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Worked example

The S t e ~ l Construction

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Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SLS 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (0 1344) 622944


Beam example 2 Laterally restrained Universal Beam Problem

Select a suitable U K B in S275 steel to ,function as a simply supported beam carrying a 140mm thick solid concrete slab together with an imposed load of 7.0 k N / m Z .The beam span is 7.2m and beams are spaced at 3.6 m intervals. The slab may be assumed capable of providing continuous lateral restraint to the beam's top ,flange. Assume a concrete density o,f 2400 kg/m-' and a deflection limit of span/360.
I )


Due to the lateral restraint from the concrete slab, there is no possibility of lateral torsional buckling, so design the beam for: i) ii) Cross-section bending resistance Shear resistance

iii) Dejections

Assume self-weight o,f beam
= 1.0 k N / m

Permanent load (concrete slab) =2400 x9.81 x 0.14 x 10-3 ~ 3 . 6 = 11.9 k N / m Variable imposed loading Design combination at U L S Design ultimate moment Mbd
= 7.0 x 3 6
= (1.35 x l l . 0 +11.9]) = 55.2

= 25.2 k N / m

+ (1.5 ~ 2 5 . 2 =55.2 ) kN/m

= 357.5

x 7.22/8


Design ultimate shear force Vbd= 55.2 x 7.2/2

= 198.6 kN

Initial sizing
Adopting S275 steel and assuming no material is greater than 16mm thick (to be confirmed later), the nominal yield strength f,is 275 N/mmz.


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