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By H. Copella

Chapter One Kate Dalana paced the entrance to the covered bridge. She was in the middle of no where on a deserted back road by herself. She wrenched her fingers together and eyed every shadow. Kate walked closer to the worn path leading to the stream just under the bridge. She drew a deep breath and turned around. A man casually sat on the stone wall just before the bridge. Kate gasped and jumped back a step. What have you done with my friend? Kate demanded to know. He aimed a small dart gun at her and pulled the trigger. She gasped as the dart struck her in the shoulder. She stared at the man and appeared surprised. He slid off of the stone wall but didnt approach. Kate placed her hand to her forehead and appeared disoriented. The man approached her. Everything went dark. Kate woke in an unfamiliar room on a king-sized, hard top, canopy bed. The entire room was decorated in medieval, castle garb. There was a huge, stone fireplace across the room and shields hung on the walls as a form of decoration. Kate looked around an appeared confused. Kate jumped off of the bed, momentarily clutched her head, and ran for the door. She turned the iron latch, but it was locked. She looked around the room and hurried to the large, stained glass window. There were iron bars outside of the glass. She could barely see through the colored glass, but she could see a courtyard ten stories below. She was in the tower of a castle! She heard the latch on the door spring. Kate spun around with fury. The door opened and the man from the bridge entered. Kate pointed a finger at him. I curse you! There was a clash of thunder. There was a flash of light just before him. He covered his eyes and turned his head. Kate breathed heavily as her heart pounded. The man slowly lowered his hands and looked at her. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Where am I? What have you done with my friend? she demanded. Youre in King Quinns castle. You and your friend are his guests for the weekend, he replied. Kate folded her arms across her chest and walked toward him. She tilted her head and glared with an evil look. You dont know who youre dealing with. He chuckled lowly, which appeared to only irritate her more. I have a pretty good idea, he simply replied. Youre a witch, but thats not going to help you here. Kate frowned. Are you a warlock? No, Im Sir Brennan Renshaw, Knight to His Royal Highness. So your king is a warlock. He nodded. She looked over him. Youre protected by one of his spells, I presume. He again nodded. King Quinn would like to see you in his chamber. They entered the master chamber. It was twice the size of her room with the same medieval dcor. A handsome man approached her with a broad smile. Ah, Kate, so glad you could join me, Quinn said in a pleasant tone. He reached for her hand.

She pulled it away. Wheres my friend? I want to see her --now. Shortly, my dear. Id like to discuss business with you first, he said and offered her a seat. She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. Ill make it brief. As you may already know, Im a warlock. What you may not know is, when you were born, we were promised to each other. Kate stared at him with some surprise. What are you talking about? Our fathers decided we would be married when we were old enough. But before your fifth birthday, your mother ran away and took you with her. There arent many full witches in our society today--least not in my age group. Far too many have been marrying mortal men, weakening our people. When I have children, they will be full witch and warlocks. I want you as my bride, Kate. Im considered a fine catch, and youd have everything you want. Youre insane, she snapped. You abduct my best friend th en ask me to marry you? Flowers would have been a better start. Youd never accept me as a warlock. This was the only way, he said. Dont answer me now. Take a couple of days to think about it. Id like for you to get to know me. If you decide at that time were not compatible, you and your friend can leave. Where is she? Kate asked. Brennan, bring Ms. Kenton to the garden, he said then looked at Kate. Brennan left the room. You can spend time with her as well. Ill even show you around the kingdom--your home. Just one word of warning. Dont attempt to remove your friend from my kingdom. Ive placed my own spell over her. She stays until youve given me the requested couple of days to think about my proposal. Kate and Quinn meet with Brennan and Bev in the garden. Bev hugged Kate. Are you okay? Bev asked. Kate nodded. You havent been harmed, have you? Bev glared at Brennan. No, but Ill never trust another man who asks me for the time again. Brennan eyed her but didnt respond. Quinn showed them around the castle and the village. The high walls surrounding the entire kingdom were the boundaries which Bev wasnt allowed to cross. The villagers didnt seem to notice the difference in their clothing. The front sitting room was decorated with the same medieval furnishings as the bedroom chambers had been decorated. Bev and Kate were alone and stood by the window. Both stared out to the medieval kingdom. What is this place, Kate? Can you get us out of here? Bev asked. Kate shook her head. This entire kingdom has a spell around it. Did you notice the villagers? Bev nodded. They should have been suspicious of us. What are we going to do? We have two options. The first option would be to wait the couple of days and hope Quinn is a warlock of his word. The second would be to figure out a way to break his spell. Hes never going to let us go, I know it, Bev said. Im not counting on it either. He wants his way, and hes going to get it any cost, Kate replied. Im almost positive were actually in the thirteenth century. I could see some of the countryside from the tower, and Brennan said hes a knight. With that accent, Im convinced hes telling the truth. How can any of this help us? It just means there isnt any help on the outside, Bev announced. ******************************Page 2**********************************

Kate nervously bit her lower lip. Thats not entirely true. I was told of a witch society back in the thirteenth century. Theyre primitive, but they may be able to help. But I cant leave the kingdom. No, Kate replied. But I can. Cant you go back to our century and get some real help? Bev asked. I could get out, but I doubt that I could ever find my way back. Ive never done anything this elaborate before, Kate informed her. What do you want me to do while youre gone? Should I distract Quinn? Bev asked. No. Quinn could become suspicious if you suddenly showed an interest in his compan y. Keep Brennan distracted. A man from his century cant possibly predict the actions of a woman from our century, Kate informed her. Im sure youll come up with something brilliant. Bev appeared humored and smiled. Kate walked through the dark woods, not certain which way she should go. She could hear wild animals from every direction. Had she been mortal, she would have been terrified. The growling of wolves grew louder. Kate spun nervously and appeared concerned. Perhaps it was even frightening for a young witch. A wolf darted along the trees. Kate spun around. Another moved not far from her. She could hear movement from every direction. Kate remained perfectly still. The growling grew louder. Wolves started approaching her from the woods. Kate gasped and considered her next move. She pointed her finger into the woods. Before she could cast the spell, the wolves turn and ran. A horse could be heard running across the woods. Kate spun around and saw Brennan with a crossbow in his hands. He stopped the horse a few feet before her. What are you doing? he demanded to know. Taking a walk, she replied simply. Im aloud. He leaned forward on the horses neck. Thats why you had your friend distract me? Next time you leave her alone with me, I wont be so kind. You just keep your hands off of her, you medieval bastard! Brennan snorted a laugh and appeared humored. Your threats dont concern me. Im protected, remember? Kate raised a sly brow. Nice horse, Brennan. Does he like cats? Brennan gave her an odd stare. Kate suddenly transformed into a black panther and hissed loudly at the horse. The horse squealed and reared up. Brennan maintained his balance. When the horses front hooves touched the ground, the panther, pounced a foot short of the horses legs. The horse reared and spun in mid air. Brennan toppled off of the horse and landed roughly on the ground. The panther batted at Brennan where he lay on the ground. An invisible force field zapped the black paw. The panther leaped backwards and transformed back into Kate. She frowned and casually leaned against a nearby tree and flexed her sore hand. One day, Brennan, she said as he slowly sat up, that spell will be broken, and Im going to see just what kind of warrior you really are. She pointed her finger to the ground. Have a nice walk home. Snakes suddenly appeared all around him and slithered. Kate vanished. Kate returned to the castle and found Bev in the massive library with two floors of books. Bev was on a ladder on the second level and searched the shelves of books. Whats so interesting? Kate asked. Bev jumped and appeared startled. She looked down to Kate on the level below. Theres an ancient book on witchcraft. Maybe theres some spell that you can use to help us. Bev looked back to the shelf and removed the book. She looked back to Kate and smiled. Express elevator down, please. Kate snapped her fingers. Bev appeared alongside her. She immediately flipped

through the old book and frowned. This reads backwards, Bev said. Youre just not used to witchcraft. Its very wordy. Kate took the book from her and glanced through it. This book is from this century. I dont even understand what its referencing. Did you find the medieval witch society? No, Brennan found me first. We need to find a way to keep him occupied for a few hours, Kate announced. You could send Brennan to the dungeon for a few hours, couldnt you? Maybe give him a little quality time on the stretching rack? Oh, say you will--for me, Bev begged with a sly smile. I cant touch Brennan. Hes protected by Quinns spell, and I cant do anything about it, Kate replied. **********************************Page 3***************************** Chapter Two Quinn stands on the grand balcony overlooking the kingdom. The village below appears very poor and filled with peasants who bustled about. Kate stormed onto the balcony and approached Quinn near the half wall. You know, Quinn, Kate said. This weekend isnt going to be very pleasant if Brennan doesnt quit harassing Bev and me. That wasnt part of our deal. Quinn looked at her and appeared surprised. Brennans been harassing you? In what way? He threatened to do things to Bev if I ever left her alone with him again. I dont know what he exactly meant, but it certainly didnt sound good, Kate remarked. Quinn smiled gently and touched her hand on the wall near his. You know Id do anything to please you. What would you like done? Shall I castrate him? Perhaps have him beheaded? Kate appeared surprised. Youd eliminate him for me? Id do anything for you--providing you accept my proposal, Quinn informed her. Kate appeared nervous then attempted a smile. I have a better idea. Why dont you just remove the spell that protects him. All I want is some respect toward Bev and myself. Quinn snapped his fingers and smiled. The spells removed. Quinn escorted Kate and Bev into the courtyard and showed them to the seats that overlooked the arena. Quinn took the seat between them and appeared pleased. Ive arranged a special show in your honor, my dear, Quinn said. Two mounted knights in full armor rode into the courtyard and demonstrated their skills on targets with spears and swords. Both women appeared intrigued by the skill displayed. Both knights collected their jousting poles and prepared for the jousting tournament. Kate and Bev appeared tense. They cant get hurt, can they? Bev asked Quinn. Quinn chuckled lowly. One will be victorious--and one will die. Both women stared at Quinn. He didnt look at them. Kate stared at the gleam in his eyes. She looked at Bev with some concern. The two knights raced toward one another with their poles leveled and shields raised. There was a loud thud as one pole struck the metal shield. Neither knight fell from his horse. This is barbaric, Kate scoffed. This is the medieval times, Kate, Quinn remarked with a chuckle. Its their way. I didnt make up the rules.

No, youre just the one making them fight, Kate remarked lowly. On the second pass, the black knight struck the shield of the green knight. Neither fell off. On a third pass, the knight in black was knocked from his horse. The green knight tossed his jousting pole aside and removed his sword. The knight in black moved to his feet and pulled his sword from his standing position on the ground. This is where the fun really begins, Quinn announced with anticipation. The green knight charged on his horse for the black knight on the ground. Both men swung their swords. The black knight knocked the green knight from his horse. Both men clashed swords at one another from their positions on the ground. The black knight struck down the green knight. The green knight lie dead. The black knight removed his helmet to reveal Brennan. Brennan faced the balcony, lowered himself to one knee, placed the tip of his sword to the ground, and bowed his head to Quinn. Quinn rose to his feet and clapped with a throaty laugh. Well done, Brennan! Kate and Bev stared at the scene with horror. Both appeared sickened. Quinn looked at both women and laughed. Oh, cheer up. The other knight wasnt even real. Both women looked to Quinn with some surprise. He was fighting one of your spells? Kate asked. Quinn chuckled and nodded. But dont tell him that. He wouldnt give it his best if he knew. I like to keep Brennan on his toes. Servants should be kept happy and busy. Next week, Im sending him out to battle an imaginary army. A little controlling, are we? Bev scoffed. Quinn looked at her and appeared surprised. A smirk crossed his face. Brennan owes me his life, Quinn remarked. By all rights, he should be dead. I provide him with everything he wants and needs. Hes challenged, rewarded, and sometimes punished, but hes completely safe in my world. Sounds confining, Bev replied. He doesnt see it that way, I assure you, Quinn informed her. Kate studied Quinn a long moment and sank into thought. As long as Quinn had Bev, he would be able to control Kate forever. It was early morning before sunup. Kate hurried along the dimly lit path in the creepy, old woods. Finding witch society seemed almost impossible. Kate appeared mildly defeated but remained determined. She looked around the dark woods and frowned. Im never going to find witch society, Kate muttered softly. And Ill be forced to marry Quinn for Bevs sake. The sound of faint music and cackling could be heard in the near distance. Kate stopped a moment, listened, and looked around. She hurried along the path. A glowing light could be seen in a clearing. She followed the dim light of the fire into the clearing. Several witches danced around the fire to strange, medieval music while other stirred something in a large caldron. The substance within the caldron suddenly erupted into a large mushroom cloud within the clearing. Kate remained by a tree and stared at the sight. A witch suddenly spotted her and pointed a decrepit finger in her direction. Intruder! the witch cried out. All of the witches suddenly turned into wolves and ran for her. Kate appeared alarmed as they approached while snarling and growling. Kate suddenly transformed into a sixteen-foot tall dragon with a ten-foot long tail. Large wings expanded fifty feet from her dragon body. She let out a loud, dragon roar and spat fire at the ground before the approaching wolves. All twenty wolves abruptly stopped and yelped. The wolves transformed back into the old witches. They stared at the dragon and looked shocked. Kate transformed back into her human form and smiled deviously. One witch slowly approached her. My dear, she said in a crackling voice. Are you

one of us? Its been so long since weve seen one so young. All of the young witches went to France, so weve been told, another said. Im not from here. As a matter of fact, Im not from this century. A warlock is holding my friend prisoner. He has a spell over her, and if I dont marry him, shell never be released. Quinn, the first witch announced with a frown. Weve seen his witchcraft. Hes evil. He conquered that castle nearly a year ago with his powers. *******************************Page 4************************************ You mean that castle and village are real? Kate asked. Yes, the second witch announced. He had his beasts murder everyone. He cursed this entire land, messing the natural order. Witches are not to control the mortal world as he does, the first witch said. Sadly, he had the help of his sister. A witch can do no good when she listens to a warlock. His sister? Kate asked. I dont think Ive met her. She wont come around, the first witch replied. Im Emerald. Im Kate. I believe my ancestor from this century would be Rachael, she told them. The witches cackled excitedly. A witch in her late sixties stepped forward and appeared stunned. Im Rachael, she announced then smiled. Youre my blood relation? Oh, my child! She took Kate into her arms and hugged her. The witches continued to cackle excitedly and pulled Kate toward their caldron. Come, my dear, Emerald announced. Well initiate you into our society. Kate appeared apprehensive. What do I have to do? Kate asked as they pull ed her along. Drink brew, Rachael said with a giddy laugh. Tonight, we all drink brew! Emerald cried out. The witches cackled excitedly. Kate eyed them and muttered, I think youve already had enough. Kate giggled and staggered along the path in the woods now brightened by the light of dawn. She danced and sang a lively witch tune about black cats and toads. She appeared to laugh at her own unsteadiness. A horse was heard snorting. Kate turned on the path and stared at Brennan upon his black horse. She stopped abruptly and nearly fell over. A wicked smile crossed her drunken face. Oh, its you, she said and giggled. Brennan eyed her and frowned. Are you drunk? Nah, she replied and waved her hand. Brennan shook his head and dismounted the horse. He indicated the horse. Come on, get on. Kate leaned against a nearby tree and smiled deviously in her drunken condition. You take your job entirely too serious, you know that? Its not my job, its my life, he replied simply. She laughed softly. You have some good intentions, Brennan, and Id never question your loyalty, but youre being played for a fool. Yes--by a witch with an attitude, he remarked. Now will you get on the horse. Im really not in the mood. You do look tired. Probably because Ive been up half the night looking for you, he announced sternly. Youre a witch hater, arent you? Kate remarked. I was betrayed by a witch. She would have killed me if King Quinn hadnt come along when he did, Brennan said. He was too late to save the rest of the kingdom from being slaughtered by the enemy.

The enemy? The enemy is closer than you think, Kate said with a soft snort. She tilted her head and smiled warmly. I had an interesting conversation with your king yesterday. Hes prepared to castrate or behead you, whichever I choose, if I agree to marry him. Brennan stared at her but didnt respond. He didnt appear to believe her. Its true, Brennan. In fact, I can prove it, Kate informed him. Really? he scoffed lowly. Kate straightened and walked slowly toward him. She paused a foot away, placed a hand on his shoulder, and looked into his eyes with a wicked smile. He suddenly appeared concerned. Quinn left you defenseless against me as a gesture of good faith, Kate announced. She laughed softly and sank against him for support and placed both arms around his neck. Do I frighten you, Brennan? His eyes swept over her then met her gaze. Kindly remove your hands from me, Brennan announced firmly. Kate laughed softly and ran her hand gently across his face. Be nice, Brennan. Youre at my mercy, remember? Kate remarked. Im not an evil person. The king would never sentence me to death--nor would he harm me for your pleasure. Im a valuable knight. Ive proven myself hundreds of times, Brennan said coldly. And theres no such thing as a good witch. Theyre all evil. Were going back --now. I guess Ive had too much to drink. Im tempted to put a spell on you--just for kicks. Maybe a little love spell, Kate announced softly and seductively. Kate again clung to him. Brennan held her back. His look remained cold and harsh. And it would be so easy to do, she cooed. I just need to say the right words --like, love thee witch, love thee true--my love spell, I place on you. Brennan appeared horrified and attempted to hold her back. Stop that! Itll be both of our heads! Too late, she said softly and gently moved against him. Youre under my spell. You cant resist my charm--so dont bother trying. Brennan searched her eyes with a look of concern. King Quinn will be told, he remarked softly. His eyes strayed to her mouth. Kate smiled warmly and appeared pleased. Admit it, for a witch, Im not half bad. Brennan groaned softly, lowered his mouth to hers, and kissed her passionately. Kate gasped with surprise then returned the passionate kiss. What the hell-- came an explosive male voice. Brennan and Kate pulled apart and quickly spun to face Quinn, who stood on the path in the woods. I cant believe youd even considering kissing her, Quinn exploded. Shes a witch! Shes also my witch! Brennan appeared alarmed and lowered his head. I -I have no excuse, Sir. Kate held her head a moment and appeared slightly dazed. She looked to Quinn and slowly stepped forward. Its not his fault, she remarked. I put a love spell on him. He couldnt control his actions. I was just trying to get him into trouble. Quinns eyes narrowed. Witches dont cast love spells. He glared at Brennan. They only have love potions. Youve been had, Brennan. And for your disloyalty, youll be severely punished. Brennan appeared ashamed. You cant punish him. Im telling you, it wasnt his fa ult. I tricked him. If you want to be angry, be angry with me, and Ill put you in your place! Kate announced. Quinn stared at her and appeared surprised. You seem to have found a new fondness for Brennan. If you want him, hes yours. Quinn point ed a finger at Brennan. He suddenly changed into a black cat. Quinn glared at her in anger. And Im taking your friend. No! Kate cried out.

Quinn disappeared. Kate appeared alarmed. She looked to the black cat by her feet. She grabbed the black cat and vanished. *************************************Page 5******************************** Chapter Three Kate appeared in Bevs chamber with the black cat in her arms. Bev casually laid on the bed and the old spell book lie open in front of her. She saw Kate and quickly jumped off of the bed. Kate, where have you been? Bev asked. Its not important, Kate remarked. Bev looked to the cat in Kate held. Whos the cat? Brennan, Kate replied. Quinns coming after you. I only have one chance to save you. You have to stay in this room. Promise me you wont leave this room --no matter what. Bev stared at Kate with a concerned look and nodded. I promise. What are you going to do? I cant place a spell around you, since Quinn alrea dy has one. But I can place a spell around the room and keep Quinn out. If you leave this room, youll be unprotected. Nothing can harm you--not even if the castle is burning. Do you understand? Bev nodded. Kate waved her free hand around the room t hen looked back to Bev. Stay here. Im going for help. Help from where? Bev asked. Kate and the cat suddenly vanished. Yeah, okay, see you later. The old witches stand around their caldron in the bright woods. They appear hung over and remain silent. Rachael unenthusiastically stirs the caldron. Emerald peered into the caldron. Hows it coming? Emerald asked. Rachael continues to stir. Its almost done, she replied then lifted the stirrer to reveal a pair of bloomers. Well do dark clothing next. Kate suddenly appeared near the caldron with the black cat in her arms. The old witches looked to her and smiled. Kates back, Emerald announced. Im in trouble, Kate announced. I need this cat changed back into his mortal form. If Quinn gets his hands on him, hes as good as dead. My friend is protected by a spell, but I dont know for how long. She cant survive in that small room forever. What you need is a way to destroy Quinn, Emerald informed her. Ive never killed anyone, Kate said firmly. Its not our way--at least not in my century. Maybe you wont have to, Emerald informed her. We discussed your situation last night after youd gone. We collected all the ingredients to make a batch of special brew. What sort of special brew? Kate asked. Itll stunt the powers of all witches and warlocks for miles. The effects will be short term, but itll break Quinns spell on both of your friends. Unfortunately, it wont prevent him from physically harming you if he gets close enough. Once his spell is broken, youll have to find a safe place to hide until the effects of the brew wear off. When your powers return, youll have to place a protective spell around you and your friends. Once your powers return, so will his. Only your protective spell can save you. Youll then be able to transport you and your friends back home. Kate nods. Okay, lets do it. How long do you think it will take to make the special brew?

Itll take awhile to mix and boil the batch, Emerald replied. And add ten minutes to finish our bloomers, Rachael announced. Kate paced the bedroom chamber while Bev remained sitting on the bed, chewing her fingernails. Both watched the black cat pace the window ledge. You cant stay in there forever, Quinn announced through the closed door. This is wrong, Kate. We can work this out. No one needs to get hurt. I can forgive you for throwing yourself at Brennan. Bev glared at Kate and appeared surprised. You threw yourself at Brennan? Too much witchs brew, Kate muttered. The black cat looked back at Kate and growled. Listen, Quinn, Kate remarked loudly to the door. As long as you have Bev prisoner here, there could never be any peace between us. Youll always use her as a weapon against me. I was angry, he said. I wasnt actually going to harm her. We need each other. Cant you see that? Whats taking them so long? Bev asked softly. It takes awhile to boil brew--and its laundry day, Kate remarked. Bev eyed Kate with a puzzled look. She then indicated the black cat. What about him? I suspect Quinn will take him back, Kate remarked. Quinn needs someone to do his dirty work. But isnt having him in here with us dangerous? Once the spells broken, hes liable to take us prisoner again, Bev stated. I couldnt just leave him on his own like that, Kate said. Quinn might kill him. The black cat stared out the window and growled lowly. Bev and Kate hurried to the window and looked outside. A strange fog rolled toward the castle. Okay, Im scared, Bev announced. Once the spells broken, how do we get past Quinn? Kate turned away from the window and pointed to the bedroom door. Out that door and straight through Quinn. Are you insane? Bev gasped. Kate removed two swords from the corner of the room. Hell be just another mortal man once the spell is broken. Itll be the two of us against him. The black cat pushed against the bedroom window. The window suddenly opened and the cat jumped onto the ledge. Kate and Bev looked toward the window and hurried for it. Kate looked outside. The cat ran along the ledge and jumped down two stories to the next ledge. Kate slammed her palm to the window frame. Damn it, she snapped and looked at Bev. If hes as loyal to Quinn as I fear he is, hell be outside that door fighting alongside Quinn. Bev grabbed on of the swords. Then wed better move quick, because Im not going up against Brennan in a fair fight. The fog rolled into the chamber. Both women coughed and waved their hands before their faces. What an aroma, Bev gasped. Kate attempted to cast a spell then looked to Bev. My powers are gone. We have to hurry. Both women ran across the room thick with fog to the chamber door and coughed. Kate threw open the door and both raised their swords in defense. Quinn could be seen running down the corridor coughing and gagging. If he realizes his powers are gone, he knows hell have to arm himself, Kate an nounced.

********************************Page 6*********************** Kate and Bev hurried across the courtyard with their swords firmly in their hands. The sound of running horses could be heard. Both stopped and looked around. Brennan rode toward them on his black horse. He led two saddled horses behind him and stopped near them. I know someplace safe, Brennan informed them. Bev and Kate looked at one another a brief moment then quickly mounted the horses. As they rode past the village, only piles of rubble remained of the village homes. There was no sign of life. Bev looked around as they rode past. Where is everyone? Bev cried out as they galloped through the abandoned village. They were never there, Kate called back. It was all an elaborate spell. Brennan slowed his horse in a clearing just on the other side of the woods. Kate and Bev slowed their horses as well. I dont think he followed us, Brennan remarked. They crossed the field and entered the forest on the other side. Hes not so brave without his powers, is he? Bev remarked and looked around the woods. Hes not taking any chances, thats for sure, Kate said. When he discovers his powers have returned, hell be close behind. Bev gingerly rubs her sore buttocks as she stood in the saddle. Maybe hell just give up. He has to know youll put a spell around us and prevent him from ever touching any of us again. Dont count on it, Brennan remarked from his position in the lead. He went to great lengths for what he wanted. Men like that dont give up. They entered a small clearing in the woods and approached a small home and an old barn. You can hide here, Brennan informed them. Who lives here? Kate asked. No one, Brennan replied. This used to be my family home. Theyve been gone for years. All three dismounted their horses. Brennan took the horses from them. Ill hide the horses in the barn. You can wait inside. Bev watched him lead the horses to the barn. Can we really trust him? Kate sighed. We have little choice. If he was going to turn on us, he would have done it back at the castle. Kate woke in the small, sturdy bed at dawns first light. She looked to the bed alongside her. Bev slept peacefully. Kate sat up and looked around the room, ran her fingers through her hair, then stretched her sore back. Brennan was not in the cabin. Kate made a motion with her hand. Nothing happened. She frowned and got out of bed. Kate walked out of the cabin and looked to Brennan, who sat on an old block of wood near the door with his back against the wall. He glanced at Kate then looked back to the woods. Sleep well? Brennan asked. Far from it, Kate replied and chuckled. Did you sleep at all? Brennan shook his head. I didnt see the point. I betrayed Quinn. Im going to die for my sins, he replied. I may as well enjoy what time I have left. Im sorry, Brennan, Kate said softly. Brennan looked back at her. For what?

Tricking you with that fake spell, she remarked. I know we didnt get off on the right foot, but I never meant to put you in any danger. Its my fault you were forced to betray Quinn. Brennan stared at her a long moment in silence. A tiny smile crossed his face. It wasnt your love spell that made me betray Quinn. I followed you for weeks before he had me abduct your friend. The temptation even then was very strong. Part of Quinns spell was to prevent me from touching you. I think he knew the desire was strong. Kate appeared surprised. You betrayed your king because you wanted me? In spite of my feelings toward witches, he remarked and smirked. I think Quinn set you up, Brennan. He needed a brave, loyal knight on his side when he destroyed the castle, and the only way he could do it was to trick you into thinking it was the work of a witch. The ladies of witch society told me he was the one who destroyed the kingdom. Brennan stared at her and appeared bewildered. No, I saw a witch. She was the one who destroyed everyone. She tried to kill me as well. That was probably Quinns sister Id heard about, Kate informed him. Sister? Brennan sank into thought then appeared angered. He looked at Kate. So he killed my king? Or he had his sister do it, Kate replied. How long until his powers return? Brennan asked with a cold expression. Not long enough for you to return to the castle, Kate informed him. If you go back there now, hell destroy you. Stay here with us. I can put a spell around you and protect you. Revenge isnt the solution. Once you and your friend return to your world, Ill be on my own, Brennan announced. Kate moved closer to him and ran her hand down his arm. You can come back with us. Ill help you adjust to your new world. You dont understand, I have to avenge my king. Its my sworn duty as a knight, Brennan informed her. Getting yourself killed isnt going to bring him back, Kate informed him. You dont understand, my honor is at stake, Brennan remarked. No, your life is at stake, Kate snapped. Its a foolish crusade and the end result will be the same. You cant beat him. Brennan moved closer to her and gently touched her face. I must go, he said softly. Brennan kissed her quickly on the lips. Goodbye, Kate. Brennan walked past her and hurried for his tied horse. Kate frowned and watched Brennan ride away from the cabin and out of sight. Damn - Kate turned toward the cabin, hesitated, then looked at her hand. She waved her hand. The door opened before her. She cursed softly and hurried into the cabin. Bev! ***********************Page 7*************************** Chapter Four Bev and Kate hurried from the cabin. Quinn suddenly appeared before then with a disgusted look on his face. Both women jumped with surprise. Pulled it off, didnt you? Quinn announced. You placed your own spell around both of you. Thats right, Kate remarked. And Ill keep that spell around her until her dying day, if I have to. Youre more trouble than youre worth, Quinn remarked. Ill just have to find some other witch to have my children. It would have been nice to have a young, attractive witch by my side, but I suppose any will do in the long run. Quinn smirked. In the meanti me, I have a

knight to execute. Brennan will be drawn and quartered at dusk. Come and watch, if youd like. But theres nothing you can do to prevent it. Quinn disappeared. Hes baiting you, Bev announced. He wants you to follow him. Kate frowned. I cant let him kill Brennan. I have to do something. Bev grabbed Kates arm and glared at her. You cant save him, Kate. Hes too powerful for you. Let it go. If only Brennan had a chance at a fair fight, Kate remarked softly. Kate hesita ted then looked at Bev. Im sending you home. Youll be safe. I think I know what I can do. Kate, Bev growled lowly. Kate waved her hand. Bev vanished. Kate walked across the courtyard as the sun set. Brennan stood on a platform before the chopping block with his wrists tied behind his back. A hooded executioner with an axe stood alongside him. Quinn sat on the balcony overlooking the courtyard. A woman in her mid thirties dressed in the clothing of the century sat alongside him. Quinn chuckled lowly and watched Kate as she approached. I knew youd be back, Quinn announced. Id given this a lot of thought, Kate said loudly from the center of the courtyard. Hear me out. Quinn smirked and nodded. All Im asking if for Brennan to have a fighting chance. No witchcraft. Just him against you in a fair fight, Kate remarked. Obviously Brennan is a skilled warrior, so for the sake of fairness, you could choose any animal form to fight against him. Quinn chuckled lowly. And why would I want to do that? Because Ill marry the winner, Kate remarked boldly. Silence. Quinn stared at Kate a long moment then leaned back in his chair. So all I have to do is kill Brennan without witchcraft, and I can choose any animal form to do i t? Kate nodded. But you have to keep your promise of no witchcraft, or I wont keep my promise. You have my word as a warlock, Quinn announced. The ropes, executioner, and platform all disappeared. Brennan appeared in the center of the courtyard with a sword in his hand. Kate approached Brennan. Quinn spoke softly to the woman on the balcony alongside him. Brennan glared at the balcony then looked to Kate. I appreciate the honor to die fighting, he announced. But you shouldnt have made that promise to Quinn. I cant win. Why not? Thats Quinns sister alongside him. Thats the woman who nearly killed me. You were right about everything. He may keep his word, but shes going to interfere, Brennan remarked. You leave the bitch to me. I have a few surprises of my own, Kate informed him. Hes going to change into a dragon. Hell come after you with his tail and his fire breath. Hell be big and impressive, but hell have little agility. Go for the underbelly. Im counting on you to keep your promise and kill Quinn. Brennan stared into her eyes and gently placed his free left arm around her waist. Will you keep your promise? My promise? Kate asked. To marry the winner, he said softly. Kate smiled with some embarrassment. Ill gladly uphold my end of the bargain for you. She kissed him quickly then pulled away. Brennan grinned, flipped the sword in his hand, and caught it. Keep an eye on the witch. I have a dragon to slay. Kate disappeared and reappeared on the balcony alongside Quinns sister. Quinn

leaped over the balcony and immediately changed into a dragon as anticipated. He immediately breathed fire at Brennan. Brennan leaped out of the way. The huge tail whipped for Brennan. He dove over the tail, rolled across the ground, and sprang back to his feet and faced the dragon. Kate leaned closer to Quinns sister. Interfere with their fight, Kate remarked lowly, and Ill rip you to shreds. Quinns sister chuckled lowly. I dont have to lift a finger. The mortal doesnt stand a chance. Brennan dodged the tail again. The dragon snapped at Brennan and attempted to bite him in half. Brennan slashed his sword across Quinns nose. Quinn coiled back with a squeal. Brennan ran underneath the dragons belly and rammed his sword upward. There was a loud squeal. Brennan pulled his sword back. Quinn continued to squeal and turned his huge, dragon head toward the balcony. Lynette, help me! he cried out. His sister jumped form her seat and cast a spell toward the dragon. The wound to Quinns belly healed. He lunged for Brennan. Kate pointed a finger at Lynette. A bolt of lightning struck her. Lynette flew backwards but recovered almost immediately and transformed into a large, forty-foot snake. Kate gasped and jumped over the balcony, transformed into a panther, and landed on her feet. Lynette changed into a lioness and pounced over the railing and landed on Kates back. The two cats bit and clawed at one another. Kate lunged for Lynettes throat and held onto her throat with her teeth. The lioness scratched at the panther with sharp claws but the panther didnt let go. Blood ran from the throat wound. Lynette squealed, changed into a hawk, and flew away. The panther changed back into Kate. Brennan impaled his sword into the dragons side. The dragon squealed and changed back into Quinn. Quinn sneered, raised his hand, and a fireball flew from his hand. The fireball struck Brennan and he was thrown back several feet. Brennan landed with a thud and a groan. Quinn turned to face Kate. This foolishness ends now, Quinn growled. You dont have to marry me to have my children. You dont even need to be free! Youll remain my prisoner forever! He coiled his hand back and cast a bolt of lightning at her. **************************************Page 8***************************** Kate attempted to block the lightning but was thrown back several feet and landed roughly on her back. Kate groaned lowly and slowly moved to her knees. You cant beat me. Your powers arent strong enough, Quinn shouted. Kate slowly pulled herself to her feet and appeared weak. I may not be powerful enough on my own, Kate informed him and glared. But Im union. There was a loud, thunderous round of cackles from above. Quinn appeared puzzled and looked to the sky. Twenty witches on broomsticks circled the courtyard from above. What the-- Lightning bolts struck the ground around him. The cackling grew louder and they swooped closer to the ground. Quinn stood his ground and chuckled. Theyre a bunch of old biddies with worn out spells, Quinn remarked. He pitched a fireball into the sky and vaporized one of the broomsticks. An old witch fell to the ground, transformed into a cat, and landed on her feet. Theyre not a threat. A loud falcon cry could be heard. Quinn again looked to the sky. Forty falcons flew overhead. Each one cried out loudly. The sound was deafening. What is this? Quinn demanded to know. Witch society, Kate replied simply. Our French branch. Quinn sneered. You may have your freedom, Kate, but Brennan is still my prisoner, and I sentence him to death! Quinn spun in the direction he had cast Brennan. Brennan was gone.

Quinn turned back toward Kate. Brennan stood before him. Looking for me? Brennan asked sternly then thrust his sword into Quinns body. Quinn gasped. Brennan pulled his sword free. Quinn sank to the ground. Kate ran to Brennan. He cast his sword aside and pulled her into his arms. They hugged happily. The witches on broomsticks could be heard cackling loudly across the courtyard from above. One cackling witch cried out, Were going to need a lot more brew! ***End***

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