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Pplermedoetey tien Pac teieae; al Bon eases 73025z, PARKINSON'S NEW ENGLAND SUPPORT ‘The New England Club will meat Tharsday-at the Wane ‘Sonn Activities Center in Burl Browa Park, 751 5. ale ‘bama Ave. All New Englanders Aareinte oon ‘hore willbe a pottnck nck at noon, Bring your own place Sering anda casserole sled or dessert to complement baked ham. “hore wil be an exchange of CChrstnas its, es cup suc on and drawing For more in formation, call George, siestaaer AARP CHAPTER 64 ‘he eLandareapartison's sport Group wl eat a 3 bm iy ine Fun Lie Ear oft fapest Church, SEN Wosimtine ‘rng samo of ou fv ignite tote ee Mile enerainnent ets eee tel ti. allare wot how ‘ith Parinsns are enotirend to atend the Bet txerelee grope at a0 pan, Sites Bens ha NiSorne Gaon hve anda pa toustaye ine fay Up Gener at Bt aap Ghost For inormtin ROOTS AND BRANCHES p,,shemdar.the guar Rm ward spony ha tona Wome Ch, Wi be Drone daring AARE Chap. te ee menting rity Denar Give Centr, Shel Font Te ning wil een at ieee ied tinea 90 fo ior ‘Som.caameeer Roots and Branches Genes- logit Sotety of West Volusia tees inthe auditorium of the Deland Pubbe Library, 130 Howry ave, at2 pm the third Sunday each month fom Sp tember trough June ‘ext Sunday's meeting willbe the annual business sting ‘ection ana installation of of fers ater which tere wilt DeLeon Springs feet hoa There wil bea es . Sen before the meting. For in AARP. formation, call Jerry Hale Sreawaza Hidden Valley AARP will sponucradeiersaity program Doe, 29 ftom 9am untl Spm ‘his wil bea speclal oxeday class. "Cat is $10 er peron Reservations ate, reared RSVP to Coy Brickey, ioesonr DEMOCRATS Yousia County Counc Dis tect Lrepresentaive Andy Kel {yal para n guostion od antwer ateson wit ne bersand guests ofthoDemecrat fe Club of Novthwest Yoni County 7 pam Thursay dar Inga Bada dinner at Sra ‘Rttarant 101 Intrantional Spread. President ofthe Stetson Unt. erly Callge Democrats, eh ‘Vests, will speak about or group's roceat functions. ahd ‘Send brie lub es ts of inorett vet Votusans af Teast to eats eo te fuentt: Neshbors, Phe ‘News Journal 1 5 Ala Dama’ Ave, DeLand, $2724 ar fa i ba How To Help FURRY | GoMTMR OM PAE SC | 7 sence ve, tPreefom lementary School | gentyusedteddy bear, | ‘Shesaidshestartodenlectng | deter ito theCassacaea | the bears when she heard ‘riends plamingtocoleteaay tears to ve fo poplin hos fais. She convinced them ode verte earsfocilren ner ‘asso Thad wie varity of kis, some at wham were placed ‘rogram suc as lesional Student duction (ES) and aly Intervention who just heeded the special Bugs the tears cou ofr,” Pparsai."7 Just lew i euld Be done” In| bout tanee weeks, she put fo Setber a clloctin of 0 bears {int eve them fo hide i her ‘heal "We placed the bears in lsarootn and et one chi at timventer thereon Onebyone, {hey cose te bear thoy wanted 1etake home,” she sds fuck seat eeling, watching Some of those Ais’ wale out Sling. And even more ve Imarkable, those kids never {ough overs bee "Thase who helper inthis teady tau Cristina mision ko what they do. Talways seems” sid Ba wood Schl, a retired patie of Heer who volunteers 10 help Piper collect and. deliver the eas. Ifs nice fo know youre Aoingsotetine ice “doit forthe thoyghtof mak ing children happy for Christmas" sala Stiney De Koff, another voluntetr and Toagtime friend of Piper's ‘Many ki in Tho are don't Bookstore, 2 Steers St cr FierdshipElerertary Serool 2746 Fulerd St. | ‘Bears donatedtotors | Suny willbe eves to hlerents Cartas but | | Per acents donators | yearend 2 For mors ntarmaton, cal (386) 2280435 0 ema sean Pps at Iinsreahotma com Beemse sometimes, thisis thelr ny i Art's to seta ‘we don't have more peopl wl Ing to do, more far daa taped as ‘The bars arrive fom across the nation an even Ian at thre destinations: Pipers 110) Stevens St dorstep; the Cas. aga Bookstore; or Prowfom Bt ‘mentary. Piper picks thm Up, {aes them home and thor Iy inspects each ono fo make Surethey reintipsop shape Every year, Piper rooeves lst from na Harting, ao works with Volusla County's [ESE departient, that neues the names of soos aches $a umber of eile nen Classroom who are eagerly Aavaiting the big "tear ‘About te third weak in Doss bet, the Dears begin to make thelrwayfooneot bez? soos fant claserooms where elise Ihave fifts.'To know chiles eres are expected. This Fear, willbe hspny and to know they Pipers list includes bears for { laveatboarisallned oknow. hoyptaliyd children, to. ‘A participant inthe Christmas Boat Parade on the St. Johns River pays to the crowd near the Whitehair 8 oad 4 in DeLancion Saturday mint. Huncrecs of spectators jemmed Ea Stone Park le countess ath ‘Darks othe river ftom Cats Bend to the north end of Lake Beresford, fo waton the anual procession ¢ ecorated boats — ant her cumers, EXTENSION NOTES. When turkey’s on menu, safety vital in ki 9. I Jorgot to tate out the ile package fram the tury ny fore coking he tr, the turkey ssa teat?” ‘You can sfly tv the b- Jets in the turkey during the cooking proces If to mblets fre wrapped in papr and were Inserted the rocessngplant furkeys. However. the gilts Were packed in @olasbe ag. Sd the bay as meted during ‘he coking process you donot want fo use the gies othe furkey. Harmful chemicals fom the plastic may have Jesched info the surrounding ‘meat. Tho giles and tarkey ‘toni be sal oe if te plas PARKING ‘coNTINUED FOMPAGE BC ‘To dees that peroeation tho iy must remap ts curent barking system, whi i where fhe socom par of the study ‘Wouldeome tn hes "You want t0 be, proactive ther tan reste" Mona Thaddtiontopaidparking he sald tht parting specs should banged fo vam and ty ‘mplosecs, and that business ‘mers snd manaeee shold Aisesurege employees from Desking onthe sta in ont ererandmetaarnes ‘Those spaces, he ald, should be designated ab “short term Withahighturnaroud” se Parking in downtewn Deband has bean an ine for decades, ‘ith fe ation one m0 Eo enothor in 205 pore 3 MONTH APY 7.00" 5.80% 6 MONTH APY 1 tichagis inact notated) ‘atencaldor $thot seb Legs and wi ‘whole at be uly to ‘ndstecmine ies bust 10 smometer to, Feacestheps Deratre vo hours, remove all stuting fom comtaring buying a Neth ty: dee tur Lam considering buying a fey inte smalls pects and re ay prepared turkey dinner erate in separate, shallow ov oselfand hasban How “containers. Before siving. spe are her? Feat thoroughly toss doeeceP Ready. prepared meals axe 4 unllhotand steaming convenntaytoprevideafal "If cooked snd religerated Foliday mel withau thehasss Keep feeds oi Retrierats ft preparation for jae one or umelately upon arrival at frapapie Marae homens, home (qiwaye. within two Sneed akg racstoheepin Rup, Serve the ma! win ‘idianeiaplekedupor deliv. Reeling o whole turkey is tro hot the fod mast apt NOT rocommented. Look for Sti degrees orabowe exe the USDA inpetion ston the {ing within two hours i isnot packaging of whol, cooked ta vied to keep foods ot onger EY than two howra a wl be fe dey and matics. ‘SIP holding food Tonger than ‘om agen fo Gout Coo Bronco Flora he te Vota ‘ral Cone, (om ease Rtntacat Follow package directions for reheating and toring these broucs, Cooked farkey canbe UNDER $200,00 Pa 0, of matered spaces and another St trfae fle and a gars, thou anything ever sais Ine business owners, county plone and downiown vi "The report stated that sins ao also part ofthe ls prob fem, whieh DeLand City Com missioner Chanies Paiva sid aybetneaoition "don't sees way of changing perception shor of chaning Thesibxag, nos. He suggested commissioners star itt ‘Noo setion was taken at the Jot meting, but leas 4d agree tompove iorward with phasstmpatthestudy. aT Amana" aly Air Conditioning & Heating ‘We have beautiful HOME TEAM © — new and resale hom ‘under §200,000. Allareas, all types Bill Mancini Sipe anh Bunch Dining Review “Tied ot high o! the answer i Al jobs price ‘guaranteed. We workmanship: seme ate Ai jbs pe Sida YEAR APY, Call Today! 386-228

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