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Regional Dialect Special Edition

Complete Range
As a second edition, this range of products offers more ways to speak in Geordie, Yorkshire, Brummie, Liverpudlian and Northern Irish. With the purpose of teaching, the publication takes a dictionary format, giving definition to a phrase / word, alongside the phonetics, to teach how to pronounce as well as understand.

Stephanie Lawson Level 06 BA (hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art

Regional Dialect Special Edition

Full Publication
A collection of all five topics explored, this includes ways of: Flirting, Complimenting, Greeting, Insulting and the origins of each accent and regional dialect. The publication has been coptic bound, revealing the 5 seperate publications. The cover has been debossed to reveal the phonics of Regional Dialect.

Stephanie Lawson Level 06 BA (hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art

Regional Dialect Special Edition

Publication Series
A second option of purchasing the publication separately, to those who specifically want it for a single location. Stock choice and colour palette have been determined by content. Consistency has been retained with the cover debossing effect.

Stephanie Lawson Level 06 BA (hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art

Regional Dialect Special Edition

To sit alongside the publication series, a range of stationary will be available, with phrases from each of the publication series, across notebooks, cards, writing paper and rubbers.

Stephanie Lawson Level 06 BA (hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art

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