Certificate in Fitness Instructing

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QCF Learner Achievement Portfolio (LAP) (Children)

Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing

Qualification Accreditation Number

QCF 500/8756/3

Assessment plan................................................... 4 Unit 1 External theory assessment results................ 5 Unit 2 Participant interview. ................................... 6 Additional questions.............................................10 Unit 3 Worksheet.................................................14 Unit 4 Internal theory assessment results . ............ 21 Unit 5 Worksheet................................................ 22 Unit 5 Professional discussion.............................. 27 PAR-Q............................................................... 29 Activity Session Plan Ages 5 11 years ............... 30 Activity Session Plan Ages 11 15 years ............. 33 Unit 6 worksheet................................................ 36 Observed Summative Assessment ........................ 38 Assessors Feedback and Questions Summative Observed Assessment ........................ 39 Session and Self Evaluation. ................................. 40 Record of assessment and individual learning plan...................................................... 42 Learner assessment guidance .............................. 43

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Assessment plan
Learners name:
Unit Stage of assessment
External theory paper


Assessment method
Multiple-choice question paper Written Written Written Multiple-choice question paper Written or Professional Discussion Written Written Written Written

Date and time

Assessors signature

70% pass mark required Participant Interview Additional Questions Worksheet 70% pass mark required Worksheet or Professional Discussion PAR-Q Class Plan Activity Session Plan X2

2&5 2 3 4

Participant Interview Additional questions Health and safety worksheet Internal theory paper




Observed Summative Direct observation Assessment and oral questioning Session and Self Evaluation Written

Learners agreement
I agree to be assessed according to the plan above and am happy that it reflects any special needs I may have. I declare that all the work produced to meet the assessment criteria above has been my own unaided work.

Learners signature: Date:

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Unit 1 Anatomy and physiology for exercise H/600/9013

External theory assessment results
Unit 1 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise Comments: % PASS/REFER

Action plan:

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Unit 1 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise Comments: % PASS/REFER

Action plan:

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Unit 2 Know how to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activity M/600/9015 Unit 5 Planning health related exercise and physical activity for children (A/600/9048)
Participant Interview
Name of participant Date of birth Height Weight 2 marks What are your participants barriers to participation? Gender M/F

1 mark For each barrier that your participant has given describe a strategy to assist your participant to overcome the barrier.

1 mark What incentive/reward schemes will you use to motivate your participant?

1 mark

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Which methods of communication will help you to motivate your participant?

1 mark List your participants exercise preferences.

1 mark Set out your participants short, medium and long term goals.



Long term: 3 marks

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

How will you review your participants short, medium and long term goals?



Long term:

3 marks Give one example of where your participant can source relevant information to help meet their needs.

1 mark

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


/14 (10 marks required for a pass)


Assessors feedback

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Unit 2 Know how to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activity M/600/9015
Additional questions
Now that you have identified the ways in which you can help to support your participant achieve their goals, explain why the following are important: 1. Why is it important to form an effective working relationship with your participant?

1 mark 2. Why is it important to present yourself and your organisation positively to your participant?

1 mark


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

3. Why is it important to value equality and diversity when working with your participant?

1 mark 4. Why is it important to ensure that participant care is upheld within the organisation?

1 mark 5. Why is it important to notify your participant if there is likely to be a delay in meeting their needs?

1 mark

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


6. Why is it important to go the extra mile for your participant?

1 mark 7. Why is it important to handle any participant complaints in a positive manner, ensuring you adhere to organisational procedures?

1 mark 8. Why is it important for your participant to take personal responsibility for their own fitness and motivation?

1 mark


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


/ 8 (8 marks required for a pass)


Assessors feedback

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


Unit 3 Health, safety and welfare in a fitness environment T/600/9016

1. Identify two types of emergencies that may occur in a fitness environment.

2 marks 2. Describe the role of the three external services during an emergency.

3 marks 3. Give one example of the role that a member of staff may play in an emergency.

1 mark


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

4. Why is it important to follow emergency procedures calmly and correctly?

2 marks 5. Complete the table below for a typical emergency. On this occasion the emergency is a fire. Describe how you would ensure that the safety of the people was maintained Children Older People Disabled People

3 marks 6. Why is health and safety important in a fitness environment?

1 mark

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


7. Identify two legal requirements that employers must adhere to in order to comply with Health and Safety Law.

2 marks 8. Complete the table below. You will need to give one example of duty of care for each special population group. Special Population Group Young People Older People Pre/post-natal women Disabled people 8 marks 9. Describe two types of security procedures that you would find in a fitness environment. Duty of care Limitations of the fitness instructor

2 marks


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

10. Describe two key, health and safety documents that are relevant to the fitness industry.

2 marks 11. Complete the table below for possible hazards within a fitness environment. Fitness Environment Facilities Equipment Manual handling Participant behaviour Security Hygiene 18 marks 12. Explain the five steps of risk assessment. Give one example of an associated hazard Give one example of controlling the possible risks of the hazard Who would you refer the risk to if you were unable to deal with it yourself?

5 marks.

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


13. Give one example of safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.

1 mark 14. Complete the table below by listing the four recognised forms of abuse and the signs and symptoms of abuse that can be identified. Forms of Abuse Signs and Symptoms of abuse

8 marks 15. Give three examples of procedures that you would expect to find in an organisations safeguarding children and vulnerable adults policy.

3 marks


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

16. If you suspected any possible abuse to whom would you report this?

1 mark 17. Describe two procedures that you would follow to protect yourself from accusations of abuse.

18. Complete the table below. Identify two statutory agencies responsible for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

2 marks

Give an example of when it may be necessary to contact the statutory agency

4 marks

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


19. Describe how to maintain the confidentiality of information relating to possible abuse.

1 mark RESULT /70 (49 marks required for a pass) PASS / REFER

Assessors feedback

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Unit 4 Principles of exercise, fitness and health - A/600/9017

Internal theory assessment results
Unit 4 Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health Comments: % PASS / REFER

Action plan:

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Unit 4 Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health Comments: % PASS / REFER

Action plan:

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


Unit 5 Planning health related exercise and physical activity for children (A/600/9048)
Please complete either the worksheet or professional discussion 1. Explain the process of informed consent as it applies to children.

1 mark 2. Describe how you would collect participant information using.



3 marks 3. How would you determine which method/s of collecting information are appropriate for the individual child?

2 marks


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

4. Explain how the information gathered when screening can retain accuracy and currency.

2 marks 5. Describe two factors, based on participant screening, which may affect safe physical activity participation for children.

2 marks 6. Give two examples of how participant information could affect the planning of a physical activity session.

7. Identify two reasons for the temporary deferral of exercise.

2 marks

2 marks

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


8. Explain one reason why you might refer a child participant to other professionals.

1 mark 9. How will your plan, based on collected information, identify objectives for the session to ensure:

You promote and enhance activity levels?

Improve social skills?

Promote personal development?

Improve skills and techniques?

Provide opportunities for fun and enjoyment?

5 marks


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

10. How could you apply the principles and variables of fitness to progress a physical activity session to achieve health benefits and required levels of physical activity in children.

2 marks

11. How does the use of music enhance physical activity sessions for children?

1 mark

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP



/ 23 (16 marks required for a pass)


Assessors feedback

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Unit 5 Planning health related exercise and physical activity for children (A/600/9048)
Professional Discussion
Agenda 1. Describe how to collect participant information (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4) Learning outcome / assessment criteria Learning outcome 1 Tape / digital counter

2. Explain how to collect relevant information based on the screening processes to plan a safe and effective physical activity session for children (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)

Learning outcome 2

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


3. Explain how to use information gathered to plan a physical activity session for children (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)

Learning outcome 3

4. Explain how to plan safe and effective physical activity sessions Learning outcome 4 for children (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Example of a Par-Q: Child health questionnaire

Childs name: Date of birth: Age:

Home address: Emergency contact details Name: Name: HEALTH QUESTIONS Does your child have or ever experience the following?
Diabetes Chest pains brought on by physical exertion Childhood epilepsy Dizziness or fainting A bone, joint or muscular problem or arthritis Asthma or other respiratory problems Any sustained injuries or illnesses Any allergies Is your child taking any medication Has anyone in your family had a heart problem at a young age? Has your child ever been in hospital? If yes, please give details here:

Relationship to child: Relationship to child:

Tel: Tel:

Please circle relevant answer


Is their any reason not mentioned above why any type of physical activity may not be suitable for your child? If yes, please give details here:



Are there any special dietary needs your child has? If yes, please give details here:



in signing this form, I the parent / guardian of the aforementioned child, affirm that I have read this form in its entirety and I have answered the questions accurately and to the best of my knowledge I understand that all accidents will be documented, and that I will be informed I understand that if the instructor requires further information about my childs illness or disability in order to include him / her in activities I will endeavour to make sure this information is available to him / her I understand that if my child fails to behave in a manner that is polite and social, he or she may be excluded from that particular activity at the discretion of the instructor, and will have the opportunity to rejoin the session shortly after Signed: Date:

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


Unit 5 Planning health related exercise and physical activity for children (A/600/9048)
Activity Session Plan Ages 5 11 years
Location of nearest telephone: Duty First Aider: Location of nearest first aid kit: Location of register:

Safety checks required: (detail checks carried out and any subsequent action taken) Any special arrangements or adaptations to be made: (in response to available time, equipment or facilities, or children present on the day) Average age of group Anticipated number in group Total time of activity session

Rewards and incentives

Control command to be used

Staff / child ratio

Aims of the session: Rules for the session: Techniques involved in the session: Timing Warm up activities and instructions Equipment Adaptations or special considerations for: Youngest in the group

Oldest in the group

Those with special considerations


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


Main activities and instructions


Adaptations or special considerations for: Youngest in the group

Oldest in the group

Those with special considerations

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP



Cool down activities and instructions


Adaptations or special considerations for: Youngest in the group

Oldest in the group

Those with special considerations

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Unit 5 Planning health related exercise and physical activity for children (A/600/9048)
Activity Session Plan Ages 11 15 years
Location of nearest telephone: Duty First Aider: Location of nearest first aid kit: Location of register:

Safety checks required: (detail checks carried out and any subsequent action taken) Any special arrangements or adaptations to be made: (in response to available time, equipment or facilities, or children present on the day) Average age of group Anticipated number in group Total time of activity session

Rewards and incentives

Control command to be used

Staff / child ratio

Aims of the session: Rules for the session: Techniques involved in the session: Timing Warm up activities and instructions Equipment Adaptations or special considerations for: Youngest in the group

Oldest in the group

Those with special considerations

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP



Main activities and instructions


Adaptations or special considerations for: Youngest in the group

Oldest in the group

Those with special considerations


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


Cool down activities and instructions


Adaptations or special considerations for: Youngest in the group

Oldest in the group

Those with special considerations

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


Unit 6 Instructing health related exercise and physical activity to children (T/600/905)
1. Explain why it is important for children to take personal responsibility for their own fitness and motivation?

1 mark 2. Describe how to assist children to develop their own strategy for motivation and adherence to physical activity.

1 mark 3. Give two examples of typical barriers to physical activity that children have and ways to overcome them?

Typical barriers

Ways to overcome them

4 marks


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


/ 6 (6 marks required for a pass)


Assessors feedback

Learners name Assessors name IVs name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


Warm Up Main Workout Cool Down Learners Signature External Verifier Signature: (if sampled)

Unit 6 Instructing health related exercise and physical activity to children (T/600/905)

Observed Summative Assessment

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale

Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Key: Competent mark a tick (P) Not competent mark a cross (O) Competent with a comment mark a bullet point (l) Question mark a ( Q ) Starting the session (A) learner has:

1. Prepared the environment and checked equipment for the session 2. Welcomed the children appropriately 3. Ensured the children are appropriately dressed for the session 4. Followed the correct procedures for registering the childrens attendance 5. Explained all necessary health and safety information to the children, parents and carers 6. Carried out verbal screening and PAR-Q giving appropriate advice to the children based on prior information 7. Outlined the purpose & structure of the session 8. Provided clear information on the ground rules for behaviour Delivering the Exercise Session ( B ) Learner has

1. Demonstrated correct technique & safe use of equipment & activities

2. Given clear/accurate explanations to the children appropriate to the needs and level of experience of the children

3. Selected & instructed safe & effective activities

4. Used supportive & motivational behaviour with the children

5. Communicated with the children in a way that is appropriate to their needs, is fun and motivates them to take part

6. Adapted the activities appropriately for the children when necessary

7. Given appropriate alternatives to the children when necessary

8. Monitored that children have taken part in the session in a safe manner

9. Used/ reinforced key instruction points to improve the childrens performance & encourage independence

10. Used appropriate teaching position to enable continued observation/correction of children

11. Gained feedback from the children to check understanding of their performance

12. Developed and maintained an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment

13. Managed the childrens behaviour throughout the session

14. Projected volume & pitch of voice effectively in the activity environment

15. Provided cueing to enable children to work to the structure and phrase of the music , where relevant

16. Managed the timings of the session effectively

Ending the Session ( C) Learner has: 1. Given constructive feedback to the children based on their performance 2. Gained feedback from the children as to how well their goals were met and how effective the planned activities were 3. Gained feedback from the children as to how effective the motivational and instructional styles were 4. Checked that the environment & equipment were left in good order Result: delete as appropriate Competent Not Competent Assessors Name:

Learners Name

Internal Verifier Signature: (if sampled)

Unit 6 Instructing health related exercise and physical activity to children (T/600/905)
Assessors Feedback and Questions Summative Observed Assessment
Performance criteria:

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


Unit 6 Instructing health related exercise and physical activity to children (T/600/905)
Session and Self Evaluation
Review the outcomes of working with participants and any feedback gained from your participants. How well did the exercises meet your participants needs?

How effective and motivational was the relationship with your participants?

How well did your instructing style match the participants needs?

How would you adapt the exercises to progress or regress according to your participant needs?


Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Identify how you could improve your personal practice.

Explain the value of reflective practice.

Describe how you incorporated the principles of behaviour management for the group of participants.

Assessors feedback

Pass / Refer
Learners name Assessors name IVs name Signature Signature Signature Date Date Date

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP


42 date:
Learners Signature:
1st Assessment Pass/Refer/APA If using APA detail what evidence has been seen: Pass / Refer Pass / Refer Additional Learning Support: Assessors Signature And Date: 2nd Attempt Assessors Signature and Date:
3rd 3rd Attempt

Record of assessment and individual learning plan

Centres Name:
Assessors Signature and Date:

Learners Name:

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale

Stage of assessment:

Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP

Unit 1 External Theory Paper

Unit 2 Participant Interview

Unit 3 Worksheet

Unit 4 Internal Theory Paper

Unit 5 Worksheet or Professional Discussion PAR-Q Activity Session Plan X 2

Unit 6 Worksheet Observed Summative Assessment Session and Self Evaluation

Unit 5 Planning health related exercise and physical activity for children Unit 6 Instructing health related exercise and physical activity to children
Learner assessment guidance
Planning You will need to complete two Activity Session Plans one for each of the following age groups: 5 11 yrs 11 15 yrs The session must include: a safe and effective warm up a range of physical activities that are safe and appropriate for children (e.g. that take account of the implications of growth and development during the various stages of child development and preventative measures to avoid growth-related injuries) cool down activities that are safe and effective for children You should plan for a 45 60 minute activity session appropriate to the age of the children. Instructing You will be observed instructing your participants through one of the planned activity sessions. You will decide which age group you will instruct with your assessor. You will be required to instruct your session through the following components: a safe and effective warm up a range of physical activities that are safe and appropriate for the chosen age range of children (e.g. that take account of the implications of growth and development during the various stages of child development and preventative measures to avoid growth-related injuries) cool down activities that are safe and effective for the chosen age range of children You should instruct a group consisting of a minimum of 5 and a maximum is 12 participants, with the appropriate adult / child supervision ratio.

Copyright 2010 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Children) - LAP



Westminster House, The Anderson Centre, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, PE29 6XY T: 01480 467950 F: 01480 456283 E: info@activeiq.co.uk

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