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Abraham-Hicks Books 8 in Audio and 5 in PDF EnJoy and Share - Please Seed Books For detailed Abraham-Hicks description

see: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ask and It Is Given The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent The Astonishing Power of Emotions Money and the Law of Attraction Workshop - How To Change Your Life Around In 30 Days

Audio Books For detailed Abraham-Hicks description see the Sara 1: "Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction" Sara 2: "Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends" Sara 3: "A Talking Owl Is Worth A Thousand Words" 4. Ask and It Is Given 5. The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent 6. The Astonishing Power of Emotions 7. Money and the Law of Attraction (+ bonuses!) 8. Law Of Attraction "Abraham Basics" Starter Set 1 through 5 CD SET (2006 relea se) + BONUS - The Power Of Joy - Christiane Northrup + Money and Law of Attraction, Affirmations - A new story to tell + Bonuses from ========= For more Abraham-Hicks_Torrents see webpage at Here you can easily check against what you have of Abraham-Hicks Torrents and wh at is available for free download via torrents from different trackers. This is to make it easier for you to know what is on the net and for easier access for t hose who would like to have more of Abe's teachings. ========= This torrent has the books from the following torrents: Abraham-Hicks - Money and the Law of Attraction (+ bonuses!) 467.99 MB Abraham Hicks - Money and the Law of Attraction (pdf) 794.05 KiB Abraham-Hicks - Money and Law of Attraction, Affirmations - A new story to tell 17.28 MB Abraham_Hicks_The_Law_of_Attraction_(2006_release)_The_Power_of_Joy!_by_Christia ne_Northrup 488 MB Abraham Hicks Audiobooks (following are 3 Audio Books) 676.54 MB Ask and It Is Given The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent The Astonishing Power of Emotions Ask and It Is Given - Abraham-Hicks (Attraction & Abundance) pdf 581.2 KiB

Abraham Hicks - The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent (pdf) 644.91 KB Abraham Hicks-The Astonishing Power Of Emotions (pdf) 692.60 KB Abraham-Hicks - Sara 1: "Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction" 217 .08 MB Abraham-Hicks - Sara, book 2 - Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends 319.40 MB Abraham-Hicks - Sara 3: "A Talking Owl Is Worth A Thousand Words" 226.25 MB Abraham-Hicks Workshop - How To Change Your Life Around In 30 Days.pdf 537 KB ========= From Daily Quotation Being happy is the cornerstone of all that you are! Nothing is more important th an that you feel good! And you have absolute and utter control about that becaus e you can choose the thought that makes you worry or the thought that makes you happy; the things that thrill you, or the things that worry you. You have the ch oice in every moment. --- Abraham "The Teachings of Abraham" is the original source material for the current Law o f Attraction wave that is sweeping the world, and it is the 21st century inspira tion for thousands of books, films, essays and lectures that are responsible for the current paradigm shift in consciousness. Here you will find accurate clarification of the b asics of the Law of Attraction and practical applications as well as up-to-the-m oment leading-edge expanding information regarding the Law of Attraction. (Also known as "The Teachings of Abraham") This is the fountainhead of the information upon which the hit movie, The Secret as based. Esther and Jerry Hicks In 1985, Jerry and Esther Hicks began dialogs with Abraham, a name chosen by a g roup of nonphysical teachers, who deliver an inspirational message of joy and we ll-being. Jerry and Esther travel to over forty cities every year, offering work shops where participants direct their questions to Abraham and learn ways to ach ieve all that is desired in life. Abraham, a group of obviously evolved teachers, speak their broader Non-physical perspective through the physical apparatus of Esther. Speaking to our level of comprehension, from their present moment to our now, through a series of loving, allowing, brilliant yet comprehensively simple, recordings in print and in soun d -- they guide us to a clear connection with our Inner Being -- they guide us t o self-upliftment from our total self. ========= My reasons for sharing these resources with you: My first reason is that I enjoy doing it. I am not sure why and... Not everyone who wants to hear such teachings can afford it or is willing to pay and wait for it to come over snail mail. But if you are one of those that is wi lling then I encourage you to buy the recordings to support the work financially . By sharing these recordings with you I believe I am supporting Abraham s work. By exposing torrent community to Abraham s teachings, we are making this world a b etter place and the way I understand Abraham s teachings, torrents are like an ice w

breaker for their work as DVD The Secret was for Abraham work. We are doing them a service, by sharing their message to parts of the world that would not hear of them otherwise. Besides, according to Abraham s teachings, only those who are interested will be a ttracted to this material anyway. I believe that Esther & Jerry Hicks, if they p ractice what they are teaching, then they will not be against what I am doing, s ince that will be resisting or going against the flow. As Abraham said though Es ther, What they are doing, even if it is with your life s work, it is none of your business. And Don t ask anyone, even your best friend to be true to you. You be true to you. The above quote was taken from Track 05 of Abraham Hicks Workshop of the followi ng torrent: Abraham Hicks Workshop 10/6/07 Stamford CT 40 MB CT 2007-10-06 Stamford, CT CD is also in the following torrent: ell-Being_30_CDs From DAILY LAW OF ATTRACTION QUOTATION Everything is valid and everything is truthful, because Law of Attraction lets e verything be. The question is not whether it's right or wrong, whether their app roach is right or wrong, or whether my approach is right or wrong. The question is: Does their approach feel good to me? And if it doesn't, then I choose a diff erent approach. --- Abraham "Blessings and thanks for your sincere heart inspired networking. I resonate wit h all you share, I am sure that there will be many who continue to support Esthe r and Jerry financially." -- Ruth UK

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