4.circle Diagram of Three Phase Induction Motor From No Load & Blocked Rotor Tests

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EEE Department EM-II LAB

Experiment No: 4 Page 1 of 4

III/IV EEE (I Semester)

CIRCLE DIAGRAM OF 3- INDUCTION MOTOR FROM NO LOAD & BLOCKED ROTOR TESTS. Aim: - To draw the Circle diagram of a 3-Phase Induction motor. Apparatus: S.N o. 1. 2. 3. Meter Voltmeter Ammeter Wattmete r Range 0-600V 0-10A 150/300/600V-5/10AUPF Type MI MI Dynamomete r Quanti ty 1 1 2

Name Plate Details: Volts : Amps. P.H./ Cycle : KW/HP : RPM :

Three-Phase Induction Motor Amps Rating : Connection : : 7.8

415 volts. 3/50. 3.75/5 HP 1440

Cont. Delta.

Circuit Diagram: -

Lab In Charge EEE


EEE Department EM-II LAB

Experiment No: 4 Page 2 of 4

III/IV EEE (I Semester)

Theory: The locus of the stator current of an induction motor is a circle under certain reasonably valid assumptions. This locus may be dawn using the test data obtained from the no-load and blocked-rotor test and the value of stator resistance. (a) No-Load test: - If the motor is run at rated voltage and frequency without any mechanical load, it will draw power corresponding to its no-load losses. The current drawn (No-Load current) will have two components, the active component and the magnetizing components, the former being very small as the no-load losses are small. The power factor at no load is, therefore, very low. No-load test gives one point on the current locus.
(b) Blocked-rotor test: - This test affords a second point on the current locus, and

is analogous to the short-circuit test on a transformer. The stator is supplied with a low voltage of rotated frequency, and, with the rotor blocked (i.e., physically prevent from moving) the power input, current input and voltage applied are recorded. The data when converted to rated voltage gives the shortcircuit current and the power factor. The power input during blocked-rotor test is almost wholly consumed in the stator and rotor copper losses. From the short-circuit current and the power input, therefore, the total equivalent resistance of the stator and rotor can be obtained. From this if the stator resistance (which may actually measured) is subtracted, the remainder is the rotor resistance referred to stator. If R is the D.C. resistance of the stator, its A.C. resistance or effective resistance will usually be higher on account of the skin effect. Usual range of effective resistance is 1.05 to 1.2 times D.C. resistance, the exact value depending upon the frequency and conductor size. From the values of the no-load and blocked-rotor currents at rated voltage, the corresponding power factors and the equivalent stator and rotor resistances, the complete circle diagram may be drawn. With V1 as reference, OA is plotted equal to no-load current I 0 at an angle 0 lagging, where Cos 0 = W0 / (3V0I0), and W0 is the no-load power input at rated voltage and frequency. The blocked rotor test-data is converted to values that would have been obtained if this test were performed at rated voltage. If V S is the voltage at which blocked-rotor rest is performed, IS the current input, and PS the power input, the values converted to rated voltage V would be Ise = IS (V /VS) Pse= PS (V/VS)2 Cos se = PS / (3VS IS) = Pse / (3VIse)

Lab In Charge EEE


EEE Department EM-II LAB

Experiment No: 4 Page 3 of 4

III/IV EEE (I Semester)

OC equal to Ise at an angle se is now drawn. A and C are then two points on the current locus, of which AC is a chord. The line AL is drawn at right angle to OV through A. The point X, where the right-bisection of chord AC meets AL, is the center of locus-circle and XA is the radius. CF, which is equal to Isc Cos se, represents to a certain scale, the power input to the motor 3VIse Cos se (If on the current scale 1cm = x amperes, and V is the rated line voltage, the power scale is 1 cm = 3V x watts, for a 3-phase motor). The power intake under blocked-rotor conditions is consumed as no.load losses (assumed constant), stator copper loss and rotor copper loss. Ef, which is equal to I0 Cos 0, represents on the power scale, no-load loss 3 I 0 Cos 0. The balance of the power equal to CE is, therefore, the copper loss. If D divides CE such that CD/DE= R21/ R1 where R21 is the rotor resistance referred to phase, perphase, and R1 is the effective stator resistance per phase, than CD= rotor copper loss at standstill, and the output line, and line AD the torque line. For any operating point P on the circle diagram, the entire performance may be obtained by drawing a perpendicular PT. For this operating condition, Input current Power output Rotor copper loss Stator copper loss Friction, windage and iron losses Power input Torque in synchronous watts Slip = rotor copper loss/ rotor input Power factor = OP = PQ = QR = RS = ST = PT = PR =QR/PR = PT/ OP

Lab In Charge EEE


EEE Department EM-II LAB

Experiment No: 4 Page 4 of 4

III/IV EEE (I Semester)

Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram. 2. Apply full voltage to the motor terminals and the rotor is made to run at no load speed. 3. Note down the readings of voltmeter, Wattmeter and ammeter. 4. Now block the rotor to conduct blocked rotor test. 5. Block rotor by a belt and apply 20 % of full load voltage and is so adjusted such that full load current flows in the stator. 6. Note down the meter readings.

Observation: No Load Test Test

V0 (Volts) I0 (Amp) W0 (Watt) VS (Volts) IS (Amp) WS (Watt)

Blocked Rotor

Model Graph:-

Result: - Circle diagram is plotted from the readings. Lab In Charge EEE HOD,

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