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Educational Background Math MAT 102 Pre-Calculus MAT 224 Calculus I MAT 225 Calculus II MAT 326 Calculus

III MAT 426 Differential Equations Physics PHY 111 General Physics I PHY 112 General Physics II PHY 314 Intro Modern Physics PHY 311 Analytical Mechanics PHY 341 Thermodynamics PHY 365 Electronics for Scientists PHY 380 Intermediate Laboratory PHY 398 Technology Report: Physics/Engineering PHY 431 Physical Optics Education PHY 496 Practicum - TA PHY380 PHY 496 Practicum -TA General PHY 111 SCI 430 Science Teaching Methods 7-12 EDU 280 Intro to Adolescent Education EDR 524 Main Campus G Lit Inst/Cont Area Grade 7-12 EDS 543 Inclusive Schools & Communities EDU 5130 Assessment in Education EDU 5170 Educational Technology I EDU 5180 Practicum Research in Education I: Planning Research EDU 582 Maintain Effective Learning General Education CHE 111 Fund Princ Chem I CHE 112 Fund Princ Chem II CHE XXX General Chemistry I - IQS AST 101 Introduction to Astronomy ENG 101 Composition ENG XXX Academic Writing ENG 339 Science Fiction HIS 101 US Civ to 1877 HIS 122 Europe Civ Since 1815 HIS 132 Modern Global History PED 3XX Health Sciences/Coaching PED 201 CPR/AED/First Aid A PED 311 Coaching Psychology

PHI 312 Ethics PSY 101 General Psychology SPA 213 Intermed Spanish I SPA 214 Intermed Spanish II FRE 111 Elementary French LIB 105 Intro to Info & Tech Literacy CSC 221 Intro to Programming HED 310 Found: Personal Health

Training Child Abduction Child Abuse and Neglect School Violence

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