May 13

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Kathy Sanderson

Class Schedule First Grade Room 26

May 13, 2013

Time 7:45- 8:15 8:15 10:00

Subject Breakfast/Morning Show Reading

10:00 11:00 Math 11:00 11:38 Lunch 11:45 12:15 PE 12:15 1:00 1:15 1:30 Continue Math Recess if weather permits Science Clean Up/Pack
Have students come to carpet when packed for a

1:30 2:00 2:00 2:25

Read Aloud

MORNING Students enter classroom. Morning Procedure: Students enter the room and unpack book bag hang on hook outside of classroom. Breakfast is brought to the classroom for students to eat from 7:45 to 8:15. At 8:00 you may call one table at a time to get seconds if they want more. The morning show comes on around 8 on channel 3. The lunch count envelope will be located in the breakfast crate. Call roll and if the student brought lunch then label BL by their name or a check if they are present and will eat in the lunchroom. If a student has money for lunch you may put the amount by their name. Ija and Roy can take the baskets back to lunch room. Students have reading fluency books to read when they are finished eating. Line Up- Announce Hands and Chairs: Students will stand up behind chair. Students that have brought their lunch line up first. Then call a table at a time. Walk the students to the lunchroom. STUDENTS RESPOND TO VERBALLY SAYING: CLASS STUDENTS WILL ANSWER: YES If students are quiet after that the class earns a point. Points are earned for recess. You can keep a running tally on the white board. Students that do not cooperate or do not follow rules should lower their number on the behavior board. Please indicate any student that has problems following directions. Students have signals for needing to go to bathroom and get water. I will respond by shaking my head to indicate what they should do. Classroom jobs are posted on the board under the TV. Students have a bathroom and water signal. Nod your head for yes or no. One table at a







Students walk in hallway in a quiet line. Remind hands beside their side, walking quietly. Walk the students to the lunchroom. You must stay with the students through the lunch line and during lunch. Students that need to go to restroom during lunch may raise their hand with the bathroom signal. I will allow one at a time to go as long as they are showing good behavior. Darrell and Isabella - Push the garbage cans down through the tables. They will also clean up Lunch Tables. Walk students to PE. Line the students up in the hallway by the PE building. The coach will come to the door when he is ready for them to go in. Students may access the following programs on their Ipads: Spelling/Vocabulary City, Raz-Kids, Pearson, AR, ixL Only allow I-pads at given times of the day. Roy has a program that he works with on the regular computer. Other students may access Raz-Kids on the regular computer. Line Up students for dismissal 1st - Extended Day 2nd - Car Riders 3rd - Bus Riders Dismissal - Students leave when bell rings. You will be responsible for the orange and red bus riders. They will line up at the sign outside Mrs. Hoods classroom. Walk this group out to their bus, which is 34 and 134. You will stand at bus 34 and help students get on bus. Another teacher will be there to check students off on check sheet. After the bus leaves walk to the car riders and stay with the car riders from our class until they are gone.

Time 7:45 to 8:00 Subject- Lesson See Class Procedures for Morning Students should write in Morning Journals Notes

8:15 to 10:00

10:00 to 11:00 11:00 11:08 to 11:35 11:45 to 12:15 12:15 to 1:30

READINGMole and the Baby Bird ( Work one Activity at a time with students or they will get off task and tell you they are finished.) Worksheets labeled for order. 1. Reading Phonics 2. Vocabulary Handout 3. Writing Activity 4. Story Board Complete with a partner. Read a book with a partner and complete the story board. Math1. Students complete the Reteach for Topic 16. 2. Students complete the Topic 16 Test 3. Math Activity Handout Students begin to clean up tables. JMARIAN passes out hand sanitizer. Lunch See Classroom Procedures Above PE Math Math Fact Sheets Practice Math Facts

Teachers Edition, Phonics Handout, Title Handout, Sequence Activity.

Topic 16 Reteach Test

Math Fact Sheets Spelling Word Writing Worksheet

1:15 to 1: 30

1:30 to 2:00

Recess if Weather Permits Students must be quiet when walking down hallway. Do not bang on door when returning to classroom. Little students are sleeping by that back door. Students that have not cooperated today may stand on sidewalk for 3 to 10 minutes. Science Scavenger Hunt 1. Students use handout and book to locate information. 2. Write answers found on sheet. 3. Select one of the items to draw and color on back of paper. Label picture Clean Up/ Call one table at a time to get book bag Pass Out Homework Have students come to rug for a Read Aloud Bus duty then Car Duty Thank you, Kathy

Science Scavenger Handout Science Book

2:002:25 2:25 to 2:30 2:30

No Homework Tonight

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