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Do you ever think about how is to be an orphan or a child with health problems? Well, the student council from Onisifor Ghibu high school Sibiu had thought and decided to help those who are in this situation. If you want to know more than read this article and youll find out how this students helped some this type of children.

So,before the Easter holiday they decided to make a charity program. Led by Mrs. Paun Elena , the council gathered from each student a certain amount of money and some students also brought clothes and toys for those children. Like I said for a week these students have gathered these things and were sent to those children who had a happy Easter together.

To summarize, the student council had helped those children who needed a helping hand and now they are happy.Somebody said that a person may rightfully be happy if in this life he could do a great favor for orphans, could assist support than, and facilitate fate of people. If you have the opportunity would you help them?

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