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Hipolito 1

Mary Hipolito Professor Wingate English 114B 19 April, 2013 Quote Sheet Quote Analysis Bilingual/bicultural families have tried to play Most families who seek out the American by the rules in an effort to attain the American Dream are bilingual and/or bicultural, however, dream. Families have worked hard and statistics show they are mostly living in contributed to the welfare of the nation, yet the poverty and have low levels of education. That data show high poverty rates and low levels of can be a motivating factor to achieve the educational attainment. (Soto) American Dream.

When so many families in America are finding it impossible to reach the American Dream, it seems more important than ever to implement an educational climate that is enriching, accepting, bilingual, and bicultural. (Soto)

Education is considered the first step into having the American Dream. That is why it is important to surround yourself in an environment and that will help you become successful.

Homeownership represents far more than legal possession of a residence. Indeed, owning ones home is a key component of achievement toward the American Dream in the United States. (McConnell and Marcelli 199)

Owning a home is considered one of the American Dreams. However, that can only happen when and if you have a citizenship. So owning a house is not just for keeps, it is much more sentimental and a step to the American Dream.

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The immigration status of many Latinos partially explains their relatively low homeownership rates, amounting to a double disadvantage when coupled with continuing housing discrimination against minorities. (McConnell and Marcelli 200)

Because of their immigration status of Latinos, it makes their situation harder to achieve the American Dream.

Although many may buy into the dream of owned housing, those without legal status encounter various structural barriers to purchasing a home. (McConnell and Marcelli 201)

Buying a home is impossible to do without having any legal status.

Legal status is another way of viewing ones relative adjustment to the United States and also how important implications for homeownership. (McConnell and Marcelli 205)

Ones legal status can determine how far into the American Dream they can accomplish. Without one, it is certainly an obstacle.

Latin American immigrants is a political, economic, and social issue that has captured the attention of popular news media and its consumers in both the United States and Latin American workers. (Del Cid 4)

Latin American immigrants have capture all aspects of society: politically, economically, and socially. It is a popular subject in the media and is often debated and discussed.

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A few of the motivating factors that bring Hispanic immigrants to the United States include a lack of resources and opportunities in their home countries, abuses of their government, extreme poverty, and even the search for adventure. (Del Cid 4)

The many reasons why Hispanic immigrants try to achieve the American Dream is because they are dissatisfied with their lives in their country. For example, abuse of the government, extreme poverty, and a search for adventure.

The American Dream is not easily achieved; but requires certain sets of social and personal skills. (Del Cid 12)

Social and personal are required to build social needs, assimilate into the workforce, and meet the basic economic needs.

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Works Cited Del Cid, Jessica. The American Dream: An Illusion or Reality for Latino Immigrants. N.p., 2011. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. <>. McConnell, Eileen Diaz, and Enrico A. Marcelli. "Buying into the American Dream? Mexican Immigrants, Legal Status, and Homeownership in Los Angeles County." Social Science Quarterly 88.1 (2007): 199-221. Print. Soto, L. D. (2010, Jan 04). Is the American Dream for Monolinguals Only? The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, 20, 44-45. Retrieved from

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