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Br anc h Co py A pplic ant’ s co py A ppli ca nt’ s Co py

(to b e r etai ne d a t th e Br an ch) (to be enc los ed to the a pplic ation) (to be r et ain ed by th e a pplic ant)
Synd ica te Bank Syndica te Ban k Syndica te Ban k
Recr uitm ent of O f ficer s/C ler ks Recr uitme nt o f Of fic er s/Cler ks Recr uitme nt o f Of fic er s/Cler ks
A ppli ca ti on Fee P ai d A pplic atio n F ee Paid A ppli ca ti on Fee P ai d

A/c. No . 01111150000385 at A/c.No . 01111150000385 at A/c. No . 01111150000385 at Ma nipal

Mani pal Br Ma nip al Br Br anc h
Name of the Applicant:
Name of the Applicant: Name of the Applicant: Mr/Ms:
Mr/Ms: Mr/Ms:
Category*: SC/ST/OBC/Gen/PH
Category*: SC/ST/OBC/Gen/PH Category*: SC/ST/OBC/Gen/PH
Name of the Branch:
Name of the Branch: Name of the Branch:
@Category of Branch: CBS Non-CBS @Category of Branch: CBS Non-CBS
@Category of Branch: CBS Non-CBS
……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………..
@Transaction ID/Scroll No : @Transaction ID/Scroll No: @Transaction ID/Scroll No:
……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………..

Amount of Deposit: (Rupees …………… Amount of Deposit: (Rupees …………… Amount of Deposit: (Rupees ………………………
………………………………only) ………………………………only) ……………………only)

Date: Signature of the applicant Date: Signature of the applicant Date: Signature of the applicant
(For Office Use) ( For Office Use) (For Office Use)
Received Payment Received payment Received payment

Authorized Signatory Stamp with date Authorized Signatory Stamp with date Authorized Signatory Stamp with date
*Tick whichever is applicable *Tick whichever is applicable *Tick whichever is applicable
@Receiving Branch shall fill up these columns. @Receiving Branch shall fill up these columns. @Receiving Branch shall fill up these columns.

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