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I wasn't going to mention Christmas yet, as we still

have a few months to go, but I bought this lovely book.

It's full of lovely things to make.

We made these little dolls at my Steiner School.

I thought it might be nice to show how to make these
beautiful fairy-like figures:
So if you feel like making a few, here's how to - :
You will need: some colored wool for the overdress
and hair, white merino for main body, any old sheep’s
wool for the head, a pipe cleaner and some thread
and a needle felting needle.
First off roll a little ball with plain old sheep’s wool and
then take a length of white merino about 40 cms
long. Take some thread and tie up the middle of this
white strip:

Then place the ball on top of the tied bit and encase it
with the white strip. Take some thread and tie off the
Take a pipe cleaner about 16 cms long and wrap
some very thin slivers of the white merino around it.
Start off with thin pieces as the arms will get too fat
otherwise. Slightly bend in the ends of the pipe
cleaner to make hands and then wrap a bit more
fibres over them like so:
Lift the fairy's top half up and put in this arm piece and
then bind around the chest to secure the arms:

Now take a bit of the plant dyed wool and wrap a little
sliver around the arms leaving the hands white. Take
the rest of the colored wool and spread it in a layer
and make hole in the middle and place over the head
of the fairy like so and tie some more colored wool
under her chest:

At this point it looks awful and you're probably

wondering if it's worth the effort! Persevere and put
the fairy on a piece of sponge and needle felt her
overdress together and the bit on her chest and the
arms whilst you're at it. You don't have to needle too
much - it'll come together quite quickly:
After that Needle Felt in a little bit of curly wool for the
hair. Again you don't have to needle too much as
these are not playthings. Tie something gold around
her head and hang her up. Then make some more
with the other colors.
You can make these with merino which is
commercially dyed but I think they look more fairy like,
more ethereal with this wool.
Isn’t she just beautiful, and she looks best with some
more sisters for company.

Blessed Be

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