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Mommy Talks General Topics

1. Umbilical Cord a. Apply alcohol to cord at least once a day (pull it back and drip alcohol into it) b. Should fall off in 2 weeks and do not pull it off c. Monitor for signs of infection: redness/swelling/pus/tenderness/fever (>100.4F) 2. Stooling and Voiding a. Meconium to seedy yellow stools; may stool after each feed; frequency will decrease b. Constipation is round, hard stool = rabbit pellets (i.e. straining, grunting, and red face are normal if stool is soft) c. Should see at least 6-8 wet diapers in a 24hr period 3. Breast/bottle feeding: a. If breastfeeding, reinforce that it is not initially easy (i.e. be patient!). Make sure to restate the adequate number of voids/day to ensure infant is getting enough fluid. b. How to mix formula (1 scoop to 2oz of tap water) c. Only mix enough formula for 2 days at a time d. Spitting up/burping is normal as long as its not projectile e. Do not need to sterilize bottles, etc (hot, soapy water or dishwasher sufficient) f. Generally do not need to boil water or use bottled water (tap water has fluoride) 4. Bathing and skin care: a. Sponge baths only until cord falls off and is healed b. Infant needs to be bathed only 2-3x/week, same with hair washing c. Can use lotion but please use ones without perfume/scent d. Try to use diaper whipes when not at home (they can be irritating to the skin) use washcloth and mild soap e. If using powder, use only cornstarch powders (put powder on hands and then rub on infants skin; also, do not let the infant hold the powder container very dangerous to baby if it is inhaled) 5. Normal behavior a. i.e. normal to sneeze, hiccup, jaw tremor, mild jitteriness 6. Nasal care: a. use bulb syringe to clear nasal secretions. Can use nasal saline drops. 7. Circumcision care: a. Vaseline use x 1 week. b. Do not whipe the head of the penis, unless soiled with stool (urine is sterile) c. Will look worse before looks better, but heals quickly 8. Effects of estrogen on female infants: a. breast enlargement and whitish/bloody discharge from the vagina 9. Safety issues: a. Always use car seat b. No one should smoke in the house or car with the infant c. Never leave the baby unattended in the bathtub. Always be within arms length

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