------------------------------\n\n"); printf("\n\t\tPlease enter your choice[1-5]: "); scanf("%i", &Choice); switch(Choice) { case 1: addstudent(); //calling add student function break; case 2: editstudent(); //calling edit student function break; case 3: displayall(); //calling display student function/display menu break; case 4: Delete(); //calling delete student function break; case 5: Quit(); // calling quit system function break; default: printf("\n\tEnter only from 1 to 5 please!\n"); getch(); //pause system //calling the main menu function

mainmenu(); } }
Wu IT202

//end of switch

Page 35



//Adding student void addstudent(void) { char FullName[20]; int idx=0, strSize, Valid; int ID=0; char Gender; char Address[20]; char country[20]; char course[20]; char Birthday[20]; int HandPhone; char JoinDate[20]; char GPName[20]; int GPHandPhone; float Payments; char answer; char answer1; FILE*studentfile; system("cls"); //clear screen do{ if((studentfile=fopen("c:\\c project\\students.dat", "a+"))==NULL) //opening file ID=1;
Wu IT202 Page 36

//add student function



else { do{ fscanf(studentfile, %03i %[^/]%*c %c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %[^/]%*c % [^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %g%*c", &ID, FullName, &Gender,country, &Birthday, &HandPhone, &Address, &course, &JoinDate, &GPName, &GPHandPhone, &Payments ); }while(!feof(studentfile)); //end of do while ID+=1; } //end of else_if printf("\n\n\n\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t|*|WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL |*|\n\n"); printf("\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t----------------------------\n\n"); printf("\n\n\tProfile: \n\n"); printf("\n\t\tStudents ID: %03i", ID); printf("\n\n\t\tEnter FullName: "); fflush(stdin); gets(FullName); if(isalpha(FullName[idx])|| isspace(FullName[idx])) Valid=1; else Valid=0; ++idx; if(!Valid) {
Wu IT202 Page 37



printf("\t\t\tName field contains invalid character!"); printf("\n\t\tEnter Right Name: "); fflush(stdin); gets(FullName); } else printf("\n\t\t\tConfirm Name: %s", FullName);

printf("\n\n\t\tEnter Gender: "); scanf("%c", &Gender); if(toupper(Gender)!='M' && toupper(Gender)!='F') { printf("\n\t\tInvalid Entry! Enter F or M only!\n\n\t\t Reenter Information of new student"); getch(); addstudent(); //calling add student function } else printf("\n\t\tEnter Country: "); fflush(stdin); gets(country);

printf("\n\t\tEnter Your Birthday: "); fflush(stdin); gets(Birthday);

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printf("\n\t\tEnter HandPhone: "); scanf("%i", &HandPhone);

printf("\n\t\tEnter Address: "); fflush(stdin); gets(Address);

printf("\n\t\tCourse Name: "); fflush(stdin); gets(course);

printf("\n\t\tJoin Date: "); fflush(stdin); gets(JoinDate);

printf("\n\t\tEnter Guardian Name or Parents Name: "); fflush(stdin); gets(GPName); if(isalpha(GPName[idx])|| isspace(GPName[idx])) Valid=1; else Valid=0; ++idx; if(!Valid)
Wu IT202 Page 39



{ printf("\t\t\tName field contains invalid character!"); printf("\n\t\tEnter Right Guardian Name or Parents Name: "); fflush(stdin); gets(GPName); } else printf("\n\t\t\tConfirm Name: %s", GPName);

printf("\n\t\tEnter Guarian or Parents HandPhone: "); scanf("%i", &GPHandPhone);

printf("\n\t\tPayments: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%g", &Payments);

printf("\n\t\t----------------------------\n\n"); printf("\n\t\tDo you want to save this record [Y/N]? \t"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &answer); if(toupper(answer)=='Y') { printf("\n\t\tRecord has been saved!"); printf("\n\t\t----------------------------\n\n");
Wu IT202 Page 40



fprintf(studentfile, "%03i %s/ %c %s/ %s/ %i %s/ %s/ %s/ %s/ %i %g\n", ID, FullName, Gender,country, Birthday, HandPhone, Address, course, JoinDate, GPName, GPHandPhone, Payments ); fclose(studentfile); //closing file } else { printf("\n\t\tRecord has not been saved!"); printf("\n\t\t----------------------------\n\n"); } printf("\n\t\tDo you want to save another record [Y/N]? \t"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &answer1); system("cls"); //clear screen }while (answer1=='y'||answer1=='Y'); // end of do_while printf("\n\n\t\t Back to Main Menu by pressing any key!\n"); getch(); //pause system //calling main menu function

mainmenu(); }

//Edit module void editstudent(void) //edit function { FILE*studentfile, *temp1; char FullName[20], Target[20];
Wu IT202 Page 41



int ID, Found=0; char Gender; char Address[20]; char country[20]; char course[20]; char Birthday[20]; int HandPhone; char JoinDate[20]; char GPName[20]; int GPHandPhone; float Payments; char answer; char choice1; system("cls"); //clear screen

printf("\n\n\n\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t|*|WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL |*|\n\n"); printf("\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n");

temp1=fopen("c:\\c project\\temp1.dat", "a+");

//opening temp1 file //opening student file

if((studentfile=fopen("c:\\c project\\students.dat","r"))==NULL) printf("\t\tFile Empty!"); else {

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Page 42



printf("\n\n\tEnter Student Full Name to Edit: "); fflush(stdin); gets(Target); while(!feof(studentfile)) { fscanf(studentfile, %03i %[^/]%*c %c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c % [^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %g%*c", &ID, FullName, &Gender,country, &Birthday, &HandPhone, &Address, &course, &JoinDate, &GPName, &GPHandPhone, &Payments ); if(feof(studentfile)) break; if(strcmp(Target, FullName)!=0) { fprintf(temp1, "%i %s/ %c %s/ %s/ %i %s/ %s/ %s/ %s/ %i %g\n", ID, FullName, Gender,country, Birthday, HandPhone, Address, course, JoinDate, GPName, GPHandPhone, Payments ); } else { Found=1; printf("\n\t\t---------------------------------------\n\n"); printf("\n\t|-|Student Profile\n\n"); printf("\t\tStudent ID: printf("\t\tA. Full Name: if(toupper(Gender)=='F') printf("\t\tB. Gender:
Wu IT202

%03i\n ", ID); %s\n", FullName);


Page 43



else printf("\t\tB. Gender: Male\n");

printf("\t\tC. Country: printf("\t\tD. Birthday: printf("\t\tE. HandPhone: printf("\t\tF. Address: printf("\t\tG. Course Name: printf("\t\tH. Join Date:

%s\n", country); %s\n", Birthday); %i\n", HandPhone); %s\n", Address); %s\n", course); %s\n", JoinDate); %s\n",GPName);

printf("\t\tI. Guardian or Parents Name:

printf("\t\tJ. Guardian or Parents HandPhone#: %i\n", GPHandPhone); printf("\t\tK. Payments: $%g\n", Payments);


do{ printf("\n\t\tChoose letter which field you want to edit [A-K]: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &choice1); switch(choice1) { case 'A': printf("\n\n\t\tEnter New Full Name: "); fflush(stdin); gets(FullName);
Wu IT202 Page 44



break; case 'B': printf("\n\t\tEnter New Gender: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &Gender); break; case 'C': printf("\n\t\tEnter New Country: "); fflush(stdin); gets(country); break; case 'D': printf("\n\t\tEnter New Birthday: "); fflush(stdin); gets(Birthday); break; case 'E': printf("\n\t\tEnter New HandPhone#: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%i", &HandPhone); break; case 'F': printf("\n\t\tEnter Address: "); fflush(stdin);
Wu IT202 Page 45



gets(Address); break; case 'G': printf("\n\t\tEnter Course Name: "); fflush(stdin); gets(course); break; case 'H': printf("\n\t\tEnter Join Date: "); fflush(stdin); gets(JoinDate); break; case 'I': printf("\n\t\tEnter Guardian or Parents Name: "); fflush(stdin); gets(GPName); break; case 'J': printf("\n\t\tEnter New Guardian or Parents HandPhone#: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%i", &GPHandPhone); break; case 'K': printf("\n\t\tEnter New Payments: ");
Wu IT202 Page 46



fflush(stdin); scanf("%g", &Payments); break; default: printf("\n\t\tInvalid Entry! Choose letter within A to K\n"); printf("\n\t\t---------------------------------------\n"); printf("=>Press any key back to main menu..."); getch(); mainmenu(); break; } // end of switch

if((toupper(choice1)=='A')||(toupper(choice1)=='B')||(toupper(choice1)=='C')|| (toupper(choice1)=='D')||(toupper(choice1)=='E')||(toupper(choice1)=='F')|| (toupper(choice1)=='G')||(toupper(choice1)=='H')||(toupper(choice1)=='I')|| (toupper(choice1)=='J')||(toupper(choice1)=='K')); break;

}while((toupper(choice1)!='A')||(toupper(choice1)!='B')||(toupper(choice1)!='C')|| (toupper(choice1)!='D')||(toupper(choice1)!='E')||(toupper(choice1)!='F')||(toupper(choice1)!='G')|| (toupper(choice1)!='H')||(toupper(choice1)!='I')||(toupper(choice1)!='J')||(toupper(choice1)!='K')); //end of do_while do{ printf("\n\t\tDo you really want to modify [Y/N]? "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&answer); switch(toupper(answer))
Wu IT202 Page 47



{ case 'Y': printf("\n\n\t\tRecord has been modified!"); fprintf(temp1, "%03i %s/ %c %s/ %s/ %i %s/ %s/ %s/ %s/ %i %g\n", ID, FullName, Gender,country, Birthday, HandPhone, Address, course, JoinDate, GPName, GPHandPhone, Payments); break; case 'N': fclose(studentfile); fclose(temp1); remove("c:\\c project\\temp1.dat"); printf("\n\n\t\tNothing change the record!"); printf("\n\n\t\t Back to Main Menu by pressing any key!\n"); getch(); mainmenu(); break; default: printf("Invalid entry! Only enter 'Y' for Yes, 'N' for No!"); printf("\n\n\t\t Back to Main Menu by pressing any key!\n"); getch(); mainmenu(); break; } //end of switch

if((toupper(answer)=='Y')||(toupper(answer)=='N')) break;
Wu IT202 Page 48



}while((toupper(answer)!='Y')||(toupper(answer)!='N')); //end of do_while

} } if (!Found) printf("\n\tNot Found the Record!"); } fclose(studentfile); fclose(temp1); //closing student file //closing temp1 file

remove("c:\\c project\\students.dat"); // delete student file rename("c:\\c project\\temp1.dat", "c:\\c project\\students.dat"); //rename temp1 as students file printf("\n\n\t\t Back to Main Menu by pressing any key!\n"); getch(); //pause system

mainmenu(); //calling menu function }

//choice display module (search menu) void displayall(void) { // 1st bracket int Choice3;
Wu IT202 Page 49

//display menu




//clear screen

printf("\n\n\n\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t|*|WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL |*|\n\n"); printf("\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t\tSEARCH MENU\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t--------------------------------------\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t1. Search by Student Name\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t2. Search by Student ID\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t3. View all records\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t4. Back to Main Menu\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t--------------------------------------\n\n"); printf("\n\n\tPlease enter your choice [1-4]: "); scanf("%i", &Choice3); switch(Choice3) { //opening switch bracket

case 1: displayname(); //calling display-search by name break; case 2: displayID(); break; case 3: viewall(); break;
Wu IT202 Page 50

//calling display ID function

//calling display view all records function



case 4: mainmenu(); break; default: printf("\n\t\t\t\tInvalid!\n\n\t\t\tEnter only from 1 to 4\n"); getch(); //pause system //calling mainmenu function

displayall(); //calling display menu } // end of switch

} //end of 1st bracket

//display by name (search by name) void displayname(void) //search by name function { //1st bracket char FullName[20], Target[20]; int ID, Found=0; char Gender; char Address[20]; char country[20]; char course[20]; char Birthday[20]; int HandPhone; char JoinDate[20]; char GPName[20]; int GPHandPhone;
Wu IT202 Page 51



float Payments; char answer; FILE*studentfile; system("cls"); //clear screen printf("\n\n\n\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t|*|WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL |*|\n\n"); printf("\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t-----------------------------------------------\n\n"); if((studentfile=fopen("c:\\c project\\students.dat", "r"))==NULL) //opening student file printf("\n\t\tFile Empty!"); else { //2nd bracket printf("\n\tEnter Student Full Name to search: "); fflush(stdin); gets(Target); while(!feof(studentfile)&&Found==0) { //begin of while bracket fscanf(studentfile, %03i %[^/]%*c %c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %g%*c", &ID, FullName, &Gender,country, &Birthday, &HandPhone, &Address, &course, &JoinDate, &GPName, &GPHandPhone, &Payments ); if(strcmp(Target, FullName)==0) Found=1; } //end of while if(Found) { //3rd bracket
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printf("\n\t-------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n\t|-|Student Profile\n\n"); printf("\t\tStudent ID: printf("\t\tA. Full Name: if(toupper(Gender)=='F') printf("\t\tB. Gender: else printf("\t\tB. Gender: Male\n"); Female\n"); %03i\n ", ID); %s\n", FullName);

printf("\t\tC. Country: printf("\t\tD. Birthday: printf("\t\tE. HandPhone: printf("\t\tF. Address: printf("\t\tG. Course Name: printf("\t\tH. Join Date:

%s\n", country); %s\n", Birthday); %i\n", HandPhone); %s\n", Address); %s\n", course); %s\n", JoinDate); %s\n",GPName);

printf("\t\tI. Guardian or Parents Name:

printf("\t\tJ. Guardian or Parents HandPhone#: %i\n", GPHandPhone); printf("\t\tK. Payments: $%g\n", Payments);

printf("\n\n\t\t---------------------------------------\n"); printf("Do you want to view another record [Y/N]?"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &answer); while(toupper(answer)=='N') { //4th bracket
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printf("\n\n\tBack to Search Menu by pressing any key!\n"); getch(); //pause system displayall(); //calling display menu } //end of 4th bracket displayname(); //calling search by name function } //end of 3rd bracket if(!Found) printf("\n\t\t\t\tNot Found the Record!\n\n"); } //end of 2nd bracket fclose(studentfile); //closing student file

printf("\n\n\t=> Press any key to go back to search menu\n"); getch(); displayall(); } //pause system //calling display menu

//end of 1st bracket

//display by student ID (search by studentID) void displayID(void) { //1st bracket

char FullName[20]; int ID, Found=0; int Target; char Gender; char Address[20];
Wu IT202 Page 54



char country[20]; char course[20]; char Birthday[20]; int HandPhone; char JoinDate[20]; char GPName[20]; int GPHandPhone; float Payments; char answer; FILE*studentfile; system("cls"); //clear screen

printf("\n\n\n\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t|*|WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL |*|\n\n"); printf("\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t-----------------------------------------------\n\n"); if((studentfile=fopen("c:\\c project\\students.dat", "r+"))==NULL) //opening file printf("\n\t\tFile Empty!"); else { //2nd bracket printf("\n\tEnter Student ID to search: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%i", &Target); while(!feof(studentfile)&&Found==0) { //3rd bracket
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fscanf(studentfile, %03i %[^/]%*c %c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %[^/] %*c %[^/]%*c %i %g%*c", &ID, FullName, &Gender,country, &Birthday, &HandPhone, &Address, &course, &JoinDate, &GPName, &GPHandPhone, &Payments ); if(Target==ID) Found=1; } //end of 3rd bracket if(Found) { //4th bracket printf("\n\t-------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n\t|-|Student Profile\n\n"); printf("\t\tStudent ID: printf("\t\tA. Full Name: if(toupper(Gender)=='F') printf("\t\tB. Gender: else printf("\t\tB. Gender: Male\n"); Female\n"); %03i\n ", ID); %s\n", FullName);

printf("\t\tC. Country: printf("\t\tD. Birthday: printf("\t\tE. HandPhone: printf("\t\tF. Address: printf("\t\tG. Course Name: printf("\t\tH. Join Date:

%s\n", country); %s\n", Birthday); %i\n", HandPhone); %s\n", Address); %s\n", course); %s\n", JoinDate); %s\n",GPName);

printf("\t\tI. Guardian or Parents Name:

printf("\t\tJ. Guardian or Parents HandPhone#: %i\n", GPHandPhone);

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printf("\t\tK. Payments:

$%g\n", Payments);

printf("\n\n\t\t---------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n\tDo you want to view another record [Y/N]? "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &answer); while(toupper(answer)=='N') { //5th bracket

printf("\n\n\tBack to Search Menu by pressing any key!\n"); getch(); //pause system

displayall(); //calling display menu } //end of 5th bracket displayID(); //calling search by studentID function } //end of 4th bracket

if (!Found) printf("\n\t\t\t\tNot Found the record!\n\n\t\t"); } //end of 2nd bracket fclose(studentfile); //closing student file

printf("\n\n\t=> Press any key to go back to search menu\n"); getch(); //pause system displayall(); //calling display menu }//end of 1st bracket

//display view all records

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void viewall(void) //view all records function { //1st bracket

char FullName[20]; int ID, Found=0; char Gender; char Address[20]; char country[20]; char course[20]; char Birthday[20]; int HandPhone; char JoinDate[20]; char GPName[20]; int GPHandPhone; float Payments; char answer; FILE*studentfile; system("cls"); //clear screen printf("\n\n\n\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t|*|WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL |*|\n\n"); printf("\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); if((studentfile=fopen("c:\\c project\\students.dat", "r+"))==NULL) //opening file printf("\n\t\tFile Empty!"); else { //2nd bracket
Wu IT202 Page 58



while(!feof(studentfile)&&Found==0) { //3rd bracket fscanf(studentfile, %03i %[^/]%*c %c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %[^/] %*c %[^/]%*c %i %g%*c", &ID, FullName, &Gender,country, &Birthday, &HandPhone, &Address, &course, &JoinDate, &GPName, &GPHandPhone, &Payments ); if(feof(studentfile)) break; printf("\n\t---------------------------------------\n"); printf(\n\tStudent ID: %03i\n\n\tFull Name: %s Gender: %c\n\n\tCountry: %s\n\n\tBirthday: %s\n\n\tHandPhone No: %i\n\n\tAddress: %s\n\n\tCourse Name: %s Join Date: %s\n\n\t Guardian or Parents Name: %s\n\n\tGuardian or Parents HP#: %i\n\n\tPayments: $%g, ID, FullName, Gender, country, Birthday, HandPhone, Address, course, JoinDate, GPName, GPHandPhone, Payments); } //end of 3rd bracket } //end of 2nd bracket

fclose(studentfile); //closing file printf("\n\t---------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n\n\t=> Press any key to go back to search menu\n"); getch(); //pause system displayall(); //calling display menu } //end of 1st bracket

//Delete Module void Delete(void) //delete function { //1st bracket

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char FullName[20], Target[20]; int ID, Found=0; char Gender; char Address[20]; char country[20]; char course[20]; char Birthday[20]; int HandPhone; char JoinDate[20]; char GPName[20]; int GPHandPhone; float Payments; char answer; FILE*studentfile, *temp; system("cls"); //clear screen temp=fopen("c:\\c project\\temp.dat","w"); //opening temp file if((studentfile=fopen("c:\\c project\\students.dat","r"))==NULL) //opening student file printf("\n\t\tFile Empty!"); else { //2nd bracket printf("\n\n\n\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t|*|WELCOME TO OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL |*|\n\n"); printf("\t\t|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t---------------------------------------\n");
Wu IT202 Page 60



printf("\n\tEnter Name to delete: "); fflush(stdin); gets(Target); while(!feof(studentfile)) { //3rd bracket fscanf(studentfile, %03i %[^/]%*c %c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %[^/]%*c %i %g%*c", &ID, FullName, &Gender,country, &Birthday, &HandPhone, &Address, &course, &JoinDate, &GPName, &GPHandPhone, &Payments ); if(feof(studentfile)) break; if(strcmp(Target,FullName)!=0) fprintf(temp,"%03i %s/ %c %s/ %s/ %i %s/ %s/ %s/ %s/ %i %g\n",ID, FullName, Gender,country, Birthday, HandPhone, Address, course, JoinDate, GPName, GPHandPhone, Payments ); else { //4th bracket Found=1; printf("\n\t---------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n\t|-|Student Profile\n\n"); printf("\t\tStudent ID: printf("\t\tA. Full Name: if(toupper(Gender)=='F') printf("\t\tB. Gender: else printf("\t\tB. Gender:
Wu IT202

%03i\n ", ID); %s\n", FullName);



Page 61



printf("\t\tC. Country: printf("\t\tD. Birthday: printf("\t\tE. HandPhone: printf("\t\tF. Address: printf("\t\tG. Course Name: printf("\t\tH. Join Date:

%s\n", country); %s\n", Birthday); %i\n", HandPhone); %s\n", Address); %s\n", course); %s\n", JoinDate); %s\n",GPName); %i\n", GPHandPhone); $%g\n", Payments);

printf("\t\tI. Guardian or Parents Name: printf("\t\tJ. Guardian or Parents HandPhone#: printf("\t\tK. Payments:

printf("\n\n\t\t---------------------------------------\n"); do{ printf("\n\tAre you sure you want to delete it [Y/N]? "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%s", &answer); switch(toupper(answer)) { case 'Y': printf("\n\t\t\tRecord has been deleted!\n"); break; case 'N': fclose(studentfile); fclose(temp); remove("c:\\c project\\temp.dat"); printf("\n\n\t=>Press any key to go back to main menu\n");
Wu IT202 Page 62



getch(); mainmenu(); break; } //end of switch if((toupper(answer)=='Y')||(toupper(answer)=='N')) break; }while((toupper(answer)!='Y')||(toupper(answer)!='N')); //end of do_while } //end of 4th bracket } //end of 3rd bracket if(!Found) printf("\n\t\t\t\tRecord not found!\n"); } //end of 2nd bracket fclose(studentfile); fclose(temp); //closing student file //closing file

remove("c:\\c project\\students.dat"); rename("c:\\c project\\temp.dat","c:\\c project\\students.dat"); printf("\n\n\t=>Press any key to go back to main menu\n"); getch(); mainmenu(); } //pause system //calling main menu

//end of 1st bracket

//Quit system void Quit(void) {

Wu IT202 Page 63



system("cls"); { printf("\n\n\n\t\t|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t|*| OXFORD BUSINESS LANGUAGE SCHOOL |*|\n\n"); printf("\t\t|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|~|*|\n\n"); printf("\n\n\t\t|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|\n"); printf("\n\t\t|-|Thank you for using this program!|-|\n"); printf("\n\n\t\t\tDone by: Wu Jian Min\n\n"); printf("\t\t\tStudent ID: 150100000698"); printf("\n\n\t\t|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|*|^|\n"); system("pause"); } } //pause system

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Page 64



4. Testing
I. Test Plan Test Case 1 Objectives When user enters correct password, a message Access Approved! will come out on the screen. When user enters incorrect Password, a message Invalid password! will come out on the screen. The maximum trying password is 3 times. And a message Maximum 3 tries only! Closing system soon! will show on the screen. And system will be terminated. In Main Menu, when user type number 1, Add student module will be shown. In Main Menu, when user type 2, Edit student module will be shown. In Main Menu, when user type 3, Search student module will be shown. In Main Menu, when user type 4, Delete student module will be shown. In Main Menu, when user type 5, Exit System module will be shown. In Main Menu, when user enters number that is out of 1-5. And then a message will be come out. In Add student module, when user enters Full Name is contain numbers. A message will be prompted and require user to enter right name. In Add student module, neither F nor M is entered in Gender, and then one message will

4 5 6 7 8 9



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Page 65



be prompted. 12 In Add student module, when user enters Guardian Name is contain numbers. One message will be prompted and require user to enter right name. (Add student module) when user wants to save the record, user need to type Y or y. One message will be prompted. (Add student module) when user doesnt want to save the record, user need to type N or n. One message will be prompted. (Add student module) when user want to save other record, user need to type Y or y. And press Enter (Add student module) when user doesnt want to save other record, user need to type N or n. And press Enter (Edit student module) when user entered a wrong character (i.e. not within A-K), it should prompt them with a message (Edit student module) user need to choose a character within A-K which user want to modify (Edit student module) user should enter Y if user want to save the record that has been changed. (Edit student module) user should enter N if user doesnt want to save the changes made. (Edit student module) To verify that user will be prompt with a Record Not Found message when record is not found.








20 21

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Page 66




(Search Menu module) user must enter choice within 1-4. A message will be prompted if choice out of 1-4. (Search Menu module) When nothing record stored in database, File empty will be prompted after user chooses from 1-4 to search. (Search Menu module) When user enters number 1, user can access search by name. (Search Menu module) When user enters number 2, user can access search by ID (Search Menu module) When user enters number 3, user can access view all record. (Search Menu module) When user enters number 4, user can access Back to Main Menu. (Search by name module) When user enters correct name which is stored in database, this record will be displayed. (Search by name module) When user enters name which is not stored in database, a message will be prompted. (Search by ID module) When user enters ID which is stored in database, this record will be displayed.


24 25 26 27





(Search by ID module) When user enters ID which is not stored in database, a message will be prompted. (Search by Name/ID module) To verify that when user enters Y, user will be able to search for another record when asked if they want to view another record.


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(Search by name/ID module) To verify that when user enters N, user will be not able to search for another record. (Delete student module) User needs to type name whose user wants to delete. If typing name is not stored in database, a message will be prompted. (Delete student module) User needs to type name whose user wants to delete. If typing name is stored in database, user need to confirm whether he really want to delete or not. (Delete student module) To verify that when user enters N, user will not delete this record. And user will be asked to back to main menu. (Delete student module) To verify that when user enters Y, user will delete this record. A message will be prompted.





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II. Test Cases Test Case Objectives 1 When user enters Correct Password, a message Access Approved! will come out on the screen. The correct password is 7890 The message Access Approved! is shown on the screen. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case Objectives

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2 When user enters Incorrect Password, a

Page 69



message Invalid password! will come out on the screen. Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion Any wrong password. For example: 1234 The message Invalid password! is shown on the screen. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

Wu IT202

3 The maximum trying password is 3 times. And a message Maximum 3 try only! Closing
Page 70



system soon! will show on the screen. And system will be terminated. Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion Any 3 wrong passwords. The message Maximum 3 try only! Closing system soon! is shown on the screen. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives Test Data

Wu IT202

4 In Main Menu, when user types 1, the program will access the Add student module. Typing number 1 and press Enter.
Page 71



Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Add student module will show on the screen. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives Test Data

Wu IT202

5 In Main Menu, when user types 2, the program will access the Edit student module. Typing number 2 and press Enter.
Page 72



Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Edit student module will show on the screen. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

6 In Main Menu, when user types 3, the program will access the Search student

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Page 73



module. Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion Typing number 3 and press Enter. Search menu module will show on the screen. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

7 In Main Menu, when user types 4, the program will access the Delete student

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Page 74



module. Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion Typing number 4 and press Enter. Delete student module will show on screen. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

8 In Main Menu, when user types 5, the program will access the Exit System module.

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Page 75



Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Typing number 5 and press Enter. Exit system module will show on screen. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

When user enters number 5 and press Enter key.

Test Case Objectives Test Data

Wu IT202

9 In Main Menu, when user enters number that is out of 1-5. It will prompt a message. For example: type number 7

Page 76



Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Enter only from 1 to 5 please! this message will be shown. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

10 In Add student module, when a user enters Full Name that contains any number . A message will be prompted and require the user to enter right name. For example: type name as 123phyllis

Test Data
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Page 77



Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Name field contains invalid character! this message will be shown. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

11 In Add student module, neither F nor M is entered in Gender, then a message will be prompted. For example: type Gender as K Invalid Entry! Enter F or M only! this message will be shown. And a user needs to

Test Data Expected Result

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Page 78



reenter the information of a new student. Actual Result: Test Conclusion Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

12 In Add student module, when a user enters Guardian Name that contains any number . A message will be prompted and require the user to enter right name. For example: type name as 123Kim

Test Data

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Page 79



Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Name field contains invalid character! this message will be shown. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

13 (Add student module) when a user wants to save the record, the user need to type Y or y. A message will be prompted. Type Y or y

Test Data

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Page 80



Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Record has been saved! this message will be shown. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

14 (Add student module) when a user doesnt want to save the record, the user need to type N or n. A message will be prompted. Type N or n

Test Data

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Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Record has not been saved! this message will be shown. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

15 (Add student module) when a user wanst to save other record, the user needs to type Y or y. And press Enter Type Y or y

Test Data

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Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

After pressing Enter, a new student profile will be come out on the screen. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

16 (Add student module) when a user doesnt want to save other record, the user need to type N or n. And press Enter Type N or n

Test Data
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Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

After press Enter. User will be asked back to main menu by pressing any key. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

17 (Edit student module) when a user entered a wrong character (i.e. not within A-K), it should prompt the user with a message For example: type L

Test Data

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Expected Result

After pressing Enter, Invalid Entry! Choose letter within A to K message will be prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case Objectives

18 (Edit student module) user need to choose a character within A-K which user want to modify For example: type J After press Enter. User will be asked to type

Test Data Expected Result

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new information. Actual Result: Test Conclusion Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives Test Data Expected Result

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19 (Edit student module) user should enter Y if user wants to save the changes made. Type Y After pressing Enter, Record has been

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modified message will be prompted. Actual Result: Test Conclusion Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

20 (Edit student module) user should enter N if user doesnt want to save the changes made. Type N

Test Data

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Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

After pressing Enter, Nothing changes the record message will be prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

21 (Edit student module) To verify that user will be prompt with a message when record is not found For example: Type Name as A

Test Data

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Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

After pressing Enter, Not Found the Record message will be prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

22 (Search Menu module) user must enter choice within 1-4. A message will be prompted if choice out of 1-4. For example: Type number 7 After pressing Enter, Invalid! Enter only

Test Data Expected Result

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from 1 to 4 message will be prompted. Actual Result: Test Conclusion Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives

23 (Search Menu module) When nothing record stored in database, File empty will be prompted after user chooses from 1-4 to search. Choose number from 1 to 4. For example: 1

Test Data
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Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

After press Enter, File empty message will be prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Wu IT202

24 (Search Menu module) When user enters number 1, user can access search by name. Type number 1 After pressing Enter, Search by name screen is displayed. Refer to screen capture.

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Test Conclusion

Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Wu IT202

25 (Search Menu module) When user enters number 2, user can access search by ID. Type number 2 After pressing Enter, Search by student ID screen is displayed. Refer to screen capture. Page 92



Test Conclusion

Actual result matched expected results.

Test Case Objectives Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Wu IT202

26 (Search Menu module) When user enters number 3, user can access view all record. Type number 3 After pressing Enter, View all record screen is displayed. Refer to screen capture. Page 93



Test Conclusion

Actual result matched expected results.

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(Search Menu module) When user enters number 4, user can access Back to Main Menu. Type number 4 After pressing Enter, Main Menu screen is displayed. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case Wu IT202

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(Search by name module) When user enters correct name which is stored in database, this record will be displayed. Type name as Phyllis After pressing Enter, Phylliss profile screen is displayed. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case Wu IT202


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(Search by name module) When user enters name which is not stored in database, a message will be prompted. Type name as ABC After pressing Enter, Not found the Record message is prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

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Test Case Objectives

30 (Search by ID module) When user enters ID which is stored in database, this record will be displayed. Type student ID as 001 After pressing Enter, Phylliss profile screen is displayed. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

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Test Case Objectives

31 (Search by ID module) When user enters ID which is not stored in database, a message will be prompted. Type student ID as 006 After pressing Enter, Not found the Record message is prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case


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(Search by name/ID module) To verify that when user enters Y, user will be able to search for another record when asked if user wants to view another record Type letter Y After pressing Enter, user will be asked again to enter which student they want to view. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case


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(Search by name/ID module) To verify that when user enters N, user will be not able to search for another record. Type letter N After pressing Enter, user will be asked to back to search menu. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case


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(Delete student module) User needs to type in the name which is wanted to delete. If typing name is not stored in database, a message will be prompted. Type Name as ABC After pressing Enter, Record not found will be prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Test Data Expected Result Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case Objectives Wu IT202

35 (Delete student module) User needs to type in

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the name which is wanted to delete. Test Data Expected Result Type Name as Ricky After pressing Enter, Are you sure you want to delete it [Y/N]? this question will be prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case Objectives

36 (Delete student module) To verify that when user enters N, user will not delete this record.

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And user will be asked to back to main menu. Test Data Expected Result Type letter N or n After pressing Enter, Are you sure you want to delete it [Y/N]? this question will be prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Actual Result: Test Conclusion

Test Case Objectives

37 (Delete student module) To verify that when user enters Y user will delete this record. A

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message will be prompted. Test Data Expected Result Type letter Y or y After pressing Enter, Are you sure you want to delete it [Y/N]? this question will be prompted. And type letter Y. The message Record has been deleted! will be prompted. Refer to screen capture. Actual result matched expected results.

Actual Result: Test Conclusion

III. Test Log Test Case 1

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Successful Yes
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2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
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Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

5. Implementation
5.1 Hardware and software configuration Hardware Configuration:
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1. VGA or higher resolution Monitor 2. Keyboard 3. Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

4. Processor of 1.60GHz or higher. 5. Memory (RAM) of 256MB Minimum requirements.

Software Configuration: 1. Windows XP or higher 2. Dev-C++

5.2 User Manual 1. Copy folder c project to your computer c drive.

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(Notice: Step2 and step3 are not necessary to do .User can directly move to step 4 below.) 2. Open folder c project to open file part2 by using Dev-C++

Open this file

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3. Click Execute on the menu and select compile to compile it 4. Open Command Prompt which is cmd. * Type cd\ press Enter

* Type cd c project press Enter

5. Type part2 and press Enter and Enter password as 7890 and press Enter

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6. Press any key

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7. Now here is Main Menu. There are 5 steps. User simply enters choice that user wants to run the program. Let us enter 1 to access add student module. And please enter all details step by step.

Fill in all informatio n

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8. To save all information, enter Y. And press Enter

9. To cancel saving other record, press N and press Enter. And press any key to go back to main menu.

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10. Let us enter 2 to access edit student module. Enter Name want to edit. After entering name, press Enter

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11. Enter letter you want to edit (A-K) and press Enter. For example: letter J

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12. To save after editing, enter Y and press Enter

13. Press any key to go back to main menu. 14. Let us enter 3 to access Search student module. And press Enter

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14.1. Enter 1 on the search menu to search record by student name. After tying name, the user presses Enter key.

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14.2. Enter 2 on the search menu to search record by student ID. After tying student ID, the user presses Enter key.

14.3. Enter 3 on the search menu to view all records and press Enter key.

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14.4. Enter 4 on the search menu to go back to main menu.

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15. Let us enter 4 to access Delete student module. And press Enter

16. Enter Name to delete and press Enter

17. To delete this record, press Y

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18. Press any key to go back to main menu.

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19. Let us enter 5 to access Exit system module. And press Enter

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5.3 Conclusion Strengths This program is very security. User needs to enter correct password before using the program. This program is very user friendly. It is easy to retrieve and save the profile of any student. This program comes with 3 optional searching functions, i.e., search by name, search by student ID or view the records of the all students. It also allows user to edit particular student records. User has to follow step by step instruction. If the user types wrong information, an error or a warning message will be appeared to show the user how to use. Weakness This program does not support back-up function. If the program was broken down, data would be disappeared. It does not allow user to categorize or sorting records. Enhancement To create another file to store the payments information of courses. To create another file to store the schedule of courses.

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6. Reference
1. IT202 C programming study guide 2. 3. 4. tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=594&q=Oxford+Business+language+school&gbv =2&oq=Oxford+Business+language+school&aq=f&aqi=&aql=undefined&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=135 7l11606l0l39l35l8l14l22l0l437l1918l3-3.2l5 5.

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Oxford Business Language School is found in 1990 by Mr. Bu in Bandar Seri Begawan. The language school offers all kinds of language courses, such as English, French, Malay and Germany, Japanese, Chinese and so on. The courses are offer to every person who age above 10 years old. At presents, there are 2000 people in Oxford Business Language School. 1500 students are in English course, 500 students are in French course and 500 students are in Malay course. The school has totally hired 100 lecturers and staffs. Lecturers communicate with students through different languages. They always study and talk about learning skills to their students. The school also opens various activities for practicing different languages once a month. Those courses aim at promoting skills of speaking and listening. The school brings up students who will play important role in society. Mr. Bu hopes those students in learning language can speak frequently in society. Especially in the recent year, many tourists visit Brunei. Those tourists mostly come from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Europe, Australia and America. With the help of the Oxford Business Language School, many local people, who have finished their courses in the School, have gain the benefit to find many jobs in tourism industry.

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Currently, there are many students study in Oxford Business Language School. The school has kept the information of every student in an old fashion paper system. One of the difficulties is to locate a record of a student. The current manual system has many disadvantages on below: 1. It takes time to find a record of a student, since the record is stored in a large filing cabinet. If the record has been misplaced, it will be hard to find. 2. It is lack of security of classified record. Such as, any person can view and edit all the confidential information of the students without permission. 3. Some words on the paper may be vague if those papers have been kept for a long time. 4. If someone changed his or her own information, such as hand phone number, etc, the staff of the school needs to give his or her paper to rewrite again for updating. 5. It spends a lot of money to buy papers and file folders. 6. It has to take a huge space for filing cabinet.

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In order to solve the problems of the manual system, Mr. Bu is starting to look for a new system. The new system will be faster and trouble free for staff easily to add, edit or change any record of a student. Using C programming software to store information as proposed new system, it is user friendly and simple to use. Mr. Bu can save many budgets from buying papers and file folder. Besides, all the information and the data can be stored in a computer or any portable device. Users can back up all information and the data easily. Therefore, they dont need to worry about losing any information. The new proposed system of the program will be follow: Users have to use password to enter or update the database. The system is easily upgradable. The size of the software is small and it is easy to install.

There are some advantages of proposed new system: To find, edit and delete information easily To update new information without difficulty To improve security

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