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SPEAKING PROFICIENCY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNER Abstract Speaking ability is an important thing in the process of language learning.

We communicate through our oral expression to gain much more information effectively and efficiently. The teacher should be aware of the students speaking ability because it influences much to other students success in language learning. The ability to speak a foreign language is with no doubt become the mostly highly prized language skill. From the statement above, the researcher is interested in conducting the research about speaking proficiency of English language learner in Bangkalan . Discussion in this work shall only tell us how speaking proficiency of students pronunciation and what factors influence their pronunciation. This additional discussion may be a valuable reference for another researcher in a wider discussion. The research design is descriptive qualitative by experiment method in which the number of the subjects are the students of English Department STKIP PGRI Bangkalan . To collect the data of this research, the researcher used observation, questionnaire and documents. The study shows that the students pronunciation is in average level in which they participate actively and pronounce in conversations in some formal settings on topics of personal interest. Key words: Speaking proficiency, language learner. Name : Chairuddin, S.Pd Institution : STKIP PGRI Bangkalan Madura, English Department Mobile Phone : 085732543344

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