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Short Cut Keys of MS Word Prepared by: (Syed) Hezbullah Shah (Bukhari)


K eyboard is sometimes quicker than using a mouse. Shortcut keys can help you bypass menus and
carry out commands directly. You can use shortcut keys in many ways with MS Word, from accessing
commands and toolbar buttons to repeating your last action. Shortcut keys are sometimes listed next
to the commands and name on Word menu. For example; on the File menu, the save command lists the
shortcut CTRL+S.
Here are some of the useful Word Shortcut keys:

1. CTRL+A: To select all the content of the current file.

2. CTRL+B: To make the selected content bold.
3. CTRL+C: To copy the selected content of the current file.
4. CTRL+D: To open the dialog box for setting the font, font style and font
5. CTRL+E: To centralize the selected paragraph of line.
6. CTRL+F: To open find option of MS Word.
7. CTRL+G: To open GOTO option of MS Word.
8. CTRL+H: To open the replace option of MS Word.
9. CTRL+I: To italicize the selected content.
10. CTRL+J: To justify the selected paragraph or line.
11. CTRL+K: To insert the Hyperlink to a text or object.
12. CTRL+L: To left align the selected paragraph or line.
13. CTRL+M: To set the indent of the paragraph.
14. CTRL+N: To open the new file.
15. CTRL+O: To open the existing file.
16. CTRL+P: To open the print option of the file menu in MS Word.
17. CTRL+Q: To remove the paragraph formatting.
18. CTRL+R: To right align the selected paragraph or line.
19. CTRL+S: To save the unsaved content of the current file.
20. CTRL+T: To create a hanging indent in the paragraph.
21. CTRL+U: To underline the selected content.
22. CTRL+V: To paste the copied contents.
23. CTRL+W: To close the current file of the MS Word.
24. CTRL+X: To cut the selected content of the current file.
25. CTRL+Y: To revise or Redo the last action taken by the CTRL+Z.
26. CTRL+Z: To repeat or Undo the last action.
27. CTRL+1: To Single-space the lines.
28. CTRL+2: To Double-space the lines.
29. CTRL+5: To set 1.5-line spacing.
30. CTRL+0: To add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph.
31. CTRL+EQUAL SIGN (=): To apply subscript formatting.
32. CTRL+PLUS SIGN (+): To apply super script formatting.
33. CTRL+ ] (Right Bracket): To increase the font size by one point.
34. CTRL+ [ (Left Bracket): To decrease the font size by one point.
35. CTRL+BACKSPACE: To delete the whole word.
36. CTRL+HOME: To go to the beginning of the document.
37. CTRL+END: To go to the end of the document.
38. CTRL+PAGE UP: To go one page forward.
39. CTRL+PAGE DOWN: To go one page backward.

Short Cut Keys of MS Word Prepared by: (Syed) Hezbullah Shah (Bukhari)
Mobile: +92-(0)333-9746699 1/4
Short Cut Keys of MS Word Prepared by: (Syed) Hezbullah Shah (Bukhari)

40. CTRL+ALT+PAGE UP: To go to the top of the window.

41. CTRL+ALT+PAGE DOWN: To go to the end of the window.
42. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW. To move the cursor one word right.
43. CTRL+LEFT ARROW: To move the cursor one word left.
44. CTRL+UP ARROW: To move the cursor one paragraph up.
45. CTRL+DOWN ARROW: To move the cursor one paragraph down.
46. CTRL+ESC: To open the Start Menu.
47. CTRL+F2: To get print preview of the document.
48. CTRL+F4: Close the window.
49. CTRL+F5: To restore the active document window.
50. CTRL+F6: To switch to the next document window.
51. CTRL+F10: To maximize the active document window.
52. CTRL+F12: To choose the open command.
53. CTRL+SHIFT+A: Format letters as ALL CAPITALS.
55. CTRL+SHIFT+D: To apply double-underline to the text.
56. CTRL+SHIFT+E: To run Track Changes option.
57. CTRL+SHIFT+F: To change the font style.
58. CTRL+SHIFT+G: To open word count option.
59. CTRL+SHIFT+H: Works like delete button also delete the word in which cursor is present.
61. CTRL+SHIFT+J: Changes the paragraphs last line to full Justify.
62. CTRL+SHIFT+K: To format letters as SMALL CAPITALS: LIKE THIS.
63. CTRL+SHIFT+L: Creates Bulleted Lists.
64. CTRL+SHIFT+O: Starts the Research option of the tools menu.
65. CTRL+SHIFT+P: To change the font size.
66. CTRL+SHIFT+Q: To change the font’s style to symbol.
67. CTRL+SHIFT+S: To change the font’s formatting.
68. CTRL+SHIFT+T: To remove paragraph tab.
70. CTRL+SHIFT+V: Bolds the un-bold text.
71. CTRL+SHIFT+W: To underline the words not the spaces.
72. CTRL+SHIFT+Z: Changes the font style to Times New Roman.
73. CTRL+SHIFT+HOME: To select to the beginning of the document.
74. CTRL+SHIFT+END: To select to the end of the document.
75. CTRL+SHIFT+>: To increase the font size by two points.
76. CTRL+SHIFT+<: To decrease the font size by two points.
77. CTRL+SHIFT+F6: Switch to the previous document window.
78. CTRL+SHIFT+F8: Allows selecting sections of the Document.
79. CTRL+SHIFT+F12: To open the print option of the file menu.
80. CTRL+ALT+C: To insert © Symbol.
81. CTRL+ALT+D: To insert foot note reference with i, ii, iii … style.
82. CTRL+ALT+E: To insert € Symbol.
83. CTRL+ALT+F: To insert foot note reference with 1, 2, 3 … style.
84. CTRL+ALT+I: To show print preview of the current document.
85. CTRL+ALT+M: To insert comments.
86. CTRL+ALT+N: To change the document view to normal.

Short Cut Keys of MS Word Prepared by: (Syed) Hezbullah Shah (Bukhari)
Mobile: +92-(0)333-9746699 2/4
Short Cut Keys of MS Word Prepared by: (Syed) Hezbullah Shah (Bukhari)

87. CTRL+ALT+O: To change the document view to Outline style.

88. CTRL+ALT+P: To change the document view to Print Layout.
89. CTRL+ALT+R: To insert ® Symbol.
90. CTRL+ALT+S: To Split/Un-split the document.
91. CTRL+ALT+T: To insert ™ Symbol.
92. CTRL+ALT+V: To insert Auto Text Entries.
93. SHIFT+HOME: To select the entire line to the left of the cursor.
94. SHIFT+END: To select the entire line to the right of the cursor.
95. SHIFT+F1: To Reveal Formatting of the text.
96. SHIFT+F2: To copy the text or graphic
97. SHIFT+F3: To change the case.
98. SHIFT+F4: To open Find and Replace Dialogue box.
99. SHIFT+F5: Go to the last place, where change is made.
100.SHIFT+F6: Switches between the panes inside the MS Word Application.
101.SHIFT+F7: Starts the Research option of the Tools Menu.
102.SHIFT+F8: Shrink a selection.
103.SHIFT+F10: To show the shortcut menu, just like the right click.
104.ALT+A: To select all the contents of the document.
105.ALT+R: Switches to Reading Layout mode.
106.ALT+SPACE BAR: To open the dialog box of window control buttons.


1. F1: To get help online or from the MS Office Assistant.

2. F2: To move the text or graphic.
3. F3: To insert an Auto Text Entry.
4. F4: To repeat the last action.
5. F5: To open the GO TO command.
6. F6: To go to next frame.
7. F7: To check the spelling and grammar.
8. F8: To extend the selection.
9. F9: To update the selected field.
10. F10: To make active the Menu Bar.
11. F11: To go to the next field.
12. F12: To open the Save As command.

Short Cut Keys of MS Word Prepared by: (Syed) Hezbullah Shah (Bukhari)
Mobile: +92-(0)333-9746699 3/4
Short Cut Keys of MS Word Prepared by: (Syed) Hezbullah Shah (Bukhari)

Author : Mr. (Syed) Hezbullah Shah (Bukhari)

Mobile : +92-(0)333-9746699

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Short Cut Keys of MS Word Prepared by: (Syed) Hezbullah Shah (Bukhari)
Mobile: +92-(0)333-9746699 4/4

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