Language Arts Lesson Plan

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Date: Subject: Language Arts Grade Level: 2nd Classroom Teacher: Christina Schadt

I. Standards: (ALCOS) English and Language Arts (2010) Grade: 2 Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. (RL.2.3) Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting or plot. (RL.2.7) Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures. (RL.2.9) II. Objectives: After the lesson on comparing and contrasting stories students will complete a Venn diagram on the stories. The class will have a discussion on the characters and events in both books. III. Introductory Activity (Engage): The teacher will tell the students today we will be reading two stories. The class will first read The three little pigs by: James Marshall. When the first story is complete the class will discuss the events and the characters of the story. The class will then read The true story of the three little pigs by: Jon Scieszka. The class will then discuss the events and characters in the story. IV. Developmental Activities (Explore & Explain): The students will be spilt into pairs and the teacher will hand out a Venn diagram worksheet to complete. The students will then begin working on the worksheet with their partners. When the students have had plenty of time to complete the worksheet together the class will have a discussion on the similarities and differences of the stories.

V. Culminating Activity (Elaborate): The students will then work on an activity sheet with questions from both stories. The students will complete this individually and turn it in to the teacher. When the students complete the worksheet they will work in pairs playing the reading comprehension game on computers. VI. Assessing Student Learning: The teacher will collect and assess the Venn diagram from the students. The teacher will also collect and asses the activity sheet completed by the students. VII. Modifications for Special Needs: Students who have trouble focusing will sit close to the teacher. Slower students will be paired up with accelerated students to help complete the Venn diagram.

VIIII. Resources/Materials: Book of The three little pigs Book of The true story of the three little pigs Venn diagram sheets Activity sheet

X. Self-Reflection of Lesson: Did the students enjoy the lesson? Did the students understand the lesson? Did I notice any ways to improve the lesson? Did the lesson seem to easy or to hard for the students?

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