Poetry On The Go: November 2007

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DBC English Club West

Daytona Beach College English Club West

School Approved Flyer
November 2007

Poe tr y on th e Go Pr esen ts :

Aftermath by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

When the summer fields are mown,
When the birds are fledged and
And the dry leaves strew the path;
With the falling of the snow,
With the cawing of the crow,
Once again the fields we mow
And gather in the aftermath.
Not the sweet, new grass with flowers
Is this harvesting of ours;
Not the upland clover bloom;
But the rowen mixed with weeds,
Tangled tufts from marsh and meads,
Where the poppy drops its seeds
In the silence and the gloom.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poetry on the Go is a production from DBC

Daytona Beach College English Club West, which promotes
English Club West was a 19th century American
awareness and appreciation for poetry.
poet. His later works were con-
If you would like to share your reflections
1155 County Road 4139 cerned with American mythology about this poem, the
Deland, FL 32724 and his best-known poem was Daytona Beach English Club welcomes
Yahoo! Group Page:
“The Song of Hiawatha.” your comments and input. E-mail us
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ at:
dbc_english_club_west/ dbc_english_club_west@yahoogroups.com


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