Echo Field Trip

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May 10, 2013 Dear Parents, The end of the year is coming quickly!

We are planning a second grade field trip for Wednesday, June 5th to the science center, ECHO, located in Burlington. This will be the culminating activity for our Lake Champlain unit. We will also have a picnic lunch on the waterfront. Please be sure your child brings a bag lunch and a drink that does not have to stay cool in his/her backpack. We will need chaperones for this trip. We will be leaving school at 9:45 AM and returning to school by 1:45 PM. Unfortunately younger siblings are not able to join us on this trip. If you would like to join us, sign on the form below. All permission slips and money need to be returned to school by Wednesday, May 24th . Also, in order to chaperone you must fill out a volunteer form. They are available on the CSD website if you have not already filled one out this year. The children and teachers will be traveling by bus. There will be room for chaperones, but you may choose to meet us at ECHO. The cost of the trip for the children and chaperones is $5.00 per person because of a generous donation from the Porters Point PTO. This includes admission to ECHO, a workshop titled Wetland Wonders and bus transportation. Please make checks payable to Porters Point School. Sincerely, Mrs. Hooper Ms. LaRose My child,______________, has permission to go on the field trip to ECHO on June 5th. ___Check or cash is included _____ I can chaperone the field trip. ___ Check or cash is included _____ I have filled out a CSD Volunteer Form this school year Parents name____________________ Phone number____________________

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